Is it possible to celebrate 40 years? Church opinionAstrologers and psychics: how can you celebrate this date?

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years? Church opinion Astrologers and psychics: how can you celebrate this date?

The forty year anniversary is not an easy date, considered
special in many cultures. The most interesting is the opinion
representatives of different spheres of our life – astrologers, esoteric,
representatives of the church – one. Celebrate the fortieth anniversary not
recommended. What is most interesting is not mere superstition or
omen There are grounds for such a ban. Let’s detail
let’s see why you can not celebrate the forty


Church opinion

Let’s start with an important area of ​​our life – religion. Believers
you need to know what the church thinks about it.
Priests believe that the ban on celebrating the fortieth anniversary –
it is only a manifestation of ordinary human fear.

What is the reason for this attitude? Subconsciously figure
40 evokes negative associations, evokes thoughts about the afterlife.
It is on the fortieth day after death that it is customary to arrange

The church itself believes that this fear is absolutely nothing
reasonable, there is no reason to believe in such signs that the figure
forty has no negative effect on a person’s life.
At the same time the church does not prohibit the celebration and thirty-three years,
which are the age of jesus christ. Higher powers don’t
perceive these dates as an insult or an encroachment on something

Interestingly, in the Bible, the number forty is associated with many

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years? Church opinion Astrologers and psychics: how can you celebrate this date?

There are many more references to the number forty in the Bible; all of them are not
are definitely negative. Therefore, if a person is a believer,
he can quietly celebrate his fortieth birthday.

Opinion of astrologers

Astrologers have a different opinion on this. They firmly believe
that this date is related to the crisis. This is due to the influence of Uranus on
man in this period of his life. The planet can drastically
change different areas of life. It’s not for nothing that a person’s crisis
comes precisely in forty years. Uranus affects us so that we
We begin to rethink their lives, often the past years can
evaluated in a negative light. Values, beliefs, priorities
can dramatically change. Often people get divorced, dramatically change
their profession, begin to live differently.

The most negative impact of Uranus can manifest
in the following way:

  • Increased risks of accidents, various hazardous
  • Problems with finances;
  • High chances of developing serious and dangerous diseases;
  • Conflicts in the family, able to bring to a divorce.

We can say that the influence of Uranus affects in such a way that
the person begins to literally rush in different directions. Often
rash acts are committed, throws from extremes into
extreme, difficult to make decisions, confused thoughts, any
incomprehensible situation can cause stress, although previously this is not
was observed.

Astrologers strongly recommend either not to celebrate at all.
forty years anniversary, or do it as calmly as possible, in a quiet
environment, a narrow circle of loved ones. Also not recommended to congratulate
birthday boy, make toasts. Astrologers suggest devoting an evening
farewell to the 39th anniversary. This little trick will smooth out
negative impact and celebrate a birthday.

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years? Church opinion Astrologers and psychics: how can you celebrate this date?

Opinion psychics

Psychics have a negative attitude to this period of life.
The fortieth anniversary is considered the period when a person manifests
lack of energy.

Vitality decreases, energy protection and
Biofield weaken.

Therefore, it is better not to celebrate the anniversary – at a celebration can
turn out to be a man with a bad eye, a birthday man can get damage.
This can happen and unconsciously, for example, may envy,
how good is the hero of the day, how cheerful and happy he is, and in the family
he is well and at work. If a similar person thinks
strong energy person who has a tendency to evil eye –
the hero of the occasion will be adversely affected, any
from the spheres of life can go downhill.

Psychics also pay attention to numerology. According to
this science, the number 4 is creation, and 4 + 0, that is, 40 is the transformation
worldview. Of course, one cannot say that it carries any
negative, however, and a clear assurance of security either.
Празднование сорокалетие все же не recommended.

If you turn to the Tarot cards, the number 40 represents
собой смерть, погребени

Accordingly, it is better not to celebrate.

How can you celebrate 40 years

If, despite everything, it is decided to celebrate
40th anniversary, you need to take into account many nuances. Most
will not recommend to do this, so as not to incur
Negative consequences. However, there are loopholes and rules when
observance of which you can celebrate forty years:

  • You can use the advice of astrologers and devote
    the triumph is not the coming of forty years, but parting with
    39th anniversary.
    The main thing is to warn all guests to
    Ignorance did not congratulate the hero of the day on the wrong date. Postcards, quantity
    candles or figure on the cake should be devoted to 39.
  • Do not invite a lot of guests. Let it be
    modest holiday in the narrow circle of the closest. With this you must
    fully trust each of the guests.
  • Organize a celebration not for the 40th anniversary, but
    for example, the next day or every other day.
    Turns out
    that the date will not be round, and 40 years and 2 days or 3. Guests can
    ask in advance not to voice the number 40, but just to pronounce
    toasts in honor of the birthday or anniversary, without specifics.

The most important thing is to remember that our positive attitude,
Belief in good and good create real miracles!

Even if you are a little afraid to celebrate forty
years, try to think about the good.

Program yourself to the positive that everything will be
well, the whole family is in health and well-being, everything happens in life, but
Most problems are solvable.

If you focus only on good thoughts and
plans, you can really strengthen your energy, protection,
smooth out a possible negative. Kind and positive attitude, here’s what
you need your anniversary!

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