How to teach a kitten to claw: video andtips on training. Peculiarities of behavior, how to teach a kittento the scraper?

Чт, 19 окт 2017 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Buying a little pet, each person
feels responsible for his upbringing and care, also
He should be ready to solve problems concerning the kitten.
It often happens that kittens start to scratch everything that
see around them, and the hosts just don’t know what’s wrong with that


How to teach a kitten to claw head: the causes of behavior

Every cat has such a need as turning claws. but
they do not at all to spoil all the surrounding furniture
in the apartment, but because they need it from nature. Cats like
adults, and small, sharpen claws in order to remove
dead claw particles, clean and trim their surface,
sharpen the tips.

In addition, they use the point also as a kind of charging
for paw muscles. This can be seen as representatives of the feline genus,
after they wake up, they strike, claws out and right there
they cling to anything that comes under the paw. Besides,
это своеобразная зарядка for paw muscles. You may have noticed how
usually the cat is pulled down after waking up, releasing
claws and clinging them to something.

Also, kittens sharpen their claws in order to
mark territory because the glands on the pads of their paws are capable
highlight the secret, the smell of which is felt only by animals. By
For this reason, each cat sharpens as high as possible for
creating the appearance of a large and strong predator that left
here this mark.

How to teach a kitten to claw tops: features of training

The process of teaching the cat to the claw is actually somewhat
harder than, for example, going to the toilet. This is due to the fact
that here one must also counteract the nature of the animal itself,
actually train it, while using a tray,
on the contrary, does not contradict the desire of the cat to clean.

As with many other processes, commit this process
recommended from a very young age kitten, especially in those
cases, if you use his desire to imitate everything
mother cat Thus, it will be very helpful if the mother herself is already
has long been able to do this, because her children will repeat after her.

The learning process itself can be divided into 2 stages:
observation and promotion / punishment. First of all it is necessary
pay attention to what surfaces your cat prefers –
horizontal or vertical, wallpaper, furniture or anything else.
Based on this, and will be purchased or made personally
scraper It can be made either of board, covered
several layers of furniture upholstery, a piece of carpet, or purchased
in the pet shop stolbika. Install it better in the place where
the kitten loves to sharpen its claws, it will help significantly
simplify the process.

Then follow the animal again, and if it
again, it takes to scratch furniture and wallpaper, scold him not
it is worth, it is better to immediately transfer to the scratching post, as if showing that
doing it on it will be much more comfortable.

If this does not bring the desired effect, you can spray
Scratch catnip mint or valerian, or use the old
scraper from other cats. She will be present
tags of another cat, and your pet will probably want to replace them
own notes.

How to teach a kitten to kogtetochka: types of kogtetochek

Each animal has its own disposition and preferences. To some
like to sharpen claws in a prone position, others prefer
do it sitting. Sharpening objects can also be perfect.
different, beginning from any furniture and finishing wall-paper, and sometimes
in the most unexpected places.

Cat manufacturers are well aware of their
needs. By этой причине они продают совершенно разные
kogtetochek variations: vertical, horizontal, angular, with
toys and many other gadgets. So, toys can play
good role, because when playing with them a little cat will hold
paw on the surface of the pile, and thus accustomed to
sharpening. Of course, the scraper should be well fixed.

How to teach a kitten to scratching: recommendations

So let’s summarize. In order for the learning process to go like
can be faster and more productive, you should adhere to the following

– When observing a cat, remain patient. Once
you saw that the kitten is going to sharpen its claws about the forbidden
place, you need to immediately take it to the scraper and, slightly pressing on
paws, hold them to cover sharpeners;

– repeat this procedure as often as possible. You can start right
in the morning, when the kitten has just woken up and begins to sip, its
you can already carry to the sharpener;

– use odors. You can use special mint
infusions like “catnip”, herbs or powders that
when applied, they will surely entice a animal to themselves;

– set protection to prohibited for sharpening claws places.
To do this, it is enough to spray the liquid with the smell
citrus kittens can not stand it;

– buy a sharpener with a toy. Playing with a toy mouse or
cat, your pet will cling claws to the trim and
after some time, will come to terms with a new place for sharpening. Also
You can spend a few times with a string on an ordinary sharpener,
This will help the cat to quickly understand where it is best to sharpen your

– use the method of encouragement and punishment. Always scold your
Pet for the wrong actions and praise for the right.

Yes, and most importantly – do everything with love. No need to get angry and
кричать на pet, будьте уверены, что немного терпения и усердия
– and your kitten will sharpen its claws only in specially
place reserved for this business.

Below is a video of how to do it correctly:

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