Husband does not want to chat? Indifferent, closed,sullen. Why? The list of reasons why the husband does not want to communicate withown wife

Ср, 04 ноя 2015 Автор: Дарья Медич

Love-candy meeting period, beautiful offer
marriage, happy wedding and happy family life.

So men and women start a close relationship, it is created

Over time, passionate love gradually reduces its momentum and
if two loving people cannot come to the “single” model
family existence, there are crises.

When one partner closes in on itself, overcome such
the period is more difficult.

Let’s talk about the possible reasons why the husband does not want to communicate
with his own and once beloved woman.


Playing roles or why the husband does not want to communicate?

If you have lost communication with your loved one, “do not hit
bell “:” he stopped loving me “,” found a mistress “,” I told him
not interesting”. Start looking for reasons with yourself. What did I do wrong?
Where is my mistake? Maybe you need to change yourself – then everything will change
around. And your partner will start paying attention to you and will want to

Since ancient times, a man was a breadwinner in the family, provided shelter and
got out the essentials. The woman was assigned the role
housewives and keepers of the hearth. She took care of the children and made the house.
cozier. I did not think about my daily tomorrow, I cared about it
head of the family. Times have changed, today in society flourishes
equality. Women willingly take up men’s affairs, occupy
leadership positions, and men – give up their positions, often themselves
without knowing it. All of this is projected on family life.

One of the current problems in the relationship is strong and
слабого пола — неумение переключаться на нужные

A woman at work must have a male character trait –
take responsibility for yourself, make decisions, lead. If a
coming home, she did not go to the role of a loving wife and mother, then
continues to play a male role.

The man in the labor force is a conqueror, warrior and diplomat. If a
at home he did not switch to the role of a caring husband and father,
continues to be a warrior. So gradually two appear in the family.
man claiming to be a man. The result is one of them.
gives positions. Unfortunately, often this “inferior” becomes
the man. A woman unknowingly takes the majority
responsibilities and begins to “pull” all by yourself. Husband stays on
weak positions, closes, stops communicating.

Муж не хочет communicate! Are you a woman?

Every day a woman performs many roles: “wife”, “mother”,
�”Mistress,” girlfriend “,” nanny “,” teacher “,” worker “… Under this
congestion is very difficult to discern the true weak nature with
glitter in the eyes, blush on the cheeks, passionate, affectionate and

Being a woman is no longer enough for us
time and effort.

After work, we rush to the grocery store, pick up
child from the garden or school and rush home. All evening is painted by
minutes – cook dinner, learn lessons with a child, still have time
to create comfort and cleanliness, but to please her husband. As a result, we fall exhausted.
There is not enough time not only for banal communication with homeworkers, already
not to tenderness and sex. Personal care – manicure, pedicure, mask on
face – leave for the weekend. But this is not enough for
good rest and return to your “I”. Why is that
is going on? Who hangs on us so much cargo, burying the true
beauty and purpose as women?

Our whole life is a series of scenarios. In childhood we watch
the game of the many roles of her mother, we see how she pushes herself into
chronic fatigue and irritability. From an early age our
memory records how mom manages to keep track of the household,
cook, clean up, engage with us … We get married and start
living by a similar scenario – doing the same thing. Especially if
companion of life you found a man who was brought up in a family
where the woman did everything. So we continue the dynasty of “dragging”
following the statement: “Woman” … how much horse is in it
strength? “

The woman is a graceful fluttering butterfly, small but
possessing tremendous energy. Flapping wings it sends energy
his beloved, which he absorbs and converts into a stimulus and strength
for action. As soon as the partner hangs on the ball
cargo, she spends her strength to overcome them. From butterfly
turns into a horse. But the horse does not know how to flit, be light and
to give energy. Her character is strength, endurance, and patience. Not
Does it look like a man?

If a муж не хочет общаться, пускай! Not теряйте мир истинной

In most families, a woman is not only engaged in homework.
affairs and education of offspring, but also earns on a par with
a man, and often even more. Moreover, the majority of representatives
males remain only “miners” as far as
possibly. Bringing home a certain amount of money, usually monthly
fixed, they consider their debt fulfilled. Such
The average head of the family is confident that this is his
responsibilities exhausted.

There are periods when we get tired of all this, we start
break loose on husband and children. We cry on the shoulder of a friend, telling
how hard it is for us to carry such a burden. Sympathizers support us
in a word, and the family say that everyone lives like that. Husband can shout
in response and say that it is not easy for him to provide for his family.

Over time, a strong woman gradually “becomes a man.”
Fragility, tenderness, weak character traits disappear along with the past
beauty The eyes cease to shine, we become forever concerned and
often thoughtful – you need to think about what to cook for dinner,
calculate the family budget to last until the next salary.
As a rule, we save on ourselves so that the child will have enough
entertainment, and her husband – on the new wheels for the car.

By pinching our feminine, we stop radiating energy,
we become nonsexual, we lose attractiveness. Nature strong
the sex is such that next to them they want to see radiant, tender,
well-groomed and passionate woman. Therefore, it is vital for dear ladies
you need to look for opportunity, time and desire to care for yourself.
Otherwise, your partner will find such a woman on the side.

It may also happen that a woman gets bored with her whole household life.
�“Drag” on yourself and not receive attention from your husband. There is
a man who will appreciate her true purpose and make her
happy In this state, she will admire her man,
inspire and support. The partner will feel strength and energy, and
will be ready to move mountains.

To return the former interest of a loved one to his person –
займитесь собой. Become feminine and
attractive, and the husband will want to communicate with you.

Is there a way, if the husband does not want to communicate?

Gradually, the relationship between loving people “eats” life.
Подумайте, стоит ли давать ему поглощать то, ради чего вам
хорошо вместе
? In a series of daily affairs and household
duties, the woman not only forgets about herself, but not so
admires his man, does not support, does not inspire.
There is growing irritation towards him: “things are scattered”,
�“I didn’t remove the dishes with me”, “I didn’t take out the garbage”. There are conflicts,
There are offenses, the husband does not want to communicate.

Try not to “cut” your loved one, but vice versa.
поощрять его хорошее поведение, поступок,
act. Ignoring is the worst for the stronger sex. Men
love emotions and get energy from them. Therefore all his
positive actions need to be “reinforced”, admire them and do
compliments. Soon you will not notice how you will
getting the same thing is elation and praise. Remember how we are
We give ourselves – so we get in response. Being in a relationship
Think about what you can give a partner, and then take it. Feeling
feedback, the partner will also try to give.

So when a husband comes home from work, his wife meets him with
bad mood – dissatisfied, silent and with claims that
will she get back? Such же поток накопившихся высказываний! AT
the result is tension, scandal, lack of mood in both.
If a все же вас что-то не устраивает в поведении мужа, для
Statements of discontent use the “sandwich principle.” At first
say good words to a man, praise him, then put
�”Tar” – make a complaint, and the last layer – again, encourage!
When discussing issues, do not criticize him, but speak
dissatisfaction through the formula “I – saying”.

Not обвиняйте мужа: «ты не убрал кровать!», а говорите: «я
upset that you forgot to make the bed. ” Put first
self pronouns – “I” (“I think”, “I feel”, “I want”), and not
his – “YOU.” ATысказывайте претензии к нему через призму себя: не что
ОН такой…и такой, а это просто ATАМ не нравится, что произошло
so … or something happened.

Husband does not want to communicate because of their own fears?

Men want to feel important,
and this can be achieved when near – weak, soft
nature, which needs help, attention and care. If a рядом с ним
strong woman, a man can go to himself and do not want to communicate
because of your own fears.

Men должны быть сильными, выносливыми и ничего не бояться.
But they also have their fears, often because of us girls. Wise
a woman knows the true desires of men and what they fear.

1. Страх быть несостоятельным и зарабатывать меньше
For the stronger sex work is an indicator of his
success, masculinity, intelligence. Most
men have a serious fear of earning
less partner. Therefore, if you know that your income is greater,
Do not report this to your loved one. ATсегда называйте сумму своей
salaries are lower than his. Strongly can not reproach a man
the level of his earnings. This is his weak point.

2.•Страх не удовлетворить партнершу в сексе.
Being impotent and failing in bed is a blow to
men AT такой ситуации мудрая женщина должна вести себя
calmly, without focusing on this. Show more intimate
caress and tenderness. You can try to transfer the problem to yourself. But
you can never laugh at it or remember it in the future.

3.•Страх сравнения с previous partners.
A man can worry inside, think and even ask about your
former relationship. A woman should never say anything about
former lovers. Enjoy this relationship and speak.
partner, that you are good with him, list his merits and
the best qualities.

4. Страх взять ответственность. Often
men are afraid to change their lives, established habits, life.
That is why there are so many cowards among them who are afraid to go to
REGISTRY OFFICE. A true woman can always push her partner on
decision-making. Keep your sweetheart in good shape, let yourself
a little flirting, show that men like you. If a он
will see that you still need someone, will certainly start you
to conquer.

5. Страх быть ненужным. When a woman takes on
most of the responsibilities, the man begins to feel
as such. So don’t be afraid to ask your husbands to help you.
an au pair. ATключите маленькую девочку и скажите, что без него не
can handle it. Show him the benefit of helping you.

6.•Страх, что его используют. Notкоторые мужчины
уверены, что women ими пользуются и выкачивают деньги, особенно
those who have everything. They are afraid that they will love the soul
sensitivity and heartfelt attention, and for the pasta factory, bringing
income and white mercedes. Not провоцируйте и не создавайте причин для
the occurrence of this male fear. Especially if вы не готовы к
relationships and you from this man do not need anything. Unfortunately,
male representatives rarely realize that for many girls
what matters is not a factory and a Mercedes, but the ability of a man
self-actualize, be successful and support a family. Remind
to such a husband that you love him not for something, but for nothing.

7.•Страх узнать об измене. Everything
men are afraid to become a “cuckold”. Therefore, never compare
your lover with other men and without the need do not let him
reasons to be jealous.

8.•Страх стать подкаблучником. ATероятность
to be manipulated by the wife scares any man.
He wants to be strong and make the final decision on any
family matters. Give him that opportunity. Then husband
will feel confident and will help you at home

So, in order not to come the day in your life, when you say, “My
the husband does not want to communicate “- do not become a” sawmill “. Avoid
vicious circle, develop flexibility in communicating with the second
half, learn new productive behavior in relationships.
Remember that in a perfect relationship a girl should be able to be
girl, woman, mistress and queen.

Happy family life!

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