Lose weight with honey

At first glance, this sounds somewhat strange, because honey –
high-calorie product. However, honey is also biologically
active natural product containing a lot of beneficial to our
the body of substances, so doctors recommend its moderate
use by anyone who does not have allergies (it is not so
often). In addition, people with diabetes need to
be sure to consult a doctor.


How much honey can I eat when losing weight?

Of course, honey can not be attributed to low-calorie foods, so
those who wish to use the pot a day risk becoming overwhelmed. For
return to a comfortable weight will need only 2 teaspoons
daily – just the amount that is absorbed without load
on the pancreas.

There are practically no contraindications for such treatment – except
individual intolerance. Allergic reactions to
biologically active natural honey are found quite

So, lose weight with honey. Taking honey only 1 tsp.
in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 2 hours after dinner, you can
regain your normal weight.

  • For этого 1 чайную ложку меда (без верха) растворите в стакане
    water and drink.
  • There are special requirements for water: it cannot be boiled;
    should be cool or warm, but not hot.
  • Stir well the honey in this water – and you will get 30%
    honey solution, which is close to the mineral composition and properties
    plasma of our blood.
  • If you are afraid of allergies, you can try
    structured water, i.e. literally added water
    a few drops of honey. But even such a meager dosage will be
    good for health.

Why not just eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with water, but
to dissolve honey, and even in special water? It is necessary that honey
absorbed into the blood slowly and into the intestine, without being
exposure to gastric juice. Then he can do his
regulatory and cleaning function. You can help him with this,
if, having drunk honey water, you are engaged in physical work, you will make
gymnastics or just walk, but at this time all 60 useful
enzymes, trace elements, vitamins, minerals and organic
acids contained in honey, will begin the hard work of
restructuring your body and bringing it in order.

Immediately I must say that losing weight with honey gradually, however
the result will be fairly stable if you are
reduce your calorie intake.

A glass of honey water that you drink in the morning and in the evening
will help reduce your appetite and bring your body (and weight!) to
the norm.

Honey based diets

When the word “diet” many associate with absolutely
tasteless fresh food, as well as a constant feeling of hunger. None
less, if we are talking about the honey diet, it is worth saying that
it is not only effective, but also quite pleasant. She doesn’t
requires strict restrictions on food, and therefore fits practically
to each.

Honey Diet Features

Honey diet requires compliance with certain conditions for
maximize efficiency. So, you need
completely eliminate or at least limit the use of products,
which contain starch. The fact is that it
substance at times reduces the effectiveness of honey. At the same time, this
the product shows good results in combination with fermented milk
foods, as well as fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and
Vitamin A. So, it is recommended to include in your diet beets,
Tomatoes, peppers, apples and carrots. So you are not only
Accelerate your weight loss process, but also benefit
affect intestinal function.

One of the undeniable benefits of a honey diet can be considered
that it contributes to the fight against cellulite. This is because
improving the metabolic processes, this product contributes to the splitting
fat deposits. None менее, стоит весьма осторожно подходить к
this diet option. The fact is that honey is strong enough
allergen, and therefore this option requires weight loss
consultation with a nutritionist. Also note – if you have
there are kidney stones, you will also need to refrain from
honey diet.

  • Honey recipe number 1

The easiest version of the honey diet is that
three times a day you need to use at least one teaspoon of honey.
Moreover, it is not necessary to eat it in its pure form. Quite acceptable
add it to the main dish (cottage cheese, fruit salad, tea and
other products). To increase the effectiveness of honey, you need
eat acid in various forms. It may be fruit,
kefir and other fermented milk products. It is also recommended
drink as much liquid as possible in any form (if it is tea, then it’s best to
Sahara). Meals of food per day must be at least 5. Duration
diet is 14 days. During this period, it is quite possible to reset to
6 kilograms of excess weight.

  • Honey recipe number 2

The second option is more radical and implies
the use of acidic liquids for two days. Also you
you can drink green tea and clean water without gas. Drink recipe for
losing weight is quite simple – in three liters of water should be diluted
juice of 15 lemons and 50 grams of honey. Glucose, which is contained in
honey, contributes to the fact that you will not feel hunger. At the same
time, the acid promotes the burning of fats that have accumulated under
skin It is worth noting that this version of the diet is categorically
contraindicated for people with high acidity, and
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Honey recipe number 3

This version of the diet is designed for 3 days and is based on
simultaneous use of honey and chicken eggs. This version of the diet
allows you to lose up to 3 kg of weight in a short time. Menu of each of
days will look something like this:

As a breakfast you need to eat a mixture of two yolks.
with a teaspoon of honey. You can drink all this coffee without sugar or tea
with lemon. As a dinner it is allowed to eat a slice of cheese with such
same drinks. For dinner, you can eat broth with dried black
bread, and also orange (apple or pear is allowed). Before bedtime
surely drink unsweetened tea, squeezing juice out of it

The second day starts with the same egg-honey breakfast as
and the previous one. Dinner will be similar, but worth it as well.
add 100 grams of cottage cheese small fat. Eat at dinner
some boiled meat or fish with a vegetable salad. Finishes the meal
чай with lemon.

The breakfast of the third day is no different from the previous two. On
lunch you can make a sandwich of rye bread with cheese, which
washed down with unsweetened coffee or tea, acidified with lemon juice.
It is also recommended to eat a few leaves of lettuce. On ужин
boil an egg and some non-starchy vegetables and drink it down
все это чаем with lemon.

This version of the diet показывает достаточно хорошие результаты. But
it is only if you have no contraindications to it.
So, by all means make sure you are not allergic.
on honey and eggs. Also need to bear in mind that a similar diet
unacceptable in cholecystitis, diabetes, liver problems and

Massage and bath with honey

For того, чтобы медовая диета оказалась еще более эффективной,
It is recommended to accompany her honey massage. Lubricate the skin with honey,
after which you need to alternately glue and sharply tear off your hand.
Thus, you warm up the skin and stimulate the processes
blood circulation. This procedure does an excellent job.
removal of fluid from the body, which helps to reduce
volumes and getting rid of cellulite.

Also very useful for the figure are honey baths. For
of this you will need to dissolve 8 tablespoons of salt in water (better
sea), 2 spoons of honey, and literally a couple of pinches of red
перца для улучшения blood circulation. After 10 minutes of this procedure
again, it is recommended to massage using honey or
essential oils (avocado or grape ester is best suited
pits). Regardless of whether you will massage after
bath, be sure to take a shower to wash off the remnants of honey and

Honey is a unique product that has both
therapeutic and cosmetic effects. But немногие знают,
that with it you can quickly and without special restrictions reset
excess weight. To achieve impressive results, it is recommended
Combine the internal reception of honey with massages and baths.

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