Sad but true:
overweight harbors serious health and
wellness. So, people with a diagnosis of “obesity” more often
there is an elevated level of “bad” cholesterol,
insulin and blood sugar.
Today, obesity is one of the main causes of stroke,
heart attack, diabetes, cancer and banal depression.
Each in its own way is trying to determine the presence or absence of
being overweight (often guided by standards imposed by
glossy magazines and TV), however the final diagnosis should be
delivered by a doctor who, in turn, takes as the basis
specific indicators. And the main one is the amount of fat
interlayer in the abdomen.
In most cases, it is abdominal obesity that is responsible.
for the risks and the opportunity to get those diseases that were
listed above.
Tests solve everything: diagnosis of abdominal obesity
In order to write to the patient’s card – “obesity”, the doctor
should conduct a survey. In this case, the traditional way
determine the presence of overweight is a test for BMI
(body mass index). It is more accurate than test measurement.
skin folds, however, has several disadvantages.
Consider a simple example: a professional athlete can
have significant body mass that exceeds all permissible
norms, but the indicators on the scales will be a reflection of a large number
strong muscles, not fat.
Conversely, a person with a normal BMI can have a solid
fatty layer. Especially dangerous if it is in the area
What is the risk of abdominal obesity?
Doctors distinguish two types of fat distribution in the body. The first –
subcutaneous layer. Enough is not enough if deposits are firmly
settle in the waist, hips or forearms, however
unaesthetic “rollers” and “ears” do not carry an increased danger
for good health.
Much worse if you have so-called visceral in excess
fat that accumulates inside the stomach or envelops the internal
organs. He is the time bomb that
It has a detrimental effect on the body, provoking the most serious
What is lipotoxicity?
In addition to the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke,
visceral fat may cause a so-called effect
lipotoxicity. It is manifested in the fact that lipid cells
internal organs accumulate, and then give to the internal
blood flow toxins and acid decomposition products. Those in turn
adversely affect the function of the heart, liver and other internal
organs.Simple arithmetic: the more fat in the body, the stronger it is
affects your health. And the only way to reduce
the likelihood of unwanted effects will be losing weight.
We carry out tests: how to determine abdominal obesity?
Abdominal obesity can be most accurately identified with
using the method of computed tomography. However, the opportunity to pass
not everyone has such research. Much easier to learn
the amount of visceral fat is possible by measuring the ratio
waist to the same indicator hips.
This is done like this: you need to relax the belly and measuring tape
measure the waist at the level of the navel, after – the hips at the widest
place The resulting figures should be divided as follows:
waist size (in cm) / hip volume (in cm) = result
The calculated coefficient (result) will tell you whether it exceeds
the amount of visceral fat permissible rate. In other words –
Are you at risk? If the coefficient is 0.95 and
more, sound the alarm – your health, and especially
The cardiovascular system is in danger. With this indicator
equal to 0.85 and below is considered normal. Another exact method
determining risk is measuring waist at the navel.
The result can be interpreted as follows:
- the lack of or a small health risk – an indicator of 101
see for men and 86 cm for women;
- the average health risk is 102–109 cm for men and 87–95
see for women;
- high health risks – 110 cm and more for men and 96 and
more for women.
Determining the presence of abdominal obesity is quite easy,
however, getting rid of visceral “excess” is much more difficult. Although
It is because the internal deposits are very reluctant to leave
an organism.
Abdominal obesity in men and women is treated with
specially developed low-calorie diet, moderate
physical exertion (good Nordic walking) or
drugs that are selected by the doctor.
Anyway, if you are at risk, i.e.
indicated volumes exceed the norm, ask for help
a specialist. So you will save health and give yourself the opportunity
live a long full life.