How to save a kitten from fleas: treatment andprevention. Diagnosis of infection with a kitten fleas: symptoms andfirst aid

Ср, 22 ноя 2017 Автор: Юлия Александрова

Often owners notice pets
disturbing symptoms indicating flea damage to a pet.
This condition can be especially dangerous for young people.

Consider how to save a kitten from fleas effectively and not
causing harm to the immature organism.


Features of infection with fleas in kittens

Fleas are bloodsucking insects. Their narrow and smooth body has
special bristles and spikes thanks to which these creatures are capable
held in the thick fur of animals and the folds of people’s clothing.
Long hind legs help parasites not only to creep, but also
jump over long distances, this is due to so wide
their distribution.

Another reason is flea vitality. A long time
they may not receive food, waiting for the right occasion. With
contact with the kitten, the fleas immediately begin to lay the larvae (until
400 pieces per day). Eggs can be on any surface:
cat house, bedding, pile carpet, furniture, soft toys and
etc. The larvae mature for about 10 days, but may
stay on this stage longer, until
an animal whose blood can be eaten. Then flea immediately
released from the shell and seeks to gain a foothold in warm-blooded
after about 30 days of active feeding, begin
display their own offspring.

Ways to infect a kitten with fleas:

1. From the environment: fleas can be brought into the house
shoes, clothes and various items.

2. From other animals: kittens can become infected not only from
representatives of their species, but also from rabbits, dogs, rats and

Scientists know more than two thousand species of fleas. But, in terms of
treatment, it does not play a big role, the decision on how to save
flea kitten, taken on the basis of other factors.

How to determine that a kitten has a flea

Withзнаки того, что на теле животного обитают

1. The kitten is often actively scratched, licking, trying something.
pull out of the fur with your teeth. If the focus of animal discomfort
localized in the groin or ears, it is likely to torment him
ticks. With блохах питомец чаще чешется полностью.

2. Damage is visible on the animal’s skin: red spots, traces
gore, sores.

3. Wool becomes more rare, looks ragged.

4. The cat fusses and behaves restlessly.

What are dangerous fleas

With обнаружении приведённых признаков, важно начать лечение как
as soon as possible, because the infection with fleas is not at all harmless, this
the problem may have a lot of risks for both the pet itself and
for the hosts.

Than fleas are dangerous for a kitten

In addition to the general discomfort of the animal, affecting its
habits, there is a risk of more serious consequences:

1. Inflammation of the skin due to bites and injuries
combing Wounds can easily be infected with fungi and

2. Allergic reactions.

3. Infection with worms, which carriers are fleas.
Helminths in turn provoke problems with digestion and
poisoning of the body, significantly impairing the health of the animal,
especially young.

4. Anemia that can lead to the death of kittens.

5. Inflammation of the eyes, nose and ears of the animal.

Are fleas dangerous to humans?

Withнято считать, что заражению блохами подвержены только
animals. But there are cases when the parasites bite and man. it
especially dangerous due to the risk of infection with various infections. Also
fleas can cause allergies in humans and problems with

How to get rid of fleas kitten up to two months

Kittens of the first months of life can not be treated with means
предназначенными для старших individuals. To help the newborn
Kitten resorted to the following procedures:

1. Mechanical cleaning – animal carved special
comb with small teeth.

2. Getting rid of fleas of all other animals living with

3. Bathing with a special shampoo, which is indicated on the label
possibility of use in kittens. Available in the second month of life,
You can not use any chemicals before. In so early
aged shampoo should be used only if there are a lot of fleas and
they are too painful and dangerous for the pet.

How to get rid of fleas kittens

Since two months, a list of options for how to save the kitten
from fleas, greatly expanded. Even at this age to abuse
chemical products are still not worth it. But when the kitten grew up and
has become stronger, a wider range of products becomes available,
the use of which in accordance with the instructions, it is quite


Shampoo признаются специалистами одним из самых безопасных
means of getting rid of a kitten from fleas. They can be applied in
prophylactic purposes. Cons of this method:

– bathing procedure is extremely unpleasant for most cats.

– affect only adult insects, the larvae remain. For
achieving the desired effect is worth re-processing
animal after a few days.


Exist special powders for kittens. But their use
not very effective due to the fact that this tool is also not
acts on the larvae, and kills only adult parasites. Besides
In addition, there is a risk of allergic reactions if powder is inhaled.
and getting it on the mucous membranes.

Drops on withers

The main advantage of this method is ease of use.
You just need to push the animal’s hair on the spine
areas of the blades and put special drops there. Drops are and
the most effective means. It is only important to strictly observe all
restrictions on age, weight and choose the correct dosage.

Flea collars

One of the priority ways for pets that are released on
the street. The action of the collars lasts about 2-3 months, after which
it should be changed.

Cons of this tool:

– persistent unpleasant smell of a collar;

– discomfort in the animal from a foreign object on


It is easy to find two types of aerosols for sale:

1. For обработки помещения. Withменять их для обработки котят
can not.

2. For обработки самого животного. If you follow all the rules,
stated in the instructions, the aerosol will not harm the pet, but will produce
great effect. The spray is usually applied for about an hour, after which
the kitten needs to be washed. It is important to ensure that the animal does not
licked the aerosol layer off the coat.

Room processing

Even if the processing of the animal was carried out correctly and had
positive action is not enough to forget about
the problem. In addition to getting rid of the flea kitten, it is important
know how to handle the room to prevent re-occurrence
infection. It is best to adhere to the following algorithm:

1. Carefully clean the tray, bedding, houses and other
items intended for the animal.

2. Clean all upholstered furniture, textiles, carpets and others
similar items with which the kitten contacted and on which
parasites or their larvae could remain.

3. Wash all clothes that the kitten has come into contact with.

4. Remove all food and utensils. Process rooms
special means of fleas, for example, aerosols.

5. Air out all the rooms.

6. Carefully vacuum the apartment without forgetting the baseboards, slots
and other hard to reach places.

7. In case the removable dust bag – throw it away immediately.
Treat the vacuum cleaner with insect repellent.

8. Make a wet cleaning of the entire room.

9. With проживании в частном доме, обработать стоит также все
buildings and the very territory of the site, which moved

10. After some time, it is recommended to repeat
processing by special means in case after the first
processing remained larvae.


Much better if you don’t have to think about
save the kitten from fleas. The right thing to do is take all the measures
to prevent the appearance of parasites on your animal. itму
The following precautions will contribute:

– always keep the room clean;

– Do not walk in the apartment in street clothes and shoes;

– do not let the kitten walk out of the house or apartment;

– Avoid contact with infected animals.

Having considered in detail the information given in the article, you can
to conclude that to neglect the treatment of a kitten for fleas or even
it can be dangerous for both the animal itself and
for people. Each owner, appreciating all the pros and cons described
funds, will be able to individually pick up for your animal
the most suitable option. With возникновении негативных реакций
on drugs or their inefficiencies, it is worth turning to
to the vet.

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