Men in life: an amazing variety

Sun, Mar 16, 2014

No one would dispute the claim that a skilled husband is everything
hands are great. How beautiful, when not necessary cautiously
wait for drunk plumber, slow electrician
workers who are ready to glue the wallpaper in the room for your monthly
salary. It is enough to shout: “Miiiilyyy, there’s something not
works! ”and your loved one seeks the location of the problem with
New light bulb or adjustable wrench in hand. And you just have to
enjoy watching work gladly take
results and boastfully telling your friends about what
wonderful and economic you spouse. This, you see,
the situation is perfect. But there are others when women
It remains, as they say, only to dissolve hands from the “skills”
own spouse, which seems to be inherent in him
the very fact of being born a man.

There are many options for economic skills of men. All and not
list We call only the main, so to speak, most often

Excessive perfectionism. Men possessing this, to
Unfortunately, with sad dignity, they can do everything, but they can
desired is almost impossible. They always seek to purchase
the most expensive tools, everything is perfect in their special lockers
decomposed, under each type of nails its own box, under each
hammer – its own shelf. They are proud of the order and cultivate it.
But when it comes to business, unexpected problems begin. From
the strongest desire to make everything perfect, even insignificant
repairs can take months: there are no suitable tools, then
no suitable mood. And when everything came together, then the whole
water overlaps the day (although it’s five minutes) or
half a day the light goes out. The husband walks with a worried face, with a magnifying glass and
incomprehensible tools in the hands, indignant at the fact that his relatives
interfere with the sacrament.

With such a husband to make repairs almost unreal. First, with
they can not agree, because everything is not up to
level invented by him, and secondly, everything is done again
slowly stretching for long months, accompanied by swearing,
dissatisfaction of both parties, uncontrolled financial flows
and an endless search for compromises. What can be done in such
case? Only two things: either you will do everything yourself, abstracting from
dissatisfied physiognomy of your spouse, or in search of a compromise
Be patient, affection, wise phrases and once you will move it
on even minor business matters.

«Ничего не умею, но всегда рад помочь». There are men with
hands, as they say, growing not from there. Whatever they do,
comes out complete nonsense. But despite this sad quality, they
always gladly tackle things that are not given to them by nature.
If you glue the wallpaper, they are sure to some, as a rule,
a completely unexpected moment will come off in any place if they put
linoleum, then in a rush they will transport a refrigerator to it in its place,
which will scratch a new coating, if you buy a tile, then without
of the reserve, if they drill the wall, they will not even think about the scheme of divorce
wires in it. All this is accompanied by anxious surprise.
men and rabies varying degrees of his wife. How to respond to
all this? Depends on temperament and patience. As a rule, breakdowns
(unexpected or introduced by a master-husband) remain “live”
in the apartment before the arrival of seasonal workers or are eliminated,
as far as possible, the mistress of the house itself or her

�”I do not know how and I do not want.” There are men who own
economic inability is not concealed, and even flaunt them. Like, “yes,
I do nothing at home. I’m a worker (electrician, plumber,
tiler, etc.)? There are specially trained people for this! ”
To ask such a husband about something is meaningless: he gets tired even to keep
strip wallpaper, while his wife smears it with glue. They hurt right away
back, show football, phone rings, etc. What remains
do? Or cope with your own wits (plus, thank God,
there is the Internet), or for each occasion to shell out
�“Specialists” who will come once, tearing you away from work, and
will do everything necessary. You just have to hope that they will

A short enthusiast. This type of men is probably the worst
all listed. He has a lot of a crush, which also ends
unexpectedly, as appeared. Unfortunately, this applies to large
apartment metamorphosis: repair, rearrangement, etc. Such husbands
they are burning with the idea, throwing it into the family, and then, suddenly cool,
leave devastation on the shoulders of his wife, who has to finish
started with unsuccessful attempts to bring the spouse back into the fold
repair. But how it all began well! Husband filed interesting
ideas, started to embody them correctly, correctly guided you and …
tired of myself. Что можно поdo? Knowing such features
the nature of your spouse, or completely reject offers,
showing resilience and appealing to his sense of expediency,
either, roll up your sleeves, prepare for that all will have
finish you yourself.

Text: Irina Sheyhetova

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