Nasal horoscope and marriage

Nasal horoscope and marriage

Astrology allows you to predict many events.
in life, proceeding only from the moments of interaction of planets passing
over the firmament at the time of the birth of a person and at other significant for
his days
Frequently asked questions by people
Astrology refers to love relationships, family ties, and marriage.

Indeed, with the help of astrological forecast and
making a natal chart, the astrologer will help you to find out how soon
the questioner will meet his fate, how durable will they be
relationship, will they lead to a marriage and will he
lucky and happy for them.

There are so-called indicators in the natal chart of a person, with
the help of which you can determine the prospects for family life
potential or already held spouses. For men important
will be the location of the Moon and Venus, for women – the Sun and Mars. AT
the case of men, these female planets are shown in the natal chart
тот типаж женщин, который предпочитает мужчина, потому как ATенера —
this is a man’s understanding of the sexual ideal of a woman, and the moon is
pattern of care, love and comfort.

Nasal horoscope and marriage

ATажным показателем брака и его развития является VII дом
and his lord.
VII house is considered the home of relationships
therefore, it is important to pay attention to the ruler of this house (the planet,
which controls the sign where the descendant point is).
It is necessary to find out exactly which planets are in the VII house and
the nature of their relationships.

Marriage relations are best told in
nasal map of the moon.
About striving for marriage and creating
a full-fledged family speaks strong, harmonious aspects of the moon, and
namely 60 degrees – sextile, 120 degrees – trine. Besides,
усиливает эти проявления соединение Луны с ATенерой либо планетой,
which is the ruler in the seventh house. With this connection
The moon in this case should not be hit by other planets.
A harmonious moon characterizes a person’s economic, family and
caring, oriented, serious, long-term relationship
and marriage.

ATенера — планета романтиков и любовников.
ATенера, находящаяся в экзальтации и положительном аспекте указывает
allegiance and sentimentality of human nature, which, besides
other things, seeking a strong relationship built on love and

Planet Ruler VII of the house tells about luck
заключенного брака
, причем управитель должен быть
harmoniously located relative to other indicators and
positively aspected. Usually compliance with these parameters
speaks of a happy marriage and strong affection

If the moon is located in Scorpio, it can talk about
emotional problems in a pair.

ATенера в VII доме предсказывает счастье в браке с
worthy person.

Jupiter in house VII speaks about security
, однако также предостерегает от неразборчивости в
people, gullibility and naivety of its owner. As well as,
By the way, Jupiter, the Moon in the female horoscope (and the Sun in the male) can
point to multiple marriages during life. However, these planets in
such a situation is not always talk about the conclusion of an official marriage,
it may happen that a woman receives an offer, and a man
strive for the conclusion of the engagement.

Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces in which are located
Луна или ATенера
, тоже говорят о многобрачии, тайных
connections, strong affection on the side. Finding Mercury, and
also Chiron in the VII house similarly predict a similar situation.
The moon, located in captivity or in the fall, if available
adverse aspects with other planets, means the absence
family benchmark or even the rejection of its creation.

In an unfavorable scenario, the family life of such
person will be for him in the burden, so he can
refuse to enter into marriage.

The most negative aspects are aspects of Saturn, Uranus and
Pluto for the Moon: Saturn’s opposition is found among those who
shows emotional coldness and stingy on the expression of feelings.
Pluto in this case speaks of despotism, pressure on the partner,
emotional abuse. And Uranus to the Moon at a disadvantage
talking about the temper and shaky emotional background of a person
it is complex in nature, with which not everyone will be able to get along.

ATенера, находящаяся в слабом положении, присутствует у
unromantic people.
The stress positions of the rest
планет по отношению к ATенере указывают на непостоянство либо
inability to express your emotions correctly. Уран с ATенерой в
opposition, quadrature and other tense aspects characterize
a person who confuses passion and true feelings in negative
Circumstances indicates numerous betrayals and emotional
infidelity of such a partner.

Плутон с ATенерой говорят о ревности, чувстве
, желании присвоить себе партнера, как
thing and no one to share, propensity for despotic
manifestations. Сатурн в напряженных отношениях с ATенерой
characterizes a person who carefully hides his feelings from
partner, as well as the inability to let go and stop
be guided solely by reason, holding their feelings under
control. Besides, Сатурн в таком положении может указывать на
big difference in age between partners, as well as stinginess,
greed and emotional cold from a partner.

Finding Mars in House VII in the presence of negative
аспектов с другими планетами
— неблагоприятный признак. is he
talks about the partner’s conflict, his inability to compromise and
temperament choleric.

AT гороскопе женщины напряженный Плутон в VII доме прогнозирует
strained family relationships, frequent conflicts, manifestation
emotional or even physical abuse. Neptune in the same house
means uncertainty in the relationship, the unpredictability of their development. is he
may also indicate possible infidelity of the partner, addiction
to addictions and deceptions.

However, the horoscope is not always true in
last resort. This is just what can happen if a person
does not realize his mistakes and will not begin to correct them, changing his
identity and own cardinal fate
in a way.

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