Mononucleosis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis,treatment

Sun, 03 Apr 2016

Мононуклеоз (мононитарная ангина или железистая
fever) – a disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus.
Mononucleosis is characterized by an increase in the number of white blood
cells in the body.

Most people of mature age are present in the blood.
antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus, that is, most people were
are infected at an early age and have developed immunity to
mononucleosis. That is why the disease manifests itself in
age group 15–17 years old, however it can also develop
children. The earlier mononucleosis develops, the more severe
the course is followed.

It is important to note that mononucleosis is often confused with diseases.
similar symptoms. At the slightest suspicion is necessary to hold
studies that will help establish an accurate diagnosis.


Mononucleosis – causes

The cause of the development and development of mononucleosis – infection
Epstein-Barr virus.

The disease spreads through mucus from the nose and throat, saliva,
tears. In addition, the virus can be transmitted by kissing, hence
mononucleosis nickname – “disease kissing.” If you know that
sick, do not transfer personal items: dental
brushes, cutlery and more.

After a person has had mononucleosis, the symptoms
diseases never return, but the virus still remains
in the body and can be activated periodically. When it is active,
the virus can be transmitted to other people.

Mononucleosis – symptoms

The most common symptoms of mononucleosis is high
body temperature, tonsils, severe sore throat,
swollen lymph nodes, general fatigue, weakness and aches
in body. The symptomatology of a mononucleosis begins to be shown after
incubation period, i.e. 4-6 weeks after
virus infection by the pathogen.

Another prominent symptom of the disease is an enlarged spleen.
Sometimes the tissues of the spleen can be torn, this can
to indicate pain in the upper left abdomen. In that case,
If this happens, urgent medical care is required.
and immediate hospitalization.

Mononucleosis – diagnosis

During the initial examination, the doctor identifies the main symptoms.
diseases and carries out a general inspection. If you suspect
mononucleosis, the patient must pass a blood test to detect
signs of disease (the so-called monospot test), as well as for
detection of Epstein-Barr virus. Blood test excludes
other diseases that can cause similar to mononucleosis
the symptoms.

Mononucleosis – methods of treatment and prevention

Specific therapy for mononucleosis has not been developed. For treatment
mild and moderate forms of the disease require cold, hunger and
stay patient at rest.

1. Bed rest is required to take a break from work either
study and reduce the manifestation of mononucleosis. Need to rinse
throat with salt water or use special remedies for pain in
throat. Take ibuprofen, acetaminophen to reduce
temperature, relieve headache and sore throat. Should
limit physical exertion. Especially dangerous is elevation by the sick.
weights. In addition, the tension of the abdominal muscles or a blow to the stomach
may cause spleen tissue rupture.

In case of severe disease it is recommended to take
corticosteroids that help reduce puffiness
tonsils, throat and spleen. Taking this kind of drugs
must be carried out under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Special preventive measures for mononucleosis is not
provided for. Usually use preventive measures that
characteristic of SARS. Considerable role in the prevention of mononucleosis
play measures to improve overall immunity

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