Instructions for use balm Vicks Active withmenthol and eucalyptus

Vicks asset (balm) is an external remedy designed for inhalation and rubbing of the back, neck and chest area with выраженными противовоспалительными, местно-раздражающим, antiseptic properties. Included in the ointment eucalyptus oil It has an antispasmodic expectorant effect, contributes to accelerated phlegm from the lungs. This medicine is great. assistant for colds in children and adults, relieves muscle aches, sore throat, treats dry cough. Reduced nasal congestion from the use of the drug lasts 8 hours.


Release form and composition of Balm Vicks asset

Balsam Vicks asset – white ointment with a yellowish tint. Used for external use and inhalation. A drug it is packaged in polypropylene banks on 50 or 25 grams.


100 grams of product contains: active substances (2.75 g левоментола, 1,5 г эвкалиптового масла,  5 г камфоры, 5 г turpentine oil) and excipients (0.25 g of thymol, paraffin, 0.45 g cedar oil).

Instructions for use balm Vicks Active withmenthol and eucalyptus


What helps balm: indications for use

Викс Актив широко применяется как противовоспалительный drug to eliminate the signs of acute respiratory diseases, such as:

  • Runny nose;
  • Swelling of the mucous (congested) nose.
  • Sore throat;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Cough;

Dosage and administration for adults and children

Наружное применение: Немного бальзама наносится on the skin from 2 to 4 times per day. When coughing, ointment is rubbed neat. movements on the skin of the neck and back, neck with a sore throat, the area above thoracic with a cold and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Not worth it apply more than 15 ml of an adult for 1 time. Dose of Balm Weeks The asset for children should not exceed 5 ml. Procedure performed at bedtime, increases the speed of treatment.

Ингаляции: 1-2 чайные ложки Викс Актив added to hot water up to 90 ° C, poured into a wide bowl. For the next 10-15 minutes, the resulting vapor is inhaled. Additional inhalation water heating is not required. Not to cause eye irritation, the procedure is performed with eyes closed. The resulting solution is used only once. Children procedure conducted under the supervision of adults.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, it is contraindicated in the following cases: Weeks Asset is not used for hypersensitivity, allergic reaction to its components, for scratches, open wounds, mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. The instructions for use of Balm Viks Active include the following contraindications: < / wbr>: a tendency to bronchospasm, asthma, emphysema, chronic smoker’s cough, cough caused by sputum accumulation, false croup and whooping cough.

A drug опасен для детей до 2-летнего возраста. Pregnant women who are breastfed are not recommended to use the balm due to the lack of information on its effect on metabolism.

External use of the balm sometimes causes local allergic reactions: hives, dermatitis, redness or irritation of the skin. Inhalation leads to tearing, coughing, laryngism and whistling in the breath. If side effects occur, discontinue use. In cases of skin irritation or overdose, it is recommended to remove the excess amount of ointment with a paper or gauze cloth.

Special instructions < / h2>

Do not use drugs for food. To avoid balm in the eyes, on the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose, do not apply ointment on the face. Wash your hands thoroughly immediately after the procedure. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with water. After applying the drug, it is advisable to wear lightweight clothing. Do not heat Vicks Active before use. In the absence of a positive result of treatment for 5 days or deterioration, consult a doctor. This drug does not affect the ability to hazardous activities, driving and complex mechanisms.

Interaction with other drugs: the use of the drug Vicks Active can enhance the effects of taking certain drugs, prolong their duration.

Price < / h2>

How much is a Vix asset? The cost in different pharmacies varies depending on the form of release. The average price of Vicks Active Balsam is 200 rubles per 25 grams, 400 rubles per 50 grams.

Cheap analogs of Bix vix asset < / h2>

  1. Dr. Mom Cold Rab. Cheap analogue of Vicks Active, is used for symptomatic < / wbr> about the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, with accompanying nasal congestion, rhinitis, with muscle and headaches. < / Li>
  2. Ajikold Plus ointment. A drug местного действия, предназначенный для лечения воспалительных заболеваний дыхательных органов, ринита, кашля, заложенности the nose. Helps with muscle pain and back pain. < / Li>
  3. Travisil ointment. Anti-inflammatory < / wbr> a strong, antiseptic, locally irritating < / wbr> method. Effective in the treatment of headache and muscle pain, colds with cough, sore throat, upper respiratory tract edema, rhinitis. < / Li>
  4. Dr. Mom Inhayler inhalation pencils. Комбинированный препарат, облегчающий носовое дыхание при лечении ОРВИ с симптомами заложенности the nose.
  5. Linkas Balm ointment. Symptomatic treatment of patients suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis. The tool helps to dilute sputum, the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, helps with headaches. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews of Vicks Balsam < / h2>

    Maria, 22 years < / strong> : In the summer I managed to catch a cold just before the holidays. Coughing did not help anything, no sprays and rubbing until I bought this balm. I rubbed my back before going to bed, and I slept quietly the first night, the next day the mucus from the respiratory tract began to slowly go out, and two days later I was completely healthy.

    Olga, 57 years old < / strong> : My five-year-old child has caught a cold – fever, runny nose, throat reddened. I immediately ran to the pharmacy. The pharmacist recommended Vicks Aktiv to me, the photo of which was hanging on the shop window as an advertisement. As it turned out, the remedy is not only pleasant (the smell of menthol), but really effective: the main cold symptoms disappeared the very next day.

    Victoria, 35 years old < / strong> : I fell ill before the New Year holidays, I ran to the pharmacy and bought this tool advertised everywhere and everywhere. Despite the positive and negative reviews, the balsam is excellent, but the “Dr. Mom” I used before works no worse, but the cost is lower. But anyway, thanks to Viks Active – it helped me to celebrate the New Year healthy.


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