How to translate a kitten to dry food: what fordo you need to do this? How to translate a kitten to dry food: proceduretranslation

Чт, 26 окт 2017 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Dry food as the basis of the pet’s diet –
convenient and justified choice, because such food contains all
essential nutrients in the right

However, kittens are not always pre-accustomed to dry food. And then
the process of teaching your pet to new food falls on your
shoulders. Often lovers of domestic cats are interested in how to translate
cat for dry food.


How to translate a kitten to dry food: general information

The benefits or harms of using dry feed are already very
many breeders and experts in the field have long argued among themselves
veterinary medicine. So, for today, some kind of final
There is simply no opinion on this. Some breeders prefer
use dry food in feeding their pets, others
insist that natural food is much healthier
for the body of the animal than the “crackers”.

Often it happens that the owners are forced to dramatically change the diet
your pet. Поэтому вопрос translation животных на dry корма
dramatically gains relevance for them. Main distinctive
feature of this process is gradual. Don’t forget
that such translations are stressful for little fluffy, so
that the rush here would clearly be inappropriate.

How to translate a kitten to dry food: basic requirements

Often dry food is a very attractive option.
for breeders, as they are very convenient to use and not so
are expensive. However, dry foods are enriched with many
vitamins, besides manufacturers offer their consumers
balance for each of the nutritional indicators.

In case your pet is already accustomed to
additional feed mixtures to avoid health problems,
you need to add to its diet and other types of feed, taking into account
features of the body of your pet.

Before you accustom the animal to the “crackers”, you should first
get acquainted with the whole list of feeds that offer
manufacturers. At the same time, special attention should be paid to
products that are present in the composition, as well as its shelf life
and quality level. You should also pay attention to the recommendations
which give manufacturers.

How to translate a kitten to dry food: the composition

Learn more about the type of dry food and follow
all the manufacturer’s advice is necessary because
the implementation of the transition to the “crackers” make dressing natural
food is highly undesirable. Also with this diet
it is undesirable to feed the animal in parallel with a multivitamin

As is correct, virtually all nutrient chemicals and
biologically active chemical compounds are present in the composition of dry
feed. Также заводчикам следует знать, что процесс translation на
dry food should be carried out without haste for at least 7-10 days.
At the same time it is necessary to make sure that the pet itself does not have any problems.
health, in particular, with the gastrointestinal tract, remained
in good spirits. If this question is mature
cats, in no case should this process be carried out in
time of her pregnancy.

How to translate a kitten to dry food: procedure translation

Don’t forget что котика следует переводить не ранее того
the moment when he begins to have a desire to chew on something
(household items, plinth and so on). Most often it can
observe in kittens that have reached one month of age, this is due to the fact
that they begin to cut milk teeth.

Little kittens require special attention, and the process
translation их на другие виды кормов должен проходить минимум 5—7
days so stay patient. This step is very
important in maturing pet, so both physically and physically
psychologically he must be prepared for this, respectively
he will need some time for this. Also requires adaptation
his digestive system so that new ones can enter it

1. • As an intermediate version, mousse can be used. The
the product is a soft-textured wet food. So,
In parallel, you can add “crackers” in another bowl. To
to increase interest, they can be added to the paste, the kittens love him and
happy to eat.

2. • It is recommended to start the transition period with macerating
small amount of dry food (in warm water until
swelling), it will help involve the animal in the process.

3. • It is also possible to stretch swollen croquettes with a fork, to make of them
homogeneous mass and feed them cat while they are still warm.

4. • Try to feed the mousse or soaked feed immediately,
since it is a perishable product and reuse it
feed the pet is not recommended.

5. • In the following days, try to gradually increase
the amount of soaked feed and reduce the number of familiar food.

6. • From the fifth day it is already possible to add to the soaked feed. dry
granules and continue to increase the number of “crackers” until
they do not completely “push out” other food from the bowl of the animal.

7. • Divide the daily feed intake by the number of meals you need.
(the smaller the age of the cat, the more often, but in small portions, it
should be fed). Follow the recommended guidelines, do not
forget that little fluffy’s stomach still remains
small, and it will fill up very quickly.

Осуществляя перевод котенка на dry корма, следует внимательно
monitor his health, in particular, the stool. If pet
suddenly began to disturb constipation or diarrhea, began to occur
allergic reactions – no need to hesitate, immediately contact for
consultation to the vet, he will help you choose the necessary

Kittens are very sensitive to all the changes in their lives, so
that try to make everything as comfortable as possible for them.

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