How to wean a kitten scratch: practicaltips. Guide to action for those who want to wean a kittenscratch

Ср, 18 окт 2017 Автор: Денис Шарапов

Most pet owners aren’t always
придают значение тому, что их котенок начинает scratch. They
perceive similar behavior of a striped pet as a kind of game.
Attitude to the fun of releasing claws changes when the kitten
leaves painful scratches (sometimes deep) on the hands and feet
his master. Moreover, they do not look aesthetically pleasing. How
in the same way to save a four-legged friend from this habit?


Aggression or game?

Следует помнить, что отучивать scratch полосатика нужно
start when he is young. As soon as the habit takes root, then
having matured, the representative of the cat family will continue
releasing claws against the host. And then the risk of suffering from “acute
weapons “is transformed into more serious.

It is necessary to learn to correctly interpret the behavior of the animal.
If the whale growls, hisses, presses his ears, while demonstrating
his claws, he is in aggression, so here are the reasons
scratches can be alone, and in the case when he has
playful mood – others.

Causes of ill-will in pets

Вопрос о том, как отучить котенка scratch, напрямую связан с
by why he suddenly became hostile to

1. Ignorance.

Often, whales simply do not feel where they end.
the boundaries of what is permitted. His playful attitude may well
characterized by the fact that he releases his claws in an attempt
demonstrate your mischief. However, scratching is also
a kind of way to test and hone hunting skills,
because by nature the cat is a predator.

2. Protection

New environment kitten (like other pets) initially
perceived as uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Addiction to
people, smells, neighbors – pets will happen later, but for now
minke in order to self-defense uses its only weapon –

3. Character.

Each pet has an individual set of features, so it’s not
there are kittens with the same character. Which means that
four-footed whales can show an unfriendly attitude due to
special qualities inherent in his character. The kitten just can’t
sit in one place and his hyperactivity is often expressed in
form of the released claws. To calm such a pet is not a task.
lungs, because the aggressiveness in it is laid by nature itself.
However, you can correct his behavior, but you will need patience
and the right approach to business.

Important! Whatever the reason for the aggression of the striped
predator, the following should be considered: if from the very beginning
to respond to released claws, then over time this habit
can turn into a rather tangible health hazard.

What should be remembered?

Тем, кому не дает покоя вопрос «как котенка отучить scratch»,
Consider the following:

– the process of re-education requires a certain time, therefore
you should not expect a quick result;

– all scratching attempts should be stopped immediately;

– the work should be systematic, without any allowances and
feelings of pity for the pet.

Important! It must be remembered that the cat –
it is a pet that should not go beyond

Concrete measures

What are the options for solving the problem in order
как котенка отучить scratch?

1. Water.

It’s no secret that baleen predators feel uncomfortable
in a wet environment. In case the whale begins to release
claws, you just need to spray cold water on him and he
calm down. And it is proved that even aggressive pets change
mood when seeing H2O. However, there are exceptions to the rule.
In this case, a hyperactive kitten needs 2-3 seconds with a head.
dip into the water. This method is effective, but not for all
considered humane. The best option is a cold shower from
spray gun.

2. Shrill sounds and loud cries.

Striped pet is very susceptible to noise. When he starts
предпринимать попытки scratch, следует достаточно сильно
clap your hands and in a loud voice stop manipulation
prankster This tactic should be worn.
systematic, with one or two approaches at whales
может «не искорениться» привычка scratch. But apply
experts do not recommend physical strength: retaliatory aggression can
only complicate the problem. Kitten, aware of the external threat,
will defend itself with renewed energy and wean it from frequent
claws demonstration will not be easy.

3. Indifference

Как отучить scratch котенка еще? Should just
ignore his aggressive behavior: leave the room,
shut the door behind you and leave the whale alone.
Despite the certain waywardness of the character of a mustache predator,
it is hypersensitive when it comes to
psychological state and mood of the host. Realizing that
interest in him is lost, kitten automatically stops
demonstrate a radical attitude.

4. Feeling danger / pain

Sometimes situations arise when a pet releases
claws, experiencing pain. For example, by injuring his paw, he tries
retire in a secluded place, and each time shows his sharp
weapons when trying to remove it from the secret space.
A striped can be afraid of another pet or
человека, тогда он вновь демонстрирует claws. The best way
to calm the kitten is to feed him. In case pet
got hurt, you need to show it to the vet.

In order to prevent

To as little as possible wonder about how to wean
котенка scratch, следует детально позаботиться о качестве его
Everyday life.

As already emphasized, we should not forget that the cat –
this is a predator, and each beast should have enough space
for hunting. Kittens as an alternative to the last optimal
suitable outdoor games, during which they will be able to throw out all
your energy. The hosts are encouraged to find time for this.
Also, each pet should have a local space where not
it will be superfluous to provide for his own house or to put
a cardboard box in which the whales love to rest.

It is also possible to minimize the aggression of a pet if
purchase kogtetochku. Manicure ritual for a kitten will be
an excellent alternative to scratching others. In this case
the owners will no longer need to fear for their health.

To make your pet grow affectionate and docile, you need to
be engaged in his education from an early age. Feeling
responsibility for “our younger brothers”, correctly chosen
pedagogical doctrine and patience are the guarantee that the kitten is not
будет выпускать свои claws.

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