Likoy or Werewolf: Featuresbreeds

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

Original and frightening, unaccustomed and limitless
милые – это описание часто дают кошкам breeds Ликой. New breed
Pets has created a furor in the world of felinology, although
initially no one planned to create such


Where were the werewolf cats

In 2010, in an ordinary American family (Virginia), a simple
mongrel kitten has given birth to kittens. What was the surprise of the owners,
when instead of cute tiny fuzzies they saw something
half-greyish, grayish with gray, clumsily swarming around
mother cats!

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

The owners are very scared for the offspring, thinking that they are sick
and will not be able to survive. But surprisingly kittens grew steadily, were
vigorous, playful and absolutely no sign

Then Patti Thomas – the mistress of wonderful kids, asked for
tips to experienced breeders of the Canadian Sphynx and the Gobble spouses.
Together they contacted the University of California at Davis, where
scientists conducted a thorough DNA analysis of amazing kittens.

The results of the research a lot surprised – the cats were
completely healthy and, remarkably, had no relationship
with rocks Sphinx and Rex.

This non-standard appearance has evolved due to
mutations of the gene that is responsible for hairline

The owners decided not to ignore this miracle and started
selection work to consolidate these qualities of appearance. AT
2011 Patti Thomas became the happy owner of the first
намеренно выведенной представительницы breeds, которую назвала

The next step was to prepare all the necessary documents for
официального утверждения новой breeds.

And now, thanks to the natural mutation of the gene, non-indifference
the owners and the competent work of scientists in 2012. TICA (Worldwide
felinological association) officially included in their lists
new breed.

Отдельного внимания заслуживает название breeds – Ликой. It
originates from the Greek language and roughly translates
�”Reincarnating into a wolf”, “wolf”, in other words –
�”Werewolf cat”.

This name perfectly describes the exotic appearance
представителей breeds.

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

At first glance, these pets are always shocking, they can even
scare, but with further communication with cats Lika becomes
it is clear how pleasant and interesting these pets are.

WITHтандарт breeds и характер кошек

Кошки breeds Ликой должны отвечать следующим показателям

  • Голова: клиновидная, с округлыми чертами; forehead
    aristocratic, slightly convex, tall enough and
  • Уши: крупные, кончики заостренные, основание
    wide, set high, the outside of the auricle is small.
  • Морда: нос прямой, аккуратный; pads under
    Vibrissae (mustache) are dense, rounded; pinch present – sharp
    transition under the cheekbones; chin neat, but strong, rounded;
    Must be a mask with missing hair.
  • Глаза: большие, выразительные, формы грецкого
    walnut, wide open; color – any, preferably
  • Тело: стройное, мускулистое и гибкое;
    toned, sporty, quite elongated, in general – easy
    (foreign type).
  • Конечности: стройные, средней длины, плохо
    covered with wool; paws oval, neat, enough fingers
    long and thin.
  • Хвост: тонкий, по длине короче тела.
  • Шерсть: на ощупь мягкая, приятная; undercoat
    practically absent, while the guard hair grows throughout
    body; its length varies, but preferably short; density
    hairline depends on the season.

Color – roan, or, as it is called, roan.  it
implies a uniform blending throughout the entire body black
wool with whites. Usually black wool 30 – 70%, perfect,
when the proportion of colors 50×50.

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

Males and females are fairly easy to see visually – cats
larger, weighing 4.5 – 6 kg, whereas cats have a weight of 2 – 3.5

По характеру Ликой – любознательный, активный,
good-natured and very dedicated pet. Despite the eerie
appearance, these cats quickly have a positive attitude towards themselves,
Charisma light character.

Lykoi very attached to the owner. They accompany everywhere
owner, delve into all his affairs. If, according to the cat, the owner
someone threatens, Likoy is able to even rush to the defense. Not
surprisingly, many people compare them to dogs.

ATеселые непоседы с удовольствием уютно умостятся у ног любимого
man and lead the evening, giving tenderness and warmth. However in general
These cats are very mobile and people who can not provide them
sufficient active pastime, Likoi will not do.

Liko are sociable and fearless, so they get along well with
other cats, dogs and other pets, often
becoming the leader of the company. However, with rodents, birds, fish and
it is better not to start other small pets of Lykoy. Cat rather
all, perceive them as an object of hunting.

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

Представители breeds, особенно самцы, рьяно отстаивают свои
right, so they sometimes have drops moods. WITH
strangers, these cats are reserved. As soon as contact
will be adjusted – they become much more open.

Is it difficult to keep a werewolf cat

The breed is still too young to talk about its inherent diseases,
however, the representatives are strong and healthy. Lykoi
extremely active, so they need a place to play. Also
it is necessary to secure the home by removing potentially dangerous wires,
sharp and cutting objects, tightly closing the first-aid kit, refrigerator.

Likoy or Werewolf: Features breeds

Not стоить составлять обманчивое мнение – хоть шерсть у кошек
частично отсутствует, Lykoi обильно линяют и не являются
hypoallergenic. They need to be combed regularly and sometimes
bathe (not often, every 2 – 6 months if necessary).

These pets have tender, sensitive skin, so cats
need to be protected from long exposure to direct sunlight, and
also in close proximity to artificial heat sources.
AT противном случае Ликой загорает и может испытывать
the discomfort.

Like all cats, they need to regularly clean their ears, eyes and
teeth. Claws trimmed. If the pet walks on the street, it is necessary
as soon as possible to accustom the cat to the ammunition – they are very fond of
natures and on this soil are prone to shoots.

ATажно следить за здоровым и сбалансированным питанием
four-legged friend. AT зоне досягаемости кошки всегда должна быть
fresh drinking water.

It’s very early to talk about life expectancy – because the breed
exists only since 2012. Work is still underway on
strengthening of standard signs of Lykoy and in parallel proceeds
study of these original pets.

Заполучить себе котика breeds Ликой весьма непросто
– в основном популяция проживает на территории WITHША и стоит очень
a lot of money.

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