How to overcome psychological dependence onfood?

Stress, nervous breakdowns, unreasonable tears – a list
psychological problems resulting from emotional and
physical overload that accompanies us in everyday life.

And one of the most striking consequences of such overloads can
call psychological dependence on food. This problem is often
arises against the background of dissatisfaction with one’s life
anxiety, difficult situation at work.


Why is this happening, and how to get rid of dependence on

Not by chance, experts call this problem “food
addiction ”, thus to some extent equating it to
addiction. The mechanism of almost all dependencies is the same – the brain
�”Addicts” produces a substance to refuse an increased dose
which man is practically unable to.

Man pushed “fragile”, physical or emotional
discomfort tends to get a portion
tasty dishes, under the influence of which the brain produces
a substance that causes short-term feelings of euphoria and happiness.
Because of the emotional instability of a woman, much more
susceptible to food addiction than men.

People with similar problems are very hard to deal with.
overeating, overweight, as the lack of favorite food they
they feel not only as usual hunger, but also as a strong emotional
shock, and dieting can cause them aggression,
apathy, reduced interest in life, and deep depression.

Food for food “addicts” is not just a way to replenish
energy reserves, but also doping, a kind of cure for
�”Seized” problems.

Distinguish between the usual love of tasty food and psychological
dependence on food can be quite easy. People exposed
food addiction, do not just like to eat, they are not capable of
open and truthful look at the situation, and ignore a number
related and very serious diseases, such as diabetes,
obesity, heart disease.

Food dependent people are able to absorb huge amounts of food,
and at high speed, they can not independently catch that
the moment when it comes to physiological saturation, and continue
there is even when the stomach is very full. They are not capable
refuse to eat – food compensates for failures at work, in
sex, personal life, appearance defects, anything. Psychological
food dependence is usually a manifestation of life devoid of
positive emotions, interesting events and constructive communication.
The more a person eats, the deeper he pounds the problem, thanks
which is under stress.

How to get rid of dependence on food by yourself?

  1. Frankly speaking, self-overcoming
    food addiction is a long and very difficult process. And he begins
    can only with a real awareness of the problem,
    making it. The main thing is to realize that the real need of the dependent
    a person is not in food, but in the pleasure that food delivers!
    And try to have fun in other ways – through communication,
    movement, sex, travel – there are many other ways
    which can make a person happy!
  2. The second stage of overcoming addiction is trying to distract one’s
    attention from the “tasty” thoughts, switch them to more positive,
    on fashion, which will be available after weight loss, on men,
    who will show increased attention very soon.
  3. The danger that lurks in the second stage is inevitable.
    breakdowns. Habit does not give up its position instantly, a new image
    life needs to be shaped, to work on it, to love it. Would
    it’s wrong to treat a breakdown as a failure — look at breakdowns, like
    on temporary difficulties, unpleasant, but surmountable! Guilt
    can cause a new round of “sticking”, but a conscious
    accepting a breakdown as a small demarche on the way to victory is correct
    and positive!

But if all attempts to overcome addiction on their own
all the same failed, be sure to ask for help to
to specialists. As a rule, modern centers for weight loss
hold consultations with a psychologist and a nutritionist that
allows you to fully understand the internal problems and assign
appropriate rehabilitation course and adequate diet!

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