Leukemia in cats: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis,prevention. Is cat leukemia dangerous for humans?

Вт, 20 мар 2018 Автор: Анна Зайцева

Many forums are full of screaming headlines: “Cat leukemia –
deadly disease! ” In fact, everything is a little different. Disease
really dangerous. In essence, it is a chronic oncological disease.
a disease, and there is nothing worse than oncology. But according to
statistics, survival among those infected with the “FeLV” virus is
more than 50%.

First, leukemia has several forms, so to speak
It is clear that the cat will die – meaningless. It all depends on
pet immunity. Secondly, if you turn to
a qualified specialist, the chances of extending your life
fluffy pet increase. So do not rush to panic.


Ways to infect a cat with leukemia

The greatest risk factor are cats of any breeds and
ages. Cats suffer from leukemia much less often. Consider how
Thus, the animal may become infected with leukemia:

– It is transmitted from cat to cat by airborne droplets;

– Contactless infection. The virus “wakes up” in the body
pet, without contact with infectious animals;

– Through the bites of bloodsucking (mosquitoes, ticks, and others). In
If an insect has bitten a sick animal, and then

– Also the virus is transmitted through hygiene items (hairbrushes,
kogterezy and others), as a rule, infection occurs on

– Through the blood. Virus entering the animal through
wounds, for example, during a fight;

– Newborn kittens are infected intrauterinely or through milk

Is cat leukemia dangerous for humans?

If you are concerned about the danger of the virus to humans. Hurry
reassure – the virus is not dangerous for people, even with very close and
long contact with a sick pet. This fact is proved by
scientific research in both Russian and foreign

Symptoms of leukemia in cats

The virus infects the immune system, the lymphatic system and the bloodstream.
All other organs receive a “stroke” due to a complication from
leukemia The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

– Frequent, sudden rises in body temperature;

– loss of activity;

– Complete refusal to eat;

– rapid depletion;

– Frequent problems with the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea);

– Mucous membranes become pale (yellowish

– Lymph nodes, kidneys and a liver increase (it is noticeable at

– Excessive drooling is often noticed;

– The animal often catches a cold (cough, runny nose,
possible discharge from the eyes);

– A bug eyedness occurs;

– Malfunctions of the heart (arrhythmia, tachycardia);

– Increased drowsiness, depression.

Important! Remember to increase the chance to cure a loved one
pet, if suspicious symptoms are detected
immediately consult a veterinarian.

Forms of leukemia in cats

There are several forms of leukemia in cats:

1. Transient. The probability of survival is very high. Here
the crucial role is played by the immunity of the animal. The stronger it is, the more
chances of survival. Cat’s body is able to overcome

2. Latent. It affects the kidneys, liver and lymph nodes. With competent
prescribing drugs and with the right content, the animal can
live with this disease for many years;

3. Persistent. The most dangerous form that can not be
treatment. Pet begins to hurt often, join the secondary
infection, the animal weakens and dies. It happens because of
weakening of the immune system.

Methods for the diagnosis of leukemia in cats

In the early stages of the disease by visual inspection of the diagnosis
impossible to deliver. It is beyond the power of even highly qualified
a specialist. Enough to identify the disease
significant number of procedures:

– Blood chemistry;

– PCR method (this analysis allows you to quickly and practically
accurately identify many different viruses and infections);

– ultrasound and radiography;

– Histological examination (based on the study sample
tissue from the body of the animal);

– ELISA (detection of viruses in the blood using
biochemical reactions);

– If these tests are not enough, then a biopsy is prescribed and
other specific studies.

The most common diagnosis – rapid test. To
determine the disease, you need to do two tests, one will
not enough. Do not rush to get upset if the first study
will show the presence of a virus. Tests often give false information, and their
results are not fundamental for setting accurate

Treatment of leukemia in cats

Unfortunately, today there is no effective
remedies for this disease. A veterinarian can only
prescribe a therapy to eliminate symptoms based on the condition
cats As a rule, prescribe:

– Antibiotics;

– Drugs that support immunity;

– In some cases, drugs may be prescribed,
intended for the treatment of HIV infection in humans;

– Symptomatic therapy (drugs from the common cold, outflow from
eyes, diarrhea, constipation and other things);

– In the case of a severe form, the doctor may prescribe chemotherapy or
blood transfusion.

Prevention of cat leukemia

To максимально оградить свою кошку от встречи с заболеванием,
The following preventive measures are recommended:

– Although the vaccine is not a 100% guarantee that the cat does not get sick
leukemia, but it significantly reduces the risk. Therefore it is necessary
make comprehensive vaccinations against viral diseases, including
от leukemia The most popular vaccine today is “Purevax

– Infection can be brought home on the sole of a shoe. Therefore,
wipe your shoes or put them in
a place inaccessible to a pet;

– Process the toilet tray with special

– Protect your cat from free range to avoid risk
infections from street animals;

– Do not allow your pet to become cold. Cold
the disease can trigger the development of leukemia;

– The most important thing is the support of immunity. The diet should be
balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins;

– If an animal visits an exhibition, use only its own
hairbrushes, kogterezy and other;

– In the case of suspected colds or other
infection, do not delay a visit to the doctor. Self-medication is dangerous and can
lead to irreversible effects, including leukemia.

If your pet is diagnosed, do not rush.
give up a furry friend by putting him to sleep. With the right
prescribing a doctor and in case of strong immunity, the animal may
live long and happy years near you. The main thing is not to fall
spirit, strictly adhere to the recommendations of experts, and
provide your pet a favorable atmosphere.

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