Life together: moments thatannoy

Life together: moments that annoy

Life together is not always so bright and bright,
like in the movies. This is not only romantic evenings, views
movies and coffee in bed, there are other not very pleasant nuances.
Let’s flip the “medal” and look at the other side.
совместной жизни, на вещи, которые annoy как мужчину, так и


A blanket

It is possible that somewhere in the Far-off kingdom there is a blanket capable
to fulfill the desires of every inhabitant of the bed: so that it is not cold
it was, and hot, and to be wrapped up on all sides, but in the practice of such
was not.

In real life, evening sleep can begin with the game “Who
the first will grab the blanket ”or“ Who will pull more blankets over themselves ”.
Perhaps at first it is amusing, but still there is a line
stepping over which, the quarrel is secured.

SOLUTION: Grab your husband and run to the store for shopping.
Purchasing an extra blanket saves time and nerves
everyone. If contradictions arise, they say “in the relationship appeared
crack “or” so we move away from each other “and you just can not
to persuade a partner, then stop your choice on a blanket more
large scale.

Stay alone

After a hard day, many just need to retire,
enjoy the silence and ponder. This is necessary as for
physical health and mental balance. However, there are
cases in which to convey this very truth to a man who every
a second tends to spend time together, extremely difficult.

SOLUTION: The problem can only be solved by talking.
Tell us how you love your partner, what need to be
one does not mean loss of interest at all. Agree when
it will be “your time” for yourself, and explain that your
half do not need for this to leave the apartment or
move to another planet.

Native people

Not so pleasant can be attached to the ideal lover
for you relatives. This does not mean that they are bad, just
some of their actions can be annoying.  For example, mother in law
constantly advises how to cook the perfect duck or calm
shifts things in your closet, and great-uncle, every now and then
flies with his jokes at every meeting. Situations may
быть куча, но итог один —  ваше настроение испорчено. If this
It continues frequently and regularly – it is necessary to act.

SOLUTION: A good family relationship is important and beautiful, but
in order for them to continue, you need to install some
boundaries. Depending on the situation, decide who will conduct
instruction and educational work with them.

It is very important not to tell anyone about your troubles with
partner, so to speak, “do not take out the garbage from the hut”, so you teach
family to the fact that you are able to solve the problems yourself, without interfering
anyone from outside.


Often the biorhythms of two people do not match, which leads to
many disputes, and sometimes – parting. Imagine that at 6 am
your favorite is charged with cheerfulness and energy, already thoroughly
running around the apartment, drinking coffee, and even humming. All this
annoying, infuriating, infuriating, because your dream has come at all

SOLUTION: It is important to take into account mutual interests and be ready
give way. Mark the time of rest and wakefulness, both your own and
darling, then you will know the approximate schedule and you can

You can also adjust the mode to each other, so that he at least a little
coincided. These tips will greatly simplify life, and reduce the number of
negative in your relationship.

Change each other

I think everyone knows how this happens – gradually, small
small steps. It seemed to one of the partners that he has the right to teach
one and all. He knows exactly what to do after work, how
do you fold clothes or what color shoes sneakers. Habits
our loved ones can be annoying, but making constant comments – not

SOLUTION: Take it easy for non-delivery of others, do not need
constantly focus on one or another “features”
your partner. He lived very well up to this day with scattered
socks and not closed tube of toothpaste, and if you needed
permanent councils – would live with their parents. In this case
Your request is much better than accusations and reproaches.


�“She invented herself — she herself was offended” – did you hear that? So here
This method has been used by women for a long time, expecting from it
surprising result. Some want their thoughts to read
eyes, while others crave instant fulfillment of desire, while
without even voicing it. The effect after such actions is one – bewilderment
and puzzled.

SOLUTION: Stop playing these kids games, men are not telepaths,
to anticipate all desires and thoughts. It will be much easier right
say about your request, and this does not mean that you do not
understand each other and your relationship is doomed.

Common things

When both “halves” come together, they often appear
common things. For example, before you could not even imagine that
someone in the morning will drink tea with your favorite cup or dress your
bathrobe … After that, one question arises: “How delicately
explain that this is unpleasant for you? “

SOLUTION: Arm yourself with a pen, notepad and list everything on paper
things that are taboo for your partner. You might get in
The answer is a similar list, but it is even better, so you will definitely come to
agreement, the main thing – to fulfill requests.


Coming home, you are required to report the day, and not in general terms, but
with all the details? In these cases, banal interest, clearly
escalated into total control. And if, before living together, you
paid attention to this “anxiety”, now you feel
as supervised.

РЕШЕНИЕ: Выясните причину  поведения партнера. Maybe,
it is jealousy or self-doubt. In any case, the partner
it is necessary to convey as clearly as possible that you are a free person with
its comfort zone, which can not be violated.

Conflicts – a normal phenomenon in the pair, moreover,
they strengthen relationships. The main thing is to adequately pass such periods,
learn from them and not repeat mistakes.

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