How to teach a kitten to scratching: tips fromexperienced “cat owner”. What if the kitten does not get used toscraper?

Вт, 13 мар 2018 Автор: Виктория Банникова

When a new pet appears in the house, new ones may arise.
problems, such as scratches on furniture or wallpaper. Required
to teach a kitten to claw, but how? To further more
there were no problems, from the first days ask “how
to teach a kitten to a cat. ”


When to start nurturing

The sooner you show the scratching post, the better! From the moment
reaching the age of one month baby can already be accustomed to
scraper The older the pet becomes, the harder it is.
will already be retrained. After all, home and so there are beautiful
wallpaper / sofa / wardrobe! In order not to re-repair,
injured by the kitten’s tenacious paws

There are also radical methods, for example, complete surgical
claw removal or special silicone linings. Of course,
solves the problem, but it’s still easier to do without unnecessary complications and
do not torture pet.

How to choose kogtetochku

In order to successfully accustom a kitten to a scraper, you should
advance to approach the issue seriously. First, models kogtetochek
Now a great many – vertical, with additional
toys, with a cozy bed and so on.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of your cat.
So, if you have a representative of large breeds, you should not take
a little claw pin.

Look at what cat likes most, for example, upholstery
furniture or carpet. If there are no specific preferences, take
mobile portable scraper. It is important to remember that if you choose
wrong option, the kitten will not pay attention to her,
problems with tattered furniture will continue.

A very convenient option is a scraper with a sunbed or toys,
thus, the kitten is more likely to love this mobile and
will use a scraper.

Types of scratching posts

Functional characteristics are very important. You can choose among
following options:

1) Type “column”. Universal kogtetochka. Optimum height
for a kitten – 50 cm in height, but you can take 70 cm “at once
outgrowth. ” This type is good because it is literally a simulator.
for a kitten, helping to develop actively.

2) Type “house”. Kogtetochka connected to the lounger. Such housing
it is better to take more at once, at least 30×30 cm.

3) Type “game”. Kogtetochka connected to different tunnels,
different levels of sun beds and hanging toys. The only problem
– The price is much higher than other options.

The choice of material is also important:

1) Cardboard. Short-lived, but cheap and eco-friendly.

2) Jute scratching posts, inexpensive and perhaps the most

3) Sisal claws, more expensive than jute, but will last

4) Wooden. Especially suitable for those whose pets are chosen
doors or other wooden surfaces.

Upholstery and layout

The most important characteristic for a kitten is an upholstery. Main
options – carpet, furniture fabric, fur or plush. The choice depends
from the fact that most like the texture of a kitten. For example,
if the cat immediately began to scratch the claws on the mat in the hallway –
purchase a carpet scrub. Conversely, if the cat never
was interested in the carpet – you should not take such a view, so the cat can
simply do not like the feeling of combing and any effort will be

Location can also play a big role.

1) Floor scraper – either just a plate or small
a rug, either a portable house or a mobile. The main advantage is
mobility, the ability to always move to a new place.

2) Wall claws – mounted on the place where the kitten is already
and tore up the wallpaper / furniture. Such claws are best suited.
large cats.

3) Corner claws – fastened respectively to the corner of the furniture
or placed in the corner of the room.

How to teach a kitten to scratching – the basic rules

After the required model has been selected, purchased and
brought home raises the most important question “How exactly to teach
котенка к новой scraper?».

1) First of all, be patient. The process will not be fast
and easy, it needs to be considered.

2) Put it in the place where the cat has already sharpened its claws. At the same time
an object, such as a sofa, is better to cover with something.

3) As soon as you see that the cat is going to pick something up –
carry it to the scraper, gently push down on the paw pads and
swipe along the surface of the scab.

4) Permanent training is important. Don’t expect good
the result, if you remember the claw strap once a week.
Try as often as possible to show the cat a scab, for example, each
when he wakes up and falls.

5) Get the cat’s attention with a treat. Show it
but do not let the cat reach for tasty promotion through
scraper, clinging to it. Give in a few minutes
treats Repeat every day several times.

6) You can also draw attention with Valerian tincture.
or catnip.

7) Do not let the cat tear up something else, and encourage the claw strap.
Follow the rule �”Carrot and stick”.

8) If the scraper does not have its toys, then play with the cat
using a bow or fishing rod. The principle is the same as with delicacy –
make the cat cling to the comb and definitely praise him.

In this case, not the fact that the cat will understand when you will just
scold her in the old place. Scientists say they don’t really understand
this. It is much easier to gradually teach a new one, getting rid of it
from bad habits.

If the cat stubbornly goes to a favorite place, then close it.
something thick and add an unpleasant smell. They can serve any
citrus, as the kittens can not tolerate them. Or in a pharmacy
Get a special anti-scratch spray.

Another important note – very often cats use bad
behavior as a way to get attention. If the cat knows what to do
there is a wallpaper in the kitchen, you will definitely come there and feed it – it
will use it over and over.

Cats remember repetitive actions well, so your
best friend is perseverance. Do not show weakness by allowing
иногда точить где-то еще когти, постоянно напоминайте о scraper
This is the only way to teach a kitten.

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