How to use flax porridge forslimming

How to use flax porridge forslimmingSeeds flax has a positive effect on human metabolic processes organism, and contain many nutrients. Eat flax porridge для slimming диетологи рекомендуют всем без исключения, ведь на the taste is very pleasant, especially if you add aromatic herbs. However, they decide to lose weight on such a diet units, because they do not know that with its help it is easy to part with 4-5 kilograms of excess weight per week.


Польза льяной каши для slimming

Porridge is called cereal, cooked in water or milk. Flaxseed porridge prepared from seeds that do not contain fat, but retain after processing a lot of protein. That is why the flax diet ideal for those who are inclined to be overweight. Besides, Linen porridge contains as many calories as popular для slimming гречневая, но по пищевой ценности считается более beneficial because of its high fiber content, omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6, vitamins and mineral compounds.

According to doctors, this dish helps to restore the body after illness, when there is a quick bowel cleansing from toxins, a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, helps strengthen the immune system. Useful properties of flax help the body fight bacteria and viruses, lower sugar level. If you prepare the product with wheat germ, then во время slimming или сушки тела такое блюдо восполнит дефицит beneficial substances.

Chemical composition and caloric content

Linen porridge has a valuable composition for a person, which includes in addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin complex A, B, E, PP, rich in trace elements (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, boron and others). In the seeds present more than 700 plant hormones with hypoallergenic and antioxidant properties.

As for the calorie flax porridge in the water, after cooking 100 grams of the finished product contains only 312 kcal, which is 14% of the daily norm for energy balance organism. The ratio of protein, fat, carbohydrate per 100 g – 43/15/6. The glycemic index is 35.


How to use flax porridge forslimming

Description of flax diet

Losing weight with seeds is easy, because the flax diet is very simple. performed by Only food should be consumed within 1 week. Flax-enriched:

  • oil, which is taken before each meal (15-20 minutes) on a tablespoon;
  • decoction taken half an hour before meals;
  • porridge, used in the morning on an empty stomach.

During the diet you need to follow the diet, completely excluding flour, confectionery, smoked meats, canned food, fatty foods. Focus on dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish broths. Курс slimming со льном It is recommended not more than once every 3 months. Fasting day with flax porridge is allowed to be held once in week long time.

Ducane Flaxseed Porridge Recipe < / h2>

It’s very easy to make flax porridge at home. A terrific meal is made for breakfast on the Dukan diet. We offer to learn how to cook the seeds in milk, so that they crunch a little, bringing a nutty flavor. The recipe allows the preparation of white flax or plain.

You will need:

  • one spoon (table) of flax seeds; < / li>
  • two tablespoons of oat bran; < / li>
  • skimmed milk (200 ml); < / li>
  • sugar substitute in the equivalent of 2 tsp. sugar; < / li>
  • vanillin (on knife conic); < / li>
  • a pinch of salt. < / li> < / ul>

    Preparation Method:

    1. Замочите с вечера лен и отруби на молоке, уберите в холодильник.< / li>
    2. Утром пару минут проварите на медленном огне, после добавьте остальные ингредиенты.< / li>
    3. Каша по Дюкану готова!< / li> < / ol>

      How to make a delicious porridge from flax flour < / h2> Для slimming лучше готовить лен на воде. But how to cook delicious porridge without lumps? For this, the seeds should be ground into flour on a blender. However, it should be remembered that the finer the grinding, the faster the nutrients volatilize, so you need to prepare the dish immediately after chopping flax.

      The recipe is very simple:

      1. 2 tbsp. ложки льняной муки залейте 200 мл воды, доведите до кипения.< / li>
      2. Варите не более 2-3 минут на малом огне.< / li> < / ol>

        Remember, the longer you cook, the less will remain in the dish of useful properties.

        Как принимать кашу для slimming

        Linen porridge is useful for both women and men. Flax seed is a valuable product on the content of vegetable protein, therefore it is recommended for use during fasting, when playing sports. While taking breakfast cereal it is useful to add honey, jam, nuts, fruit, jam, yogurt. If you eat a dish for dinner, it is better to combine with low-fat kefir when losing weight. To lose weight quickly, replace flax porridge with any meal during the day.