How to make an amulet for good luck with your own hands. A photoand a description of amulets made from scrap materials with their ownby hands

Пт, 29 апр 2016 Автор: Зоя Сергеева

Many nations believe that amulets
выполненные в определенное время и своими by hands, могут притягивать
Good luck, money, health and even a happy marriage.

We have the opportunity to check the popular belief.

How? Very simple.

Мы изготовим из подручный материалов своими by hands оригинальные
exclusive amulets and make sure that they bring good luck.

Surely you have small beads at home, pieces of wire,
multi-colored thread. From all this we will do our


Как своими by hands выполнить амулет на удачу

It is better to make an amulet on a growing moon, then it will
full of strength. We will need a ring with a diameter of 5-6
cm, beads or small beads, scissors, nippers, pliers and thin

– If there is no ring of the desired diameter at home, you can
make it yourself. We twist the wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm on
a round basis, we twist the pliers and fasten the ends.

– Now we will use a thin wire. Available at
shop for needlework wire for beads. She is different
colors that perfectly fit our design. Cut off 5-6 pieces
wire 50 cm long, fold them in half and wind it on
the foundation. At the same time it is necessary to make 3-4 tight turns. Product looks
better if the ground wire is not visible.

– We distribute the ends of the wire by three pieces and braid them
Pigtails 1-2 cm long. Pigtails should not be tight, rather, it is
– arbitrary weave. We have completed the roots of our tree.
desires. We combine the wires in one bundle and make 3-4 strands. With
This can be used with pliers. So we
formed a tree trunk.

– Split the wire by 2-3 pieces and continue to twist,
forming branches.

– The branches of a tree are not perfectly straight. At this stage you can
bend the wire to make the product believable and
originality. Some branches will be longer, some –
in short

– At the ends of the wire stringing beads, small beads,
bugles, cuttings of different sizes and colors. This is your tree, fantasy
and imagination will tell you how to place foliage. Maybe she
It will not be green, but golden. Then it will not be a tree
desires, and the money tree.

– Too long ends are wrapped around the base, gradually
stringing beads on them or beads. The branches can be of any length and

– Gradually weaving the main circle while adding beads
or beads, we form the crown of the tree. The crown of this tree amulet,
выполненного своими by hands из подручных материалов, может иметь
any color and content. This is your improvisation and choice.

Such an amulet will attract good luck to you and help in the performance of your

Как выполнить своими by hands амулет – ловец снов?

Withвлечь к себе хорошие сновидения, рассказывающие о грядущих
changes, will help the amulet – dream catcher. Real experts
perform this product from willow twigs and feathers of live birds. With
This should use a solid thread, wound from a single skein.
If you have the opportunity to get these things, then you calmly
can use them. If not, then we need
ring-based with a diameter of 6-7 cm, multi-colored thread-floss, beads,
beads, large eye needle, transparent glue and feathers in color
threads. All this can be purchased at any sewing and sewing shop.
needlework. From the tools we use scissors, nippers and

– If you could not find the ring of the desired diameter, then we will make
his own thick wire wrapped around the round base and
securing secure twist. At this stage it is more convenient to use when
the work of pliers and wire cutters. The prepared ring we wind
selected threads. The coils should go tight, closing tightly
the foundation.

– When the ring is tightly wrapped with threads without gaps, we begin
weave a cobweb, which will delay our pleasant dreams. With
this beads can be attached to any beads, beads, rings and
figures that you think might be interested in dreams.
The cobweb should not be very dense, but branched. On this
Stage for work we need a needle with a big eye, with the help
which is much easier to string beads and beads.

– In the upper part of the crafts we make a loop, decorate it
beads and fasten the nodules. For this loop we will hang
our dream catcher. On the sides and in the lower part of the product we fix three
2-3 cm long threads, also decorating them with beads, beads,
various figures.

– We attach feathers to these threads with the help of transparent glue
birds that sway from airflows will catch dreams and
send them to the gossamer.

Our graceful dream catcher is ready. Place it over your
sleeping place, and you will be visited only by kind and joyful

Амулеты, выполненные своими by hands, способны привлечь и удачу, и
happiness and well-being. You just need to really want it and believe in
the best. But, of course, and themselves seek to find their luck.

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