Little puppy gnaws everything. What to doif the puppy is nibbling and how to wean him

Пн, 26 мар 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

A very common occurrence when a dog nibbles. But
not all breeders know the reason for this behavior, how to eliminate it
or help a pet.


Why do puppies gnaw everything

Puppies, like little rangers, explore their surroundings. AND
as the children all feel their fingers, puppies have to try “on
tooth”. They are so familiar with the world and learn to communicate with

The second reason for this behavior – they are teething. This
The process lasts more than one month. The gums itch, sometimes even
bleed. To soothe the itch the puppies begin to nibble, while
they decrease pain. You can help baby, freezing in
a refrigerator rope or a crowded rag. The dog will be delighted with this
�To the “gift,” and the cold will dull the pain.

In order to somehow entertain myself small dogs, bored,
gnaw all things in their environment. So they
compensate for the lack of attention of his master and entertain

In a still small and unformed body, the puppy is already growing
personality of an adult dog. AND чтобы показать окружающему миру свое
superiority, puppies begin to chew and chew various

There are calm dogs and hyperactive. To the second somewhere
put your energy, they only do that all day long
look for various things and crush them.

Mental disorder or depression. Strong
boredom or fear make the puppy gnaw indiscriminately. AND если во
time does not identify the problem and help the dog, it is already in
an adult will crush everything to pieces.

How to help a puppy

Canine and zoopsychologists assert that the puppy from an early
age need to wean so do. Can’t let him
chew on everything. But недопустимо при этом бить свою собаку.
ANDзбитое животное будет пребывать в постоянном состоянии

The only thing that the pet will understand after the next humiliation is that
It is necessary to gnaw when the owner does not observe this. AND уже во
not just strayed rag will fall into the teeth of an adult
or room slippers, and more expensive and significant for the owner

Puppies need to be taught that you can chew, but only with
the permissions of his master. AND не все, что попадется ему на пути. there is
a lot of toys with which the four-legged can sharpen

How to wean a puppy to gnaw everything

Weaning a little puppy nibble everything you need from three
month of age and up to half a year. Must provide
alternative for chewing. The best way to solve
The problem is to buy your little pet toys.

Before buying, you should decide which toy is needed, how
choose it correctly. Do not blindly buy everything that is in
pet stores. You can limit yourself to several items, but with
This is to teach the puppy to nibble on them, and not to eat up new shoes.
his master.

It is important to teach your puppy to play with beautiful, colorful and squealing
toys. However, not all quadrupedal owners know how
do it right:

– To wave a toy in front of the baby’s nose, this
interested in him;

– Hide somewhere new hobby, let the puppy
look for him;

– Tie the toy to the string and remove it from the dog creating
the illusion that the subject runs away and the dog needs to pursue it and
sure to catch up;

– Give a toy to smell, and then throw it away, let
The future dog is catching up.

It is very important for all the right actions to be encouraged.
baby Pat him on the head, treat him with something delicious. If a
the puppy will get bored and he will again pay attention to the forbidden for
chewing objects, you have to distract him in all possible ways and
interest in something else. Then for the same and praise

Over time, the dog will like it when it is praised and treated,
тогда уже он начнет дрессировать his master.

What to do, если щенок все грызет

Dog handlers share tips on how to wean a little dog.
the destruction of the home. It is necessary to pay more attention to the dog and more often with
play him. During games, you can not allow a pet to bite a person
or mess up his clothes. Stop the fun while biting
and make it all look like a dog that it hurts and do so
not necessary.

We must try to devote a lot of time to the growing dog. If a
it is necessary to leave the pet alone, it is necessary to put him in the playpen for
dogs or cover up the room by restricting access to all pets
items. Be sure to leave him chewing toys.

While the baby has not grown, it is better to remove all the things that represent
value or that may pose a threat to the life of the dog. Before
six months old remove all consoles, glasses and children’s toys.
Bin should not be freely available for
an animal.

During walks со щенком стараться нагружать его физически
then coming home, the puppy will not be bored and he will not nibble
домашние things. By the three months of life it is already possible several times
walk your pet for 20-30 minutes. During walks
Dog handlers recommend starting training lessons, no more than 10 minutes per

One of the reasons why the dog is chewing on home slippers is their
smell. After all, they smell like a favorite owner, and she did it because of
tremendous love for you. Therefore, if the pet has eaten a new shoe, it is necessary
blame only yourself. It was not worth their leave in the access zone

Purchased toys or dried bones should constantly
be in the house. If a kid plays them without pleasure
a little rub things with meat or malt. Also periodically change
one to another so as not to bother.

To physically develop and chew the dog during
walks на свежем воздухе, стоит приобрести ей мяч, летающую
a plate, various sticks and ropes.

You need to start to accustom the dog to the teams. Puppy should
understand what “can” and “not” mean. If a dog is chewing a thing,
which he can not touch, you need to say this in an orderly tone.
In no case do not shout at the baby it can lead him to
shock condition. We must offer a toy to say that to take it.
You can praise and pet.

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