Kitten vomited: possible reasons for what to do.How to treat a pet at home if a kitten has vomiting: first aid forpoisoning

Пт, 15 дек 2017 Автор: Светлана Землянская

The pet requires constant care, especially when
provided that the little friend is quite small. Special attention
the owner of the kitten must be drawn to his behavior and

If your pet is sick and sick,
you should find out the reasons why the kitten vomited. Required
do it immediately because the unformed organism
can thus respond to fairly serious
pathologies requiring the intervention of a veterinary specialist.


Possible causes of vomiting in a kitten

Determine the cause of your pet’s vomiting.
sometimes impossible. Despite this fact, the landlord must take
an attempt to ascertain the bad health of a kitten. Exists
several reasons due to which the kitten could snatch.

1. • Abrupt transition to a different diet. Good example
can serve as a case when the monthly baby torn from
mother cats and transferred to full feeding. Because of
Kitten’s body is not yet fully developed, and its digestive
the system is not strong, to digest the food the baby is not in

2. • Incorrect diet components. Eating such
unhealthy pet products like: poor quality food,
fatty fried foods that a person eats will cause problems with
organs of the digestive system.

3. • Excess amount of food.

4. • Getting the animal’s hair into the gastrointestinal tract.

5. • Entry of foreign objects into the digestive system (if
favorite swallowed something inedible).

6. • Poisoning with any chemicals.

7. • The presence of parasites – worms.

8. • Abnormal liver function.

9. • Infection.

The listed reasons why a kitten has vomited are
only to those babies who eat on their own (excommunicated from
mothers). Provided that the pet still eats maternal
milk, then along with the beneficial substances found in its
composition, get harmful components. This is possible if
mother cat give any pills for treatment.

Not all causes are a serious cause for concern and
threaten the body of a kitten. But to pinpoint the cause, and how she
will affect the health of the baby, only a specialist can.

What to do if the kitten has vomited

Every owner, whose pet is experiencing a similar problem,
wonders what to do if a kitten has vomited, as
perform a first aid?

If gagging recurs frequently, each is accompanied by
vomiting, body temperature changed, kitten vomits yellow or white
liquid for several hours, blood drops are possible in
discharge and there is a complete rejection of food and water, it can
help only a veterinarian.

After testing, the veterinarian will prescribe a medical
therapy including the following treatments and

1. • Antiemetics.

2. • To eliminate cramps and pain
pain reliever.

3. • With a lack of fluid in the body, salt is necessary.

4. • Provided that the cause of vomiting is spread
infections, antibiotics are prescribed, which will be applied in the form of
muscle injection.

5. • If worms have been detected by a veterinary specialist,
antihelminth drugs are prescribed accordingly.

What to do if the kitten vomited only once, and others
symptoms of serious pathologies or poisoning is not observed? In that
case, the pet owner will be able to provide
first aid. It is advisable not to feed your pet for half
days (about 12 hours). Every one and a half to two hours should be watered.
kitten with clean water. If the pet’s age is very small, then
can help a syringe without needles.

After the kitten’s well-being improves, he will begin
�”Come to life” and show a peculiar interest in the environment
and food, it is worth giving him a small amount of food. Can feed
a little friend of low-fat chicken meat, broth, decoction of rice or
same specialized medical food. After a day, you can
return to the usual diet. Be sure to exclude
unhealthy foods for the baby – smoked, fatty, sweet,

It is important to remember that for any reason of gagging,
you should not load the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract with food, but give
rest for 12-14 hours.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent such unpleasant
явления, как рвота, у вашего любимца, следует соблюдать
few rules.

1. • Provided that the kitten eats cat’s milk, it is necessary
carefully monitor what it eats and try to keep in
good condition of her immune system.

2. • When converting from liquid to solid feed, it is advisable to carry out
process gradually.

3. • Be sure to timely vaccination and
deworming, to avoid infection or

4. • Careful observation of the baby so that to exclude
ingress of a foreign object or harmful chemicals in its
digestive system.

5. • Routine screening at the vet every six months.

6. • Proper preparation of the diet.

7. • Exclusion from the diet of unhealthy baby

We should not forget that the smaller the age of the pet, the
less likely to use medications or
other treatments will be successful. Negligence of the owner of the kitten
or treating a veterinarian can be fatal
(especially for pets older than 2 months).

Careful attention to the pet will help
keep baby healthy and prevent occurrence
adverse symptom – vomiting. Also, timely appeal to
a veterinarian will help
improve the condition of the kitten and accelerate the period of its recovery.

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