Lactomarin Gel – instructions for use

Every day science offers us new and new developments, able to improve the health of modern man and prolong life. It is easy to find medicines and food supplements that are on sale. advertise as a panacea for all diseases. Among them you can meet drug Laktomarin, created on a natural basis. let’s see how real is the advertising of the drug, and how lactomarin works.


What is Lactomarin?

Judging by the instructions, Laktomarin is a new food product consisting of algae. The drug contains composition of useful elements more than 40, as well as vitamins, food fibers, polysaccharides and others that are beneficial to human health substances. In the process of using the drug, Lactomarin is getting better. fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism.

Локтамарин гель

According to the manufacturer, dietary supplements are effective for anemia. pregnant women, iodine deficiency, iron. Drug advantage Laktomarin is that he is able to remove accumulated slags from organism, as it is a natural enterosorbent. Neatly cleansing the intestines, this natural product does not bring vital important elements, and vice versa, enriches the body with them. Reception shown drug Lactomarin in the treatment of diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Of cardio-vascular system.
  • Genitourinary system.
  • Endocrine system.
  • Oncology.
  • Musculoskeletal system.
  • Immunodeficiency states.
  • Detoxification. 


Release form and composition of the drug

Lactomarin Gel - instructions for use

Lactomarin is available in gel form, packaged in an airtight 500 ml plastic jar Russian food additive manufacturer company NPO Summa Technologies. As already mentioned, the drug It has a rich composition of micro and macro elements, which include magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, chromium, potassium, zinc. Vitamins indicated in the composition: B1, B2, B4, B5, B9, C. Also included are the following components:

  • glucose 0,7%;
  • fructose 1.4%;
  • alginates 1.2 g per 100 g of the drug;
  • attracts 22.6%;
  • linoic acid 2.2 mg per 100 g;
  • fucoidan 1.2 g per 100 g;
  • alpha linoleic acid, 3.2 g per 100 g;
  • amino acids 0.36 g nm 100 g

Methods of use and dosage

How to use the drug Lactomarin? Daily dosage of food supplements do not exceed an average of 150 grams. If the agent is accepted as a treatment, a single dose is recommended for half an hour before meals. It is allowed to divide the dosage into 2-3 doses of 75-50 gram. The course of treatment is 4-8 weeks. By need through One month treatment is repeated.

If Lactomarin is taken for prophylaxis, the daily dose делится на два приема, которые производятся за 20-30 минут before meals. You can take the gel in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before dinner Duration of supplementation for prophylactic purposes from 30 days.

Contraindications to the use of gel < / h2>

So what is the drug Lactomarin, deception or a panacea? Despite the advertising, consumer reviews say that this miracle product has contraindications. It is forbidden to use iodine-containing drug to children under three years of age, women during breastfeeding and pregnant women without consulting a doctor. With care, the supplement should be treated by people who are prone to allergic reactions, because taking algae can cause individual intolerance to iodine.

Patients with osteoporosis should also abandon Laktomarina, so that its use does not lead to pathological complications or fractures. Contraindications to the use of drugs affect patients with renal insufficiency, with inflammatory processes in the duodenum and stomach. Judging by the advertising of the drug, then there are no restrictions for its reception. But before you buy a seaweed supplement, it is better to read the reviews of doctors or consult a specialist in order not to harm health.

Price and where to buy Lactomarin? < / h2>

After wide advertising a reasonable question arises: how much does Lactomarin cost? The price of a jar rather big: 3 thousand rubles. If you use the amount of the means strictly according to the instructions, then one can is enough for 3 days. The course of drug treatment is from 1 month, so it is not difficult to calculate the price of a dubious recovery with Laktomarin – this is 30 thousand rubles a month. But in order to feel the real health benefits, the manufacturer advises taking an additive from 4 months. Accordingly, the price for health is multiplied by 4. Therefore, before you buy Laktomarin, you should think about its cheaper counterparts and substitutes, which are represented in the pharmaceutical market a lot.

How to replace Lactomarin gel: analogues < / h2>

  1. Seaweed. The drug is easy to buy inexpensively at any pharmacy, and contains the same algae. Dry sea kale is rich in iodine, essential amino acids for the body, a necessary set of trace elements. < / Li>
  2. Normolax. Used in the diet diet for the normalization of the bowels, for the elimination and prevention of constipation, control over body weight. < / li>
  3. Formaline. It is recommended for weight loss, cholesterol level in the blood, and reducing low-density lipoprotein. < / Li> < / ol>

    Opinion of doctors about the tool < / h2>

    Reviews about the preparation of doctors divided. Some argue that the drug Laktomarin – is a hoax, others – that if the additive is not harmful to health, then why not take it. In any case, dietary supplements will not harm if there are no contraindications, because the composition of Laktomarina is simple, and there are really few side effects. Moreover, the product can bring psychological assistance in the treatment of serious diseases (placebo pill), which plays an important role in the healing process.


    Customer Reviews < / h2>

    Eva, 38 years old < / strong> : I use Laktomarin gel to raise immunity for all members of my family during the winter period for several years in a row. The result is satisfied, no one gets sick, even when the flu is rampant everywhere. I do not know how dietary supplements work with severe diseases, but it is very useful for prophylaxis.

    Angela, 23 years old < / strong> : Awesome action in dealing with obesity from the drug Lactomarin. Reception before meals discourages appetite, so I eat much less than planned. The drug perfectly helps to fight skin laxity, improve its appearance while losing weight, saturating with useful microelements, cleansing from toxins. I am satisfied with the purchase!

    Anastasia, 29 years old < / strong> : I bought the dietary supplement Laktomarin for my grandmother to strengthen the cardiovascular system. After 3 days of taking the old woman all covered with a rash, even had to call the doctor. I advise you not to spend on advertising and not spend money in vain, so you do not spend extra money to get rid of other problems that arise when treating drugs with unknown properties.


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