If a бросил муж: всё кончилось или толькоbegan? You are the one to blame? Workshop for women whoa husband left a misunderstanding

Пн, 09 ноя 2015 Автор: Ирина Нагорняк

No matter how wiped it may sound, but such a situation can happen
in the life of almost every beautiful half
of humanity. What to do first? First,
что следует сделать
, это осознать, что жизнь не кончается,
but on one person the light did not converge even if you want it
to refute, even if you really want.

First, there is a desire to return the beloved at all costs.
has become. But there is one small nuance – is it necessary? Is there any reason
return a man who could after hours spent with you
together after frank conversations and unforgettable moments
say goodbye However, things may not be so tragic and
sentimentally, let’s figure it out.


Return or not return: what is the question

And for what reason does the husband leave his wife. There are many reasons
major – five.

1. Нехватка любви

For some reason, everyone thinks that only women are
sentimental and emotional
accepted. But it does not change anything, even a man, courage and
whose steel character is envied by Arnold Schwarzenegger,
inside is vulnerable and sensitive. If a вы уже давно не
manifested to each other those feelings that tend to manifest
loving people, most likely it was, if not an occasion, then one
из причин ухода husband Lack of both physical and spiritual
intimacy between spouses has never done anything good
led to.

2.•Мужчина хочет самореализоваться

Every member of the stronger sex once dreamed of chic
a car and a successful career, and duties to take out the garbage and walk with
wife shopping in his plans clearly did not enter. If a мужчина после
the wedding begins to realize that marriage is its brake
engine to achieve the desired career goals, it can bring
его на мысли о divorce.

3.•Лидер в семье — женщина

Many men are willing to howl like a wolf when they see how sweetheart
wife solves important questions about almost all areas
of life. She manages the budget at her own discretion, and
She chooses a place to rest, and also buys clothes for her husband. Not,
we do not argue, there are those mammals that have such a family life
more than satisfied – it’s paradise just, no responsibility!
But there are not many of them, so the reason why the husband left me could be covered
in the leadership of his wife.

4.•Решил, что жена им просто пользуется

Men tend from time to time to acquire such
thoughts that female cockroaches just nervously smoke on the sidelines. TO
For example, he may decide that his wife uses it. Cause? Request
buy new shoes, a handbag, a ticket to the sea and more regularly
peek into the jewelry salon. A series of endless needs
It seems a man is crazy and over time, the husband can leave the woman
because of the firm thought: “She is with me for the money.”

5.•Женщина на стороне

Perhaps the most painful topic for any woman who
threw her husband The statistics is very sad, according to polls 50% of men
cheating on their wives and a little less than half of them leave the family for the sake of
another woman. But you also need to remember that this is a logical
explanation. A man who is really good and strong
family, will not look for someone on the side. First of all you need
discover a crack in your relationship.

Есть также еще один вариант, назовем его 5+ .
A man is not going to divorce, he just needs time to rest.
Yes, “rest from family relationships” – it sounds scary for someone, for
someone is stupid, but if your husband left you for exactly this reason,
then even the thought of divorcing him can be a shock. This time you
have to spend with benefit, rest yourself, because if such a situation
happened, then something went wrong. You are given freedom –
act. Visit the beauty salon, go shopping,
spend time in the fresh air and you will no doubt be visited
correct thoughts how to improve family life.

Rules for returning a husband or how to remember yourself

I would like to be loved by magic
near and legs kissed? Alas … neither the cherished wand, nor
we do not have a seven-color flower, so we will act ourselves.

No need to rush to his neck in pleading not to leave, no need
get hysterical and depressed, first you just need to figure out
to myself. Instead of seeking an answer to the avid and corroding soul
question “Why did he leave?”, try to answer questions yourself

• What has changed in your relationship lately?

• TOак вел себя муж за месяц-два перед тем, как распрощался?

• Have you changed something in your lifestyle / appearance / behavior?
radically be a couple of weeks ago?

• What was dissatisfied with a man lately?

There can be a lot of similar questions, and an unequivocal answer to
each of them is very difficult to give. But understanding yourself and
situations, you either understand what caused your husband to leave,
or realize that your guilt is not there, and this substantially
improves well-being, tested. Yes, and agree, if the husband is gone
because you have gained weight or annoyed over trifles because
temporary crisis at work, it is hardly worthy of your

If you are firmly confident in your decision to return a man, we will
act. It is much easier to do something, knowing the reason for leaving
husband One way or another should be done as follows.

1. Успокоиться.

This is the first thing to do in any situation. Wait bye
there will be an influx of emotions and common sense will return. It may take
a few days, maybe weeks, but it’s necessary to wait. Everything
psychologists agree on one thing – persuade her husband to return to the family
absolutely pointless. At least because he is to this
subconsciously prepared when I was about to tell you about


The surest way out is to start living life to the fullest, and even better –
something radically change in itself. And it doesn’t have to be
appearance. Do not rush to change haircut or fashionable at the hairdresser.
boutique for a change of style, but going to a fitness club, for example, will go
only for the benefit. Put yourself in order, finally remember that
you are a woman – beautiful, beautiful, self-sufficient. When a man
will see that you are happy without him, quite possibly it will hook him
and he will be back. There is also the option that he will remember what you
were earlier when your relationship just started and everyone wanted
do justice to oneself.

3.•Действуем дальше — режим «лиса»

In this case, you need to somehow contact with a man, because somehow
he must see your changes in the same way. Accidental meeting – not
the best option, especially if you are acting
you didn’t notice and can reveal all the cards. But the call from
The question “How are you?” will look extremely interesting. But it is important
keep calm and indifferent. No, no and no again, if after
a man’s care has passed a day or two, this article is not a reason to
call him now and think that this is necessary. Make this
call after three weeks, no less. Use the most hackneyed
phrases that ordinary friends exchange. This is without a doubt it

4. Терпение и только терпение

No need to stop halfway. If you see that
the situation is changing a little in your favor, don’t stop
act. Continue to radiate happiness and enjoy life
maybe over time you yourself will understand that the lack of daily quarrels
Significantly improves mood, and saved on cooking
culinary delights for the husband can be spent on study courses
Spanish or spa visit.

5. Не сдаваться.

If the man nevertheless decided to return and the cherished goal is achieved,
do not take it with bread and salt. Show that you didn’t scratch
walls from the lack of a loved one, and rested with her friends for a cup
cappuccino. But do not overdo it so as not to scare away the “victim”.

And maybe better, “well, it?”

Do not rush to close the tab and continue to search for the site where you
еще раз расскажут, как вернуть husband Maybe he doesn’t like you

Let’s return to the first point – calm down, first you need
calm down.

Не ноем, не плачем, не истерим

If a man went to another, you do not need to call her with threats and
insults. Your husband is an adult, his decision was
thought out more than once. Therefore, we must first take the situation
as it really is.

Do everything not to lose heart. During this period, well, really want
include sad songs one by one, cry and remember –
how happy you were together. And let’s do it differently? Now you
make yourself look like a god, wash away from endless tears,
dress up in something prettier and go for a nice
pastime. It is very good if there are girlfriends with whom
you can go to a restaurant / club / bowling, at least go to the rink,
the main goal is to get rid of obsessive sad thoughts. If a
girlfriends at the side was not there, go to the gym or fitness club,
hire yourself a professional trainer and head over to
classes. During exercise, the body produces
called hormones of happiness, they are endorphins, which will not allow
you feel sad

A life не кончается

Strange, right? In such a period, the language constantly turns
the phrase: “I can not live without him.” But here is a day, two
week, and you still breathe, walk, feel. May be
the rhythm of your life is a little disturbed, but it is little things There are so many
beautiful, so many places where you have not been, so many wonderful
people you are not familiar with, so is it worth spending time on
sadness and tears?

Меняем обстановку

If a муж бросил, а к этому еще добавился аврал на работе и ссора
with a friend because of a ridiculous disagreement, then you need
pause. Embark on a journey. And it is better to give
preference for active recreation – skiing, camping, equestrian sports are waiting
you for a long time. This is the most effective way to perk up.

What not to do if the husband left

Now you probably want to go to some extreme, only
would be easier. But with the extremes necessary be careful. So if
threw her husband, do not need to do the following things.

Идти к гадалке/ворожее/бабушке с магическими

First, it does not lead to anything good. Most likely you
just spend money on the wind and desecrate your spirituality.
Secondly, even if such a miracle method works, do you need
husband, who is with you almost by force? No, it is no good.

Искать отдушину в унылых подругах

Of course, now you want to complain to someone
fate of the villain, but if you count on the fact that the girlfriend,
whose life does not add up, will lead you out of depression,
very wrong. Mutual consolation is no good
end, in the end, both of you will be sad and lifeless.

Верить запугивающим статьям из СетиВ
You can find a lot of different information on the Internet, but not everything is possible.
take for granted. People are not clones, they were not made for stamping, but
because no one can say for sure how long your
sad state. Do not cheat yourself with thoughts of how
at least one year of life is lost and you will spend it in tears.
Everything может быть гораздо проще, не усложняйте. • Полностью
отдаваться чувствам, забывая о формальностях
Есть еще одна
the side of the painful question is legal, forget about it too
can not. If a у вас есть обще нажитое имущество, а оно наверняка
have a consultation with a lawyer about a possible course of action when
divorce. If a есть дети, нужно четко обзавестись юридическими
arguments – why they should stay with you. Even if you and
head can not come that her husband will be engaged in such
filth and do dirty tricks during a divorce, stay alert. After all
you didn’t expect him to leave you either.

In general, the situation is not as bad as it may seem.

Return a careless husband or start life with
A clean slate is up to you. But if there is no urgent need
make that decision right now, take

Weigh the pros and cons, and only after that start something
to undertake.

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