How to lose weight in 5 days: pre-holidaymarathon

kak-pohudet-za-5-dneiRegardless if you are preparing for
important event and want to look “one hundred percent” or you just
stopped getting into your favorite jeans, but the desire to lose weight quickly
may be a pressing issue for you.

Of course, the best way to lose weight correctly is to do it.
measured with a healthy diet and a complex of physical

By strictly following our following recommendations, you can
it is safe to lose weight in 5 days, losing several
pounds overweight.

So, if you decide to build and tone up the muscles of the whole
your body, reduce body fat and correct
lose weight in 5 days, start with a rationally organized regime
aerobic and power loads.

American Center for Prevention and Control
diseases recommend getting at least 150 minutes of cardio loads
moderate or 75 minutes of high intensity every week.


How to lose weight in 5 days: a detailed guide

The first day

Start your workout with 20 – 30 minutes of aerobic activity, in order to
to warm up your muscles well, using walking, jogging, riding
by bike, bike or elliptical trainer to choose from. Then
go to the strength classes aimed at all major groups
muscles of your body.

Use dumbbells to perform alternate lifts on
biceps, various extensions of arms for triceps, sitting dumbbell presses
for the deltoid muscles, and the bar for squats and deadlifts,
working through the muscles of the legs and back. Strengthen your chest muscles with
breeding and presses on a horizontal bench, holding the dumbbell in
each hand. Workout complete the usual and oblique twists
on an inclined bench.

Second day

On this day, let your muscles take a break from power.
loads. Instead, focus on doing more.
the amount of aerobic exercise to burn excess fat.

Try more intense cardio activity, such as fast
running, skating or swimming to spend
maximum number of calories per hour. Spend energetic aerobic
workout duration of at least 60 minutes.


Third day

On the third day of your program, how to lose weight in 5 days, you
need to focus on the abdominal muscles and cardiovascular
exercises. The abdominal muscles are more elastic and
recover much faster than the rest of the muscles of the body.

Start your workout with an aerobic activity session, which
uses several muscle groups simultaneously. For example, swim
several laps in the pool or spend one aerobics session with
high return. And then go to the exercises aimed at
strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The most effective use of the “captain” chair
for lifting legs. To do this, maintain the balance of the body, leaning
forearms on the armrest of the simulator. Then поднимите колени к
your breasts are as high as you can and keep them
in this position for a few seconds.

Also pay attention to such exercises as direct and
side plate that are static and do not require much
movements, but perfectly strengthen and tone up the abdominal muscles

To do this, lie on your stomach, lean on your forearms and fingers
stop, lift the abdomen, hips and legs off the floor and hold it
position for 30 – 45 seconds. In a similar style is performed and
side bar, only you initially lie on its side, and then
keep balance by leaning on one forearm and edge

Day four

On the fourth day of your training routine, we’ll go back to
комплексу силовых exercise. Start your lesson from 20-30 minutes
warm up to warm up muscles for more efficient burning
calories and eliminate strains and injuries. To do this, use
home aerobic exercise equipment, ride a bike or
take a little walk.

Then приступайте к работе со свободными весами, используя
dumbbells and exercise machines to strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, neck, back,
hands, abdomen and legs.

Fifth day

On the last day of your weight loss program in 5 days, do
акцент на выполнение аэробных exercise. if you have
the opportunity to visit the gym, share your time
cardiovascular training for work with several exercise machines.

For example, spend 20 minutes on the treadmill, then for
20 minutes work on stepper and finish your workout in fast
tempo on an elliptical trainer.

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