Hyperhidrosis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis,treatment

Tue, Mar 22, 2016

Гипергидроз или как принято в медицинской
practice – profuse sweating, does not depend on various
physical factors, which include overheating,
increased motor activity, high ambient temperature
Wednesday, etc., since perspiration is physiological
the process of secreting a watery secretion by sweat glands,
happening in the human body constantly. Safeguarding
organism from hyperthermia or overheating and helping to maintain
homeostasis evaporating sweat from the skin, thereby cooling the surface of the body and
lowering her temperature.


Hyperhidrosis – symptoms (signs)

Hyperhidrosis, as a violation is expressed in excessive amplification
sweating process, as well as changing the smell of sweat,
becoming smelly. Heavy sweating may be common,
in which the process takes place on the entire surface of human
body and is accompanied by functional disorders of the endocrine,
nervous systems and a number of infectious diseases and local
hyperhidrosis, in which sweating is expressed on local
parts of the body – palms, soles, in the armpits, in
elbow and knee bends, due to somewhat increased
the excitability of the entire nervous system.

Hyperhidrosis often causes people very discomfort,
exerting a negative impact on their quality of life and forcing
be in constant nervous tension. More
provoking perspiration and ultimately creating virtually
vicious circle.

Hyperhidrosis – causes of the disease

The process of sweating is a natural mechanism
helps to keep the body cool and remove excess
liquids, decomposition products, toxic substances and water-salt
exchange. The largest sweat glands are located on the palms of the hands,
the soles of the feet and in the armpits. Chemical composition of sweat
approximately 98-99% consists of water with various impurities
salts – phosphates, chlorides, sulphates of potassium and sodium, as well as
other organic substances. Concentration which is a secret to all
people are not the same and therefore the smell of sweat inherent in people wears
individual character. The composition of the sweat is also mixed with the secret
the sebaceous glands and bacteria on the skin.

Hyperhidrosis is another somatic symptom,
neuropsychiatric illness or consequence of noncompliance
ordinary rules of personal hygiene. It is clinically distinguished on
primary and secondary.

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs mainly in the period of sexual
ripening in one percent of people. Secondary is
a consequence of somatic, endocrine or neurological
diseases. Identification of factors which predetermines further
treatment. During which first of all it is necessary to exclude
endocrine, tumor and infectious diseases. Regulation
sweating is provided by the autonomic nervous system, which
responsible for blood circulation, metabolism, excretion and

It is divided into parasympathetic and sympathetic –
regulating the process of sweating. When hyperhidrosis occurs
changing its normal functioning that entails
disruption of the sweat glands, and therefore with the slightest excitement
the body is immediately covered in sweat.

Hyperhidrosis – methods of treatment

The main method of struggle is the careful observance of personal
hygiene – take a shower every day, make foot baths and
palms, wipe off. Use deodorants for
destroy the smell of sweat. It is not recommended to wear underwear
underwear and socks made from synthetic fabrics. Change clothes
should as often as possible. It is necessary to exclude or limit
diet spicy, too hot food, nicotine, alcohol, coffee.

If profuse sweating is not a symptom of the main
diseases, then in treatment are used:

* drug therapy; * physiotherapy
methods; * antiperspirants; * psychotherapeutic methods.

Surgical healing methods are
a certain risk, which is resorted to only after
conservative treatment if it proves ineffective.

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