Lack of perfume with pheromones

Wed, 21 May 2014

The popularity of perfumes containing pheromones is quite high.
Indeed, the tool that allows you to multiply in a few seconds
their sexual attractiveness just can not have
high demand. But does this hidden weapon of seduction
any flaws? Of course, there is.

Everything in this world has any drawbacks, and so
an unusual remedy cannot possess them. The only question is
how significant are the negative aspects of perfume with pheromones. On
in fact, the minuses of such spirits are very diverse, therefore it has
meaning to talk about each of them separately. Below will be considered
the major disadvantages of perfume with pheromones, so that you can
get the most complete picture of this miracle tool.

Selectivity of exposure. It is necessary to understand that
each person reacts to the effects of pheromones differently. AT
As a result, the purchase of even the most branded pheromone perfume can
prove worthless. Thus, if a similar perfume
used to impact a particular person, then the effect
may be either too intense or zero.

Allergy Very many perfume compositions
can cause allergies in some people. Perfume with pheromones not
an exception. Therefore, before using this tool
seduction, it is necessary to make sure that the object of exposure is not
allergic to too strong odors. ATедь, согласитесь,
a man who is constantly sneezing, blowing his nose and shedding tears is clearly not
to erotic thoughts.

Fragrance damage. ATообще, парфюмерия – это настоящее
art. ATедь для составления удачной композиции профессиональный
perfumer must show all his talent. Perfume with pheromones –
It is a product of mass consumption, which can be compared with such
trivial remedies like intimate lubricants, sun creams and
etc. That is why waiting for special delights from such perfumes
worth it. And this in turn means that for serious
events where everyone tries to demonstrate their delicate taste,
similar flavors do not fit. Mix the same perfume containing
pheromones, with other perfumery means should not be, because
the cacophony of flavors resulting from this mix may turn out to be
even more unpresentable. Of course, if desired, for sale
You can find perfume with pheromones, on the aroma of which worked
talented perfumer. But such compositions will cost a lot.

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