Lymphostasis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis,treatment

Mon, Mar 28, 2016

Лимфостазом называют нарушение оттока лимфы,
which leads to tissue swelling and an increase in the size of the affected
body. If untreated, lymphostasis occurs.
microcirculation in the surrounding tissues, fibrosis develops (strong
induration) and trophic ulcers appear. With increased erysipelas
inflammation the problem is exacerbated even more and may occur
various complications, including sepsis and death.


Lymphostasis – causes

In children, the cause of lymphostasis is usually congenital
malformation of the lymphatic vessels. In adults, lymphostasis can be caused
infectious diseases (for example, streptococcal infection,
causing erysipelas), exposure to parasites, various
injuries or surgery. For example, 80% of operations
to remove breast cancer in breast cancer
the cause of such a serious complication as the development of lymphostasis
upper limb.

Lymphostasis can also occur due to malformation.
the lymphatic system and the obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, and
also various damages preventing lymph outflow.

Lymphostasis may develop a second time in patients suffering from
chronic venous insufficiency as well as heart or
renal pathology in which lymphatic capillaries and blood vessels
unable to remove excess fluid from tissues.

Lymphostasis – symptoms

Lymphostasis has 3 stages of development, each of which
characterized by its symptoms.

In the first stage, spontaneous reversible edema is formed, which,
falling in the morning, reappears in the evening, but does not inspire the patient
man of anxiety.

In the second stage, which is more neglected, is formed
spontaneous irreversible edema. At this stage due to growth
the connective tissue of the skin hardens and stretches,
swelling occurs. Skin becomes very sensitive
and painful tension.

The third stage is characterized by the formation of irreversible edema and
damage to the tissues of the limb, changing its contours, loss
mobility, weighting and dysfunction. This stage
called ivory.

Lymphostasis – diagnosis

Diagnosis of lymphostasis is based on its clinical
manifestations and results of special research methods
lymph systems that are performed in specialized hospitals.
Diagnosis of lymphostasis must necessarily include
phlebologist consultation and ultrasound examination of veins, as well as
clinical and biochemical analysis of blood, urinalysis.

Лимфостаз – treatment и профилактика

The main goal of lymphostasis treatment is to prevent
development of edema and its complications. The success of therapeutic interventions during
depends largely on the timeliness of the visit to the lymphatologist, and
also on how carefully and patiently the patient performs
all recommendations of the attending physician.

Most often lymphostasis is treated using conservative methods.
treatments aimed at improving the flow of interstitial fluid
from the extracellular space and increasing the number of roundabout
lymphatic tract. These treatments include:

– carrying out manual lymphatic drainage; – imposing
compression bandage; – wearing a special compression band
underwear; – performance of special exercise therapy complexes; – provision of
special skin care of the affected limb; – compliance
subcalorie diet with reduced consumption of table salt.

Surgery is rarely used; their goal is
reconstruction of lymphatic drainage pathways and removal of pathologically changed

Prevention of lymphostasis is limited to limiting physical
loads, fortifying therapy, the exclusion of wearing close and
uncomfortable shoes, as well as the use of polyvalent venotonic
actions that have a lymphotropic effect.


Fazil 03/27/2016 I have lymphostasis for a year, within a month after
eating guanabans (2 fruits for the time being)
on no

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