How to motivate yourself to sport?

Motivation is a process that drives a person to achieve goals The word “motivation” motivate has Latin roots and means �“Moving”, but people often find it difficult to find it, especially for practicing sports. Each person can find motivators within himself, to example, make a beautiful body, lose weight, prepare for competition or slow down the aging process. Low level motivation sooner or later will lead to the fact that a person will cease engage in physical activity. Let’s see how to motivate yourself to the sport.

How to motivate yourself to sport?


Why is motivation important in sports?

Important motivation for athletes to achieve a certain sporting result. To improve the physical Opportunities Consciousness must constantly direct the body to achieve the goal, especially when its own decreases self esteem. With regular sports always comes a moment when it seems that physical development has stopped. Many stop training if not prepared in advance for yourself strong motivation.


What are the sources of motivation for athletes?

Motivation in sports is more difficult than training process. Sports achievement is not skill or talent, but strength of will and fortitude of character, when the thought “want” is changed into a word �”Must.” When people encounter obstacles, it is in such situations show the features of a winner. When courage is found continue the hard way of sports, then a person becomes a winner. the main мотивация спортивной деятельности – это высокие результаты In sports.

Self-discipline and self-discipline

Psychologists say self-discipline is an innate quality, therefore some people are already born with this propensity, while others this is learned throughout life. Discipline pays off, because it leads to health, to a great figure, success. how develop a discipline and find the right motivator for playing sports? We offer several ways:

  1. Imagine what the future holds for you if you indulge weaknesses or do not give up bad habits.
  2. Accurately determine what habits you need to have to be happy person.
  3. Clearly understand that it is easy to roll downhill and climb up always accompanied by overcoming oneself.

Motivating factors < / h2>

But where to look for motivation for playing sports? Just wanting to win is not enough, you need to crave to easily overcome the obstacles that arise on the path of each athlete. The motivating factors include:

  • Achieving success. In any sport, success brings the athlete the pleasure of his own zeal. The more thorny the path was, the greater the degree of satisfaction. < / Li>
  • Recognition. A person feels no worse than others when he receives a high mark on his achievements even from people far from sports. < / Li>
  • Growth opportunity. Gradual development and the right goal give a person confidence in their future. < / Li>
  • A variety of workouts. The development process should be varied to have good sports results. < / Li> < / ul>

    Stages of motivation < / h2>

    Найти мотивацию к спорту можно через постановку конкретной goals When you go to the gym, you should not just want to be more prominent or stronger – your goals should be reflected in the numbers. For example, to get into a certain size of a dress, to have so much a kilogram or to lift the necessary weight of a barbell. There are several stages to achieve the goal:

    1. Visualization. The more specific the goal, the easier it is to visualize. Mental images stimulate action. < / Li>
    2. Write goals on paper. Constantly viewing records, you synchronize conversations with actions. < / Li>
    3. Sacrifice. Научитесь жертвовать ради достижения goals This may be a rejection of the sweet or a long time to be away from friends. Small indulgences lead to serious disruptions. < / Li>
    4. Work on weaknesses. Prove yourself and others every day that you can change your life, go through all the trials, make yourself better. < / Li> < / ol>

      psychological rift < / h2>

      Sometimes motivators for sports do not work, especially if the goal has already been achieved. Trainings and achievements become uninteresting and more like a routine. This is a rift period – a factor that any athlete faces (be it a man, a woman or a girl). If the motivation for playing sports is weak, then this becomes the main reason when a person finishes training. Only a truly motivated athlete will not stop the rift period, because he has already learned how to work on his failures. This is willpower. The best solution during the rift period is to carefully monitor your achievements and look for new motivating factors for the sport.


      Quotes, videos, movies for sports motivation < / h2>

      If you have no sports motivation, then look for it in the stories of great athletes, videos, photos, pictures, quotes and movies. Online you find more than one motivational video for training. Watch video films where you can achieve high results in sports before each trip to the gym.

      Find like-minded people in health forums that can help you find goals, plan your workouts, recommend exercises or the best gym. Together with someone you will be much easier to move on than alone. And in order for the training process to be successful, develop the qualities inherent in the best athletes: dedication, composure, endurance and courage.

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