Husband does not want to work! How to turn complaints onhusband’s parasitism in memory of the fact that her husband did not want to work, buthe had to

Ср, 11 ноя 2015 BUTвтор: Елена Гурфинкель
The image of the modern mistress of the hearth has long been different from the medieval
standards of femininity and housekeeping. Beautiful lady owes
to be: • Beautiful and well-groomed. • Affectionate and tender. • Do not contradict
husband. • housekeeping. • raise children. • good
earn. The last point would cause many objections to
lovers of canons, but if your husband doesn’t want to work, respect
This item comes to the fore – above the tenderness and beauty. Above
femininity, maternal debt seem like a perfect example
ideal mistress and role model for daughters. We will understand
what kind of lazy people can be “treated”, and how is this done in not hopeless


6 main types of unemployed husbands

The last thing you want to think about what type is
it is your parasite. Especially when you go home with exhausting
work, and “in a string bag six kilograms of canned vegetables“ Globus ”,“ straight
as it is sung in one song. But there is a chance that such an analysis will help
win the battle with the lazy, during which you have almost surrendered to
mercy to the pest.

First type: Mommy’s son.
The common image of a man accustomed to the care, care and help
from everywhere. He was not always unemployed. Last time he was lucky
the work turned up by herself: was offered by friends, my own mom
or even you. He is not in a hurry to look for a new one, not seeing the point in this
a series of unnecessary fussy movements. After all, the wife works and his tasty
feeds Rare “little sons” help wives around the house, some of them
even take children to kindergartens and schools. Besides, moms taught them that
some woman will do everything herself, no need to risk
overwork, temperature 36.7 – life threatening, grated
corns are fraught with death. That’s why now your
the personal unemployed is trying to make you a draft horse,
shifting the role of breadwinner onto your mighty shoulders. BUT
теперь вопрос:
давно ли вы вставали в позу
�“Hands-in-the-side”? Mom’s sons are very afraid when the “mother” is angry.
So you have a chance that the baby will get scared and run to the exchange
labor, to a friend at a firm, to the nearest office, on which hangs
job ad. But there is another chance: a scared drone
run to his mother – to complain and cry.

Second type: narcissus. Most often narcissism
inherent in really beautiful men. Sometimes even smart. Have such
the parasite is inflated self-esteem, he loves only himself, replies to himself
reciprocate, and believes that an employee like him will be
fight the best firms that are ready to provide him exclusively armchair
head. In fact, everything is different. Often its
true skills and knowledge do not correspond to those he has about himself
imagines. It turns out at the first interview, which
not held by stupid people. As a result, hire valuable
frame nobody wants. BUT размениваться на временную the job и быть
a minor worker “daffodil” thinks below his dignity.
That is on the couch in the confidence that good work will come
к нему сама.Вопрос на засыпку: удавалось
Do you persuade him to something unpleasant, but necessary?
Remember how it happened. Apply the same method slightly
changing the text of the appeal. Certainly in a high syllable.

Description of the third: slowly retarding the retardation. is he
not a slacker, just a very long and thoroughly calculated
every step. He certainly needs to weigh everything and put it on
shelves. Thugodum hard to change the war zone, he
clumsy, thorough and slow in decisions. Work searches
будет долгим, но успешным.И снова вопрос на
хоть раз за годы совместной жизни вам
managed to “speed it up” when it “freezes” and
ponders? Right, never. And now do not try. is he найдёт
work without fail. BUT вам придётся запастись терпением. Of course,
not the first and not the last time.

Типаж четвёртый: мизантроп. Misanthropes in all
times hated people and the need to interact with them
hurt them deeply. And it’s not a bad thing.
character: misanthropy is a cross between mental
frustration and life philosophy. Your husband is determined not to
other people, he doesn’t want to enter under any circumstances
contact them. BUT найти в наше время the job без необходимости
contact with colleagues, customers or superiors almost
is impossible. Because your man is very difficult to find yourself
a craft suitable for him: employers instantly see his mood
and try to close not to let such an employee. So he is waiting
while in the forest lodge in the taiga there will be a place for him, and they will announce
vacancy keeper lighthouse. BUT это, как вы понимаете, может случиться
нескоро.И вновь вопрос: вы сами как-то
established a relationship with him, and only need overshadows them
�”Plow” the most? The only drop of tar in your honey barrel can
try to eliminate the most. Job sites and newspapers offer
the job night watchmen in pharmacies and stores, in warehouses and
construction sites. BUT на какой-либо работе его недружелюбие и
frightening gloom can even play a good service, intimidating
hackers, cunning, thieves and other bad radishes.

Description fifth: melancholic. Gentle, vulnerable, easy
despondent man. You have already adapted to its features, but
the employer is not obliged! Melancholic constantly takes everything
close to my heart, remembering forever resentment. It’s hard for him to let go of
memory hapless experience in previous work. is he после такого
�“Horror” will not dare to search for a new place of work for a long time. But when
dare, the very first failed interview for a long time will knock out
his “out of the rut.” And everything will start again: it is easier for him to do nothing
rather than suffer the injustice of this cruel world again.
Традиционный вопрос: а есть ли у вас
acquaintances who know how beautiful he really is
Specialist? We’ll have to turn to those who respect
your husband’s talents, and is ready to “close his eyes” a little on his
moodiness and nervous mind and heart.

Sixth type: Alphonse. Representatives of this
estates never worked and do not plan to fall so low. Them
I like to spend money earned by my wife. These citizens love themselves
much deeper than daffodils, and the world invariably revolves around their
axes as long as there are women ready them
обеспечивать.Грустный вопрос, на самом
вы уверены, что готовы это терпеть?Отдающие
the hopelessness of the previous cases – not at all clinical. is heи
are treated by the correct actions of his wife, mother, friends, psychologist, in
Eventually. And only Alfonso is not amenable to adjustment:
leave it in the household as decoration or entertainment only
if you can afford it.

Последний тип мужчин невозможно
classify: this is not malicious mischievous, not parasite, not
daffodils … It’s just people who are unlucky because of objective
reasons. is heи не работают из-за того, что обладают редкой
specialty not in demand in your city do not have
sufficient qualifications, or their age with tough modern
conditions does not allow to find a good place to work.

And what do you do if the husband does not want to work?

Sometimes we make lazy ones ourselves. Have you tried
намекать мужу, что заработанных вами денег ни что
not enough and without his help can not do? Sure, they tried.
First of all, even before the declaration of hostilities,
обсудить с мужем будущее вашей семьи. Make a
emphasis on children, emphasize that he is responsible for them.
Children need good food, clothing, all kinds of sports or
art sections and circles, and in the summer – a full rest. Task
easier if you do not have children. You can draw a husband
exciting future, new housing, car or travel for
frontier. Draw a parallel between lifelong minibus ride and
lying on the old couch instead of a beach holiday. You should
выяснить у мужа, какие меры он предпринимает,
to get a job. Why does not want or can not find
appropriate place? His arguments must be iron, and your
the firmness to keep the family – even stronger. If doubts in his
sincerity you have, and the determination to fight for her husband yet
remains, take matters into your own hands.

So, what to do if the husband does not want to work, and you do not
want to throw it?

Many of the stronger sex are unbearably difficult
changes in the usual way of life and work. And job search
causes a steady fear of uncertainty and uncertainty. If a
your husband just recently was out of work, still beating the bells
early. Возможно, просто надо поддержать его уверенность в
и профессиональной состоятельности. Unchanged
говорите о его лучших качествах.
If a чистосердечная беседа
about the immediate needs of children and the prospect of recreation on the coast
the ocean did not work then it was time to move to active
действиям.BUTктивные действия нежной и любящей амазонки, готовой
fight for your knight with hard employers and the whole world
вокруг.Действие первое: тотальный контроль всего
job search process. You yourself buy faithful press with
announcements and underscore with a red pen suitable jobs,
since he himself cannot do it. Check if everyone is
обзвонил.Действие второе (можно чередовать с
the first in reverse order): joint drawing up of high-quality
summary. You make a good resume and send it to various
institutions. You place it on various job exchanges on the Internet and
job sites. Such a gun, scattered in different angles,
at least somewhere shoot. Then my husband will have to go on
interview.Melanholics, slowpoints and misanthropes are capable
�“Stir up” from your similar activity. But everyone else
types, except Alfonso, can move and take a step
навстречу переменам.If a муж не хочет работать, пусть
побудет домохозяйкой.
If a предыдущее лекарство не помогло,
then let your still favorite parasite even feel what it means
be a housewife. Let him do it cooking, cleaning, washing,
fiddling with children while you build a career and provide
money family. Coming home, you will be a man to find fault with
extra speck of dust, shortcomings of daughter’s hairstyle, carelessly made
son’s homework, dirty baby bed and salty
dinner. A normal mentality of a healthy and strong man will not give him
long endure such a disgusting thing on your part, and he will try
побыстрее удрать от домостроевского диктата на the job.Правда,
home-grown male practice when husband is not
wants to work, but “fits well” with the role of hostess, can
surprise you too. There is another “working” way
speed up labor rushes homebody. It is necessary to completely deprive
его финансов
, весь заработок тратя только на себя и детей.
Do not, of course, starve him. But on their vital
needs he will have to ask you for money whenever
will need cigarettes, beer, new clothes. Failure only
failure! A middle-aged mother (usually a pensioner) is also quick
bother to indulge his whims. And this humiliating process
begging for pocket money will be a grievous test for the parasite,
из которого нормальный мужчина постарается выбраться достойно.If a
We are talking about a pathological gigolo, then in such a tough
financial climate, he simply will not survive: run away at the first
a hint that black times have come, and now we need to save,
moving from “Rothmans” to “Golden Java”, and “Red label” to drink only on
February 23. And if the loss of such a man still squeezes out of you
tear, remember: time will dry the tears, and this ballast could pull
you to the bottom of despair and hopelessness all your life, depriving you and your
children (possibly future) the right to proper rest, good
nutrition and decent living in general.

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