Magical ritual to discouragerival

Magical ritual to discourage rival

Almost every woman sometimes feels threatened.
by other women. To prevent the inevitable and
save your family hearth, you can apply and conspire
на предполагаемую rival. These may be: husband’s quarrel with
competitor, lapel, destruction of a well-established relationship or just
damage to the husband to understand his mistake and instantly “move away” from the new


Effective rites and necessary recommendations for their
to conduct

Most often, conspiracies and lapels are held on the waning moon,
in the bud to destroy her husband’s nascent warm feelings for
another woman. Magic interference is almost always
helps and reaches the goal.

There are many variations of magical rites, with
by means of which it is very easy to destroy the bonds of your loved one
on the side. This kind of magic ritual will help you for good
get rid of rivals and return the love of her husband.

In general, the mechanism of such ceremonies is quite simple – they
completely destroy relationships and eliminate craving for intimate
отношениям on the side.

First you need to spend “cool” on his mistress and
back up this action with additional and extremely effective
a ceremony for the return of her husband to the family.

These magic actions can be made without any problems and
at home, but this requires some skill in
conducting ceremonies. It is also worth noting that negative
the consequences of this ritual should not be afraid. But if you
doubt your abilities and skills, it’s better to turn to
to professionals of magic manipulations in areas of esotericism.

To 100% discourage her husband from a rival, there are several extremely
effective rituals: ostuda spouse, targeted manipulation
on daring competitors, ceremonies with a bilateral component for
охлаждения любовного влечения к another woman.

These magical rites are very light in execution and all
necessary spells can be read independently without
attracting specialists from the outside. It is also worth noting that
the desired ritual can be held at any time convenient for you

To effect from the use of magic skills and held
rite reached its intended goal, should adhere to the established

Under no circumstances wish death.
– это приведет к негативным последствиям для
your well-being in the future.

Не стоит проклинать разлучницу, это также
adversely affect your health. All conspiracies and prayers
need to learn “on teeth”. If the list is large, write it on
paper and read without hesitation.

In no case can not disclose the secrets held
магического действа
, даже если подобные ритуалы достигли
your goal.

You should also consider the consequences of the ongoing
rite of passage.
There is a real possibility that your past
feelings immediately cool down, and you this man (beloved husband) is not
will be interesting. Clearly follow all rules and instructions for
each ritual performed in order to avoid negative

You must believe that the magic rite
обязательно подействует
. If you feel any
doubt, it is better to immediately give up magical interference in
your fate and the fate of other people.

Esoteric methods to eliminate rivals

Bilateral conspiracy

Most often, wives choose bilateral conspiracies to eliminate
the alleged rival. For this purpose you will need her.
real photo. And when you read the ritual plot, you
will have to tear apart a photo into small pieces. All burn and
dispel the ashes in the wind.

White candle

In another variation of the magical rite you will need: the holy
water, a church white candle and a picture of your spouse
(preferably made as soon as possible). The ritual itself looks like
like this: put a glass of holy water and light a church candle. On
Place the desired container on the photo of your beloved spouse and read
conspiracy, looking through the flame of a candle directly into his eyes. Should also
present the desired result as your beloved husband returns home
and pray for your forgiveness. With this uncomplicated magical
action, you completely eradicate the spouse’s desire for separation and
you will return his former tender feelings to your person.

Conspiracy to eat

Also quite effective ritual is the conspiracy for food,
which is required to feed your spouse.
If for some reason it is not possible to give the food to the husband,
just give it to the birds outside the window, while reading the right


Another effective variation of the impact on a delimiter can
successfully serve the following ritual for which you will need:
pen, blank paper and dried hawthorn berries.
Clearly write the name of the competitor on a piece of paper. Cut it
sprinkle with hawthorn fruit in small pieces. As in all
magical rituals needed прочитать нужное spell.

Should remember

And to know that every magical ritual you conducted in
your own home, one way or another, will affect your future.

Such is the magic and there’s no getting around or hiding.

Sit down and think: “Is it worth the sheepskin
dressing? “.

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