Love – two sides of the coin

Tue, Dec 20, 2016

When you confess love to a person and do it perfectly
honestly and with an open heart, it means that you, take off all yourselves
protection, and this person can hurt you if you wish.
Such wounds heal for a very long time, and sometimes for a lifetime. There is a type
people who just use the person who loves them.
This is the most disgusting …

This type of people has no idea about conscience and decency. With
how does such behavior manifest itself both on the part of girls and
hand guys. If you say you love, then you take it upon yourself
obligations, not to the person you love, but to
by myself. Any word given to another person is a word given
to myself.

Thousands of lives have been ruined because of rash acts
associated with this feeling. Broken hearts of people pushing themselves to
despair, instead of going further in life, leads to
very disastrous. Unrequited or lost love –
the most common cause of suicide. Even on my personal experience there is
a dozen cases in which people were stopped only in time
friendly support. I was saved twice by the image of my mother,
which appeared, forcing to live and fight on, for which I
I thank her every morning, although she doesn’t know about it.
Unrequited or lost love is the most terrible blow to
human personality, which many do not stand and break. I’d
compared it with the death of the progenitors. In this world there are no my grandmothers
and grandpas and I experienced unrequited love and lost a loved one
man, he also left our world, I hope for the best, therefore
I think I have the right to compare.

True, strong love is born from long communication, but
there are still a case of love at first sight and it is such luck
whose chance is very small. Still, such love is the first
rush of people to each other, which is often caused by external
factors and if their relationships are only strengthened as
they get to know each other better then they are lucky and they just
jumped the first stages of communication. Love is a complex concept,
you can not love a person for something. If you love him, you love for
what he is, not for what he does for you, but just for
the very fact of its existence.

From a loved one you do not expect something supernatural, you just
happy with intimacy with him. I believe that if a person says that
loves you for something, it means that he loves not you, but the fact that he
gets for yourself being near you. Be it aesthetic
the pleasure of blueness of your eyes or the moral of sharpness
your mind, or the material of the width of your wallet. Forever
only that love, which is addressed only to you, as an individual.
Any other manifestation of love eventually fades away. People get tired
each other, you want something new, treason and quarrels begin and this
Beginning of the End. I’m not saying that loving people do not quarrel, but I will say
that they will never turn away from each other.

The purest manifestation of love in nature is the parent (and in
particular maternal love for children. After all, we do not do anything
for their parents at the beginning of life. We only bring them inconvenience.
We shout at night, we take away a lot of time. We need to follow and
take care before achieving independence and even after that us
do not cease to love and cherish. Some may say it’s theirs.
debt. They say since they have conceived, they should grow and love. And I will say
not. How many cases when children are rented to orphanages or just
just kill. In our current society, couples can and
not have children if desired. Love your parents the way they do.
love you and if they are strict with you, it is not their cruelty and
insensitivity, but for your own good. We pay them back for their
love with their devoted love and support of themselves in
old age.

If you look at things realistically, then in this beautiful,
described by many poets and writers of feelings more negative
parties. Loss of freedom of feelings and their localization on one person,
the pain and suffering of mistakes made by you or your couple,
joint experiences, the death of a huge number of nerve cells.
And in spite of all this, we fall in love, are nervous, we fight,
disagree and converge again. Because if it were not for this
sublime feelings we would all have long been extinct. Love is power
that moves the world, forcing us to do the impossible,
recover from deadly diseases and survive in extreme
conditions. Love and be loved, lose your head and commit
nonsense, because because of this, our lives become more diverse and
you will have something to remember and tell the children about how we were
young and sincerely loved.

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