Ideal female names: choice by signzodiac

Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

The name given to a person is not just a set of letters, it is
a certain combination of sounds that is the carrier of life
energy, connecting with the owner of the name. This energy is capable
have a tremendous impact on a person’s life, drastically change
prescribed his fate. Astrologers recommend picking a name with
учетом особенностей, присущих тому знаку zodiac, представителем
which is the man. Properly matched name is capable
turn flaws into virtues and smooth unpleasant

The following are the ideal female names for all marks.



Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Ladies – Aries have many not the best qualities that
should be edited using the correct name. They
very capricious creatures, they are often called lazy.
Lightheadedness is also not the most pleasant feature of women –

При этом Aries – дамы честолюбивы, порой
are selfish.

Often they are irritable and irrational. Everything
the above qualities can be mitigated or corrected by picking up
девочке такие имена, как Анжелика, Лидия,

They добавят в характер Aries больше нежности, предсказуемости,
will help the representative of this sign to listen to her
intuitions and will constantly replenish the supply of healing energy,
which rams are often wasting.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Ladies – calves are consistent, measured, able
maintain composure in any situation. They не могут выносить
only one thing – moral pressure. It makes them aggressive.
These are thrifty, tidy, wise women who lack
more movement, activity in life. Therefore, the names of girls –
Tauruses need to choose those that will revive them, fill them with life.
force, positive and make initiative, as well as more open
for the world. К примеру, Олеся, Анастасия и
будут как нельзя кстати.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Twin girls value diversity in everything they need.
you need to feel change and be aware that they are their
an integral part.

Twins – рискованные личности, не боящиеся

They lack responsibility, degree. Give these
valuable qualities of women – Gemini can these names:
Margarita, Elsa, Catherine, Dina.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Crayfish – настоящие женственные натуры. Characterized by
sensitivity, tenderness, vulnerability, softness and

Women – cancers know how to lead the house and create in it

They абсолютно домашние существа. Astrologers advise parents
маленьких раков присмотреться к таким именам, как Богдана,
Юлия, Анита
. These names will help girls – cancers become
more free, self-confident and purposeful.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

The lionesses of nature are overly proud, stubborn, brave and powerful.
They must have a fashionable name with a nice, majestic
value, which will emphasize their royalty and importance and at the same time
time will add to them more warmth, sincerity and
responsiveness. Подойдут идеально такие имена, как Виктория,
Veronica, Angelina, Snezhana.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Virgin очень пунктуальны, аккуратны, требовательны к себе и
they are also obedient, responsible, but sometimes too

Virgins, according to astrologers, are suitable names with a rich history:
Станислава, Евдокия, Ирина и Елизавета.

They помогают девочкам, относящимся к этому знаку, стать
independent, more independent and add to the character such
qualities, like reasonable prudence, penetration and


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Women – scales love from birth noise, fun and a big company.
They обаятельны и общительны. But the scales do not know how to concentrate and
extremely changeable in their tastes, decisions.

Libra плохо переносят любые конфликты, не обладают устойчивой
nervous system, so the names of the girls – representatives
This sign should take into account these important features. Perfect
решение – Марина, Елена и Лилия.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Representatives of this sign have an iron will, from an early age
show your complex character. They – настоящие манипуляторы.

Scorpions – дамы являются большими реалистками и категорически
against any fantasy, romance, reverie.

Therefore, names for scorpion girls should soften hard
non-female nature and make the image more gentle, pleasant, relaxing
natural sharpness and rigor. It is worth looking at such names
как Мария, Ульяна, Любовь, Лариса.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

These are real loners who appreciate practicality, calculation,
independence. Sagittarius всегда бывают экстравагантными, не боятся
show yourself – real, take everything from life and conquer the world.
Incredibly quick, different dexterity, rationality and

Names for them need to look calm, with a pacifying

Подойдут такие имена, как Тамара, Василиса, София,


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Capricorns – девочки очень упрямы, они слышат только самих себя.
Everythingгда настырны, серьезны, избирательны. Do not tolerate lies
impermanence. They обладают a strong sense of one’s own
dignity, bravely cope with any failures.

Experts advise to choose for small capricorn girls
such names, where you can find an abundance of consonants.

Варвара, Карина, Дарья – вот, что заслуживает
special attention.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Aquarius – любознательные, мечтательные, чрезвычайно
freedom-loving creations. They can not be specified, their nickname is not worth it.
to force Aquarius – the woman herself always makes decisions and
does what it sees fit.

Many of this feature of her take for capriciousness. For them
it is necessary to select such names that will only emphasize
Aquarius strengths, making them even brighter and more expressive.
The following options should be considered first:
Albina, Darina, Elsa, Frida.


Ideal female names: choice by sign zodiac

Fish обладают богатым творческим потенциалом, смотрят на мир
a special look and in all things can find beauty. Name matched
fish, should not weaken the above advantages, on the contrary,
it should strengthen them and add more mystery,
creativity, extravagance. Suitable for girls – fish such
имена, как Изольда, Ева, Венера.

Every single name taken is a whole story
ocean of secrets and secrets that will overwhelm the owner of the name. Than
more peaceful, friendlier and more tender will be this ocean, the
more fortunate fate of man.

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