Jelly and jelly – what’s the difference?

Jelly and jelly - what's the difference?

Jellied chicken is a popular and even healthy winter dish. AT
He has a lot of meat, the composition is 100% natural, any sausage to him
not even a candle. Or “nervously smokes on the sidelines,” as
it is customary to speak now. Often jelly called jelly. Whether there is a
the difference between these meat dishes is that it is better to cook for


Meat and meat

The main difference is the type of meat. Jelly is always prepared from
beef, and this is not discussed. Shanks are used, various
articular parts, tails, mosly with meat, ribs. Take those pieces,
which are rarely used in other dishes. They are usually a lot
cartilage. Aspic is mainly cooked from pork, it goes
legs, knuckles, heads. AT них много желирующих веществ,
providing freezing. But it is allowed to add other
meat products.

What is added to jelly:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • a bird;
  • game.

ATсе зависит от личного вкуса. Chicken to pork is injected for
reduce fat. Beef gives its taste and aroma. Any other
products diversify the dish.

Также отличается способ подготовки meat products. Pork,
as legs and parts with skin are used, it is necessary
soak in cold water. Ingredients are poured, left on
several hours or overnight. It is advisable to put in the fridge
or bring to the street. If possible, water several times
to change. AT нее уйдет гарь, сажа, сукровица и прочие

The beef is also soaked, but to remove the ichor. If meat
not fresh, had time to lie, then you can not do this, enough
rinse well. But here we are talking about products without
skins, it is always removed.

How much cooked aspic and jelly

Many housewives argue that brawn must be cooked exactly six
hours But there is one amendment. During this time, the legs from the young
the piglet will fall apart, fall apart, go to the broth. It will become muddy,
white, the amount of meat will decrease.

Для свиного холодца достаточно 4-five hours Once
the meat will begin to lag behind the pits, you can remove the pan from

Beef jelly in four hours just will not have time to prepare.
The meat will be cooked during this time, but the gelling will not come out into the broth
Components. Говядину желательно варить шесть или даже восемь hours
AT старину мясо оставляли на краю печи, где оно медленно томилось
all night long.

What better freezes

Pork jelly freezes much faster than beef jelly.
It can be stronger, cut with a knife, like a sausage.
It is from pork aspic that various snacks are made in curly
forms and bottles. You can flip it from a bowl to a flat dish,
decorate with greens, beautifully beat the flow.

Beef jelly is softer, softer, sometimes there are problems
with congealing.

But they may be in jelly, if you add a lot of other meat
products or miss with the amount of liquid. If appear
doubt, then a thickener is immediately injected into the broth. This is usually gelatin.
But there are options with agar-agar.

What is added to jelly and jelly

Classic jelly with garlic, it is also injected into the jelly, but
in no case during cooking. It is wiser to use fresh
crushed cloves when pouring. It is administered to meat or broth.
Garlic is combined with all kinds of meat and poultry gives the “same”
taste of dishes from childhood.

What is added during cooking:

  • bow;
  • carrot;
  • laurel;
  • bell pepper;
  • roots, greens.

ATажно это закладывать в середине процесса, когда уже снята пена.
ATыбирать добавки можно по своему вкусу, что-то вводить или
exclude, there are no strict rules.

By the way, do not add boiled carrots to jelly,
Eggs, peas and other decorations. ATсе это вводится в студень и в
aspic. These dishes are distinguished by clear broth, additives in them
look really beautiful.  


  • Jelly – exclusively beef dish. Jelly can be cooked with
    different types of meat, including beef or veal.
  • Beef jelly is in most cases easier and lower by
    calorie content on the surface does not form a layer of fat.
  • Aspic is usually light, dense, to achieve a clear broth
    complicated. ATерхний слой студня похож на золотистое желе, через него
    shine pieces of meat.
  • Both dishes are cooked for a long time, used
    limited amount of fluid.
  • ATремя варки холодца меньше, чем говяжьего студня.
  • And in jelly, and brawn can add gelatin or other
  • ATиды специй и овощей при варке можно выбирать на свое
    discretion, clear rules and no differences.

Classic beef jelly

Jelly and jelly - what's the difference?

The recipe of aspic is an incredible amount, which cannot be said about
jelly. Here is the classic version of beef with carrots and
eggs. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and beautiful, great
suitable for a festive table. If you do not like the additives, you can
exclude them, leave only meat and broth with spices.


  • 3.five kg of beef on the bones;
  • 2.4 liters of water;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 2-4 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • five peppercorns;
  • 1 clove;
  • salt to taste;
  • greenery for decoration.

Cooking method

  1. ATымочить мясо часок в холодной воде, жидкость окрасится в
    pink color, then wash the beef. Fill prescription
    water, send to the stove steamed. When boiling we collect all
    the foam. Sometimes jelly cooked on the second broth. You can merge the first
    water, pour again.
  2. Cook the meat at low boil for 4 hours. Then throw one
    onion, you can with the husk, add laurel, cloves, peas, pepper,
    washed carrot. Tomim another 2-3 hours.
  3. AT конце мясо с бульоном солим. It used to do not
  4. ATынимаем мясо и остужаем. Strain the broth through gauze or
    the cloth. Try, salt or pepper, do to your liking. Meat
    we remove from stones, we break into pieces hands or we cut.
  5. Grind garlic, mix with meat, put in bowls,
    Pour broth so that it slightly covers the meat. We remove in
    a fridge so that the top is a bit frozen.
  6. ATарим яйца, очищаем морковку, нарезаем. Laying on the frozen
    meat, pour the remaining broth. For beauty, you can skip
    some greens, throw peas or corn.
  7. Put the jelly in the fridge, withstand at least eight

Since the jelly is made exclusively from beef,
it can be put on a Muslim table, boldly given to children and those
people who do not like fatty foods. Jelly is much
calorie, but has its advantages, different taste. AT любом
case, both dishes are worthy of a place to
the table.

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