Motley monotony – provincial hairstylesladies

Пт, 27 фев 2015 Автор: Екатерина

Вы замечали, что ladiesы, достигая определенного возраста: «чуть
more than thirty “, begin to rapidly cut hair and do
kare, beans and other various hedgehogs? (no, I’m not speaking at all
against short haircuts, sometimes I even like them) Noticed?
Stylish and bold – you say? OK. Welcome to the
provincial towns. Let’s see how it is with

It is winter and hairstyles are safely hidden under a thick layer of knitted
fabrics and furs, but with the first warm rays of the March sun,
Blackheads of all ages will begin to show off their bright,
various hairstyles. It remains to wait quite a bit. Spring –
This is, of course, great – you say, but where is the province here? Here is
it is she who is needed here. The woman in the city is more committed to
personality, to your own style in the hair, more carefully
monitors the health of their hair and spends more on themselves
of money.

В провинции же, ladiesы бальзаковского возраста похожи: как внешне,
and probably internally. They buy similar clothes, shoes, from
they are approximately equal in weight, they even apply makeup identically.
And, therefore, hairdressers are asked to mow and dye so
not to stand out from the total mass of girlfriends. And everyone wants a haircut
покороче — ladiesы убеждены в омолаживающем эффекте чудо-стрижки, а
prefer to be painted as brightly as possible.

Provincial hairdressers are not overloaded with interesting work:
shaved whiskey, for example, dreadlocks, in the province will look like
least defiant. Но ladiesы, стремящиеся несколько раз в сезон
to update a hairdress, indisputably bring a variety to their gray everyday life.
A trip to the hairdresser is already a special kind of hobby, passion, ritual,
forcing women to invent new and vibrant colors for
their long-suffering hair. The form usually remains
unchanged – only the color content changes.

Иногда мне кажется, что ladiesы с подобными прическами похожи на
colorful chickens who run freely along provincial streets.
So many varieties in them, bright “feathers”: highlighting,
coloring, toning … how is it all called? Here is кто
brings juiciness to the gray provincial spring: someone is black and white,
someone is yellow-red-brown, someone is red-purple, someone
purple-blue, why is there no green-green yet? Why??? So would
well cheered passersby. Gentlemen hairdressers about this
urgent need to think! … So, I moved away from the topic.

Why same provincial, sorry, aunty, reaching milestone
a certain age, make themselves Ryaba? Do they have a special fashion?
Shorter and brighter means more attractive? (Oh, yes! I’m talking about the bouffant
I forgot!) No, no, no pile is impossible. Bright feathers haircuts
commitments must be raised strong and lavishly watered
varnish: a la Cruella. When I see these hairstyles, I think – these
women ever brush their hair, or live with
eternal? … Something again bears me …

The popularity of such hairstyles among provincials due to
several reasons. First, most women’s hair, even with
Soviet times, burned on the basis of peroxide paints. Secondly,
leave at 40-50 years long, or long hair – it is somehow not
solid: “That you walk disheveled, like a girl – ugh, look
disgusting! Thirdly, women became too lazy to care for their
hair A lazy, because in the province is always a lot of cases, and
in whatever field of activity the woman worked, time for herself
constantly missing. The correction of the hairstyle also takes time.
It is the third reason that becomes the starting point of the trip to
hairdresser from the need turns into a holiday – women
break out of their routine and fall into a fairy tale. Barber in her
given the role of fairy godmother, and the resulting colorful hairstyle
– A valuable gift that makes life brighter. And does not require for themselves
special care

Add a few more words about the effect of rejuvenation, which, as
предполагают ladiesы, придает короткая стрижка. I mentioned above that
many provincial women are similar in their weight. Predominantly
unnecessary. Let me say that getting rid of unnecessary
kilograms so 20 takes more years than stylish, short,
alyapisty haircut. And by the way, about slender women who
make yourself something short and dark – this immediately adds
age (repeatedly confirmed observation). But, for example,
square shoulders, makes a woman younger and more stylish.

Милые ladiesы! Do not be afraid to show your age – be afraid
dissolve your personality in the crowd of girlfriends.

P.S.: Однажды я встретила пожилую ladiesу, иностранку, с
loose long, gray hair, the front strands of which
were pinned up on the back of my head. That’s very beautiful. Even

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