Milk buckwheat – the best and proven recipestasty and nourishing porridge. How to cook buckwheat in milk

Чт, 22 сен 2016 Автор: Лиана Райманова

Buckwheat in our party is very popular due to its flavor
qualities and undoubted benefits for the body.

It is recommended to include in the diet of children, people of age and those
who regains his strength after any illness, if,
Of course, there is no individual intolerance to the product.

And no wonder, croup contains a large amount of useful
trace elements and vitamins.


Milk buckwheat – general cooking principles

Buckwheat is good as a side dish for any meat or fish
dish, from this cereal prepare all sorts of dishes: it is pilaf, and
pancakes, pancakes. But, perhaps, tastes best from buckwheat
porridge: crumbly, sweet or meat, nourishing or light, on water
or milk.

Cooked buckwheat on milk can be a variety of ways: on
stove, oven, multi-cooker. Add to it and meat, mushrooms,
vegetables, as well as fruits, berries, nuts. Season usually in
Depending on the recipe, salt, sugar, honey, but also acceptable
use other spices – onion, cardamom, a mixture of peppers,
greens and stuff.

Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out in order not to
small items, pebbles and other debris left, after
rinse thoroughly to remove dust. But, if there is no desire
messing with croup, you can buy already moved packed up
buckwheat and even the one that does not need washing – in sachets.

As soon as the buckwheat is ready for cooking, it is poured
milk, flavored with butter and spices, and languishing under a closed lid
over low heat. If in buckwheat add additional
ingredients, they also undergo preliminary training:
cleaned, washed, cut, mashed, boiled,
fried and others.

1. Buckwheat with milk: a classic recipe


• 500 ml of milk;

• 500 ml of water;

• a glass of buckwheat;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• a pinch of salt;

• quarter of a pack of oil (50 g).

How to cook buckwheat with milk:

1. Take the buckwheat, removing possible garbage,
unpeeled buckwheat. Rinse thoroughly in cold water.

2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, boil water, pour into it
prepared cereal. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to
minimum, cover the pan with a lid, stew for five minutes.

3. In a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, pour it in.
in porridge.

4. Add salt and sugar to taste. Stir.

5. Continue cooking on the same quiet fire for about 10-12 more.
minutes, stirring porridge from time to time.

6. Put in the porridge butter, again carefully
mix it up.

7. Remove buckwheat from heat.

8. Shake the pot with a warm blanket or a large towel.
let buckwheat stay warm for 10-15 minutes to reach full

9. Serve buckwheat with milk with a fresh, fragrant bread. By
You can add some honey before serving.

2. Buckwheat with milk and banana: a recipe for a children’s table


• half a cup of buckwheat;

• a glass of milk;

• large ripe banana;

• a pinch of salt;

• 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• 20 g almond nuts.

How to cook buckwheat in milk with a banana:

1. Pour milk into the pan, add buckwheat, previously
fingering and rinsing thoroughly.

2. Cover the pot with a lid, set the medium heat.

3. As soon as the milk boils, mix the porridge, put on
Tasted sugar and salt.

4. Set a slow fire. Tomit until the croup is completely
absorb milk, about 10 minutes.

5. Byка каша варится, очистите банан и измельчите его до
puree state.

6. Fry the almonds in a hot, dry frying pan,
rub with flakes.

7. Mix the finished porridge with banana puree, serve, sprinkle
almond flakes.

3. Buckwheat with milk: a recipe for weight loss


• one third cup of buckwheat groats;

• a pinch of salt;

• water;

• milk 1% fat.

How to cook buckwheat in milk for weight loss:

1. In the evening, sort out the cereal and put in a suitable size
a bowl. Rinse well.

2. Boil water.

3. Pour boiling water over buckwheat, leave overnight.

4. In the morning, you’ll have to salt a little on the already steamed cereal and
pour milk on it to taste.

4. Buckwheat on milk with apples in a slow cooker: a recipe for
dietary table


• 600 ml of milk;

• a glass of buckwheat flakes;

• one sweet and sour apple;

• spoon of honey;

• pinch of cinnamon ground;

• 1 ч. l butter;

• for feeding berries and nuts.

How to cook buckwheat in milk with an apple:

1. Rinse the apple, cut off the skin, rub on a fine grater.

2. Pour buckwheat flakes into the multi-cooker bowl, pour

3. Add honey, grated apple, cinnamon and a small piece.
butter. Stir.

4. Set the mode “Milk porridge” for 30 minutes. Do not forget
after boiling stir the porridge again.

5. Byсле того как прозвучит звуковой сигнал мультиварки,
notifying that the porridge is ready, switch the appliance to the mode

6. Soak buckwheat on milk for another 10 minutes, then serve,
Garnished with berries and nuts to taste. By желанию вы также you can
to flavor the finished porridge with another piece of butter and honey.

5. Buckwheat with milk and raisins: a rich breakfast recipe


• 2.5 cups of milk;

• 1 cup of buckwheat (pierced);

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 50 g raisins kishe;

• salt.

How to cook buckwheat on milk with raisins:

1. Pour buckwheat into a bowl, sort out. Fill up
Warm prepared cereal with warm water, leave for 5-7 minutes.

2. Pour the milk into the saucepan, boil it. If you
If you want porridge to be less calorie, dilute milk with
normal water in proportions one to one or two to one – on

3. Rinse the buckwheat in the warm water thoroughly,
аккуратно пересыпьте в кипящее milk.

4. Put well washed and peeled raisins, sugar
and some salt. Stir.

5. Set the quietest fire, cover the saucepan with buckwheat and
other ingredients cover, simmer for 8-10 minutes.

6. Byсле приготовления, чтобы кашка стала вкуснее, можно укутать
for half an hour a saucepan in a warm blanket, and before serving
buckwheat sweet butter.

6. Buckwheat with milk, mushrooms and spices: a recipe for tasty
lunch or dinner


• a glass of milk;

• a glass of buckwheat;

• glass of water;

• 30-35 g of dried white mushrooms;

• one not too large onion;

• black, red pepper, peppercorns;

• leaves of laurel;

• vegetable oil;

• a pinch of salt and cardamom.

How to cook buckwheat in milk with mushrooms:

1. Soak dried mushrooms for 45-50 minutes in hot water. Than
thinner mushrooms were cut before drying, the less time for
maceration will be required.

2. Soaked mushrooms, squeeze and fry in vegetable oil
with finely chopped onions until softened. Decoction not
pour out.

3. Rinse the buckwheat and pour into the multi-cooker bowl, add
fried mushrooms with onions.

4. Add spices to taste, put a couple of bay leaves

5. Влейте стакан грибного отвара и milk. Stir.

6. Set the “Plov” mode for 40 minutes.

7. Before serving, buckwheat with milk is recommended to mix and
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Milk buckwheat – secrets and cooking tricks

• Buckwheat – unpretentious cereal and, if there are no additional
components, then dishes from it do not require any special preliminary
preparation, nor much time for cooking. Cooked buckwheat quickly
so carefully watch the time so that it does not happen that
you have not digested it or digested it. In the first case, it will turn out
harsh, and in the second – dryish. Properly cooked
buckwheat milk should get juicy and tender, but at the same time
time not boiled soft and crumbly.

• For cooking buckwheat with milk can be used as
buckwheat flakes. Depending on
what cereal you take and the cooking time of porridge will depend on:
the larger it is, the longer it takes.

• Do not forget to wash and sort the grits, of course, if you
Do not use buckwheat from the bags. Thanks to these fast and
simple procedures your porridge will turn out especially tasty and

• Also for giving special taste of ready buckwheat with milk
some cooks recommend pre-roasting cereals on
dry pan.

• Give the new flavors of porridge will help spices. Depending on the
what kind of buckwheat you cook in milk: sweet or with meat,
mushrooms add greens, garlic, cardamom, pepper, and cinnamon,
honey and other ingredients.

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