How to get rid of hickey quickly. Folkremedies and medications that speed healinghickey

Пт, 20 май 2016 Автор: Римма Сергеева

You have signs of passionate love on your body, and there is an important sign ahead.
a meeting?

There are ways to effectively cure
bruises left over from hot kisses.

Сегодня вы узнаете, как избавиться от hickey подручными
folk remedies or drugs.


How to get rid of hickey народными средствами

Suction occurs on the body as a result of damage to the bloodstream.
vessels under the skin. Hematoma resulting from
strong kiss, has a rich purple color or looks like
like a red rash.

There are a lot of proven methods of getting rid of eloquent
stains. The duration of treatment depends on the depth and nature.
skin damage. If you work on fresh hickey, they
just a few days will leave your body.

1. Once you have discovered a hickey, immediately attach to it
something cold The ideal option would be ice cubes,
wrapped in a scarf. Chilled in the freezer is also suitable.
camera ordinary spoon.

2. In place of the bruise attach the onion, cut in half. Leave
for a while on the affected area.

3. Also quickly dissolve the hematoma of the onion gruel with the addition of

4. You can use potato to quickly remove a bruise.
compress. Vegetable should be chopped in a blender or
Grate on a fine grater. Массу приложить на место hickey на 20
minutes For lack of time, you can use potatoes
cut in half.

5. Solve the problem of white cabbage compress. Fresh leaf
you need to thoroughly wash and knead it with a rolling pin. Adjusting
leave it on the injured area and leave it as long as possible.

6. Избавиться от hickey замечательно помогает массаж с зубной
pasta. This hygiene product has not only a healing, but also
analgesic effect. Massage movements will prevent
the formation of blood clots. Apply a small bruise
amount of pasta and massage well. Procedure is desirable
repeat several times.

7. Perfectly treats hematoma baking soda. How to get rid of
hickey с ее помощью? Soda just needs to be mixed with water and applied to
affected area. Leave a means to act on
long time.

8. Freshly set aspirate will remove the iodine net.

9. If you have a little time, you can prepare an ointment from
bruises. You will need one onion and vegetable oil. Bow
need to clean and pour 100 ml of sunflower oil. To put
ingredients on a slow fire and bring to a boil. When the onion
turns black, it must be cooled and squeezed vegetable oil. AT
liquid add 100 g of melted wax and one tablespoon
soap, pre-grated. ATсе
components are mixed and remove the resulting tool in
fridge. Ointment should be stored in a cold place and lubricate the bruise.
several times a day.

How to get rid of hickey с помощью медицинских средств

1. Cream-balsam from bruises and bruises “Ambulance” is different
greasy consistency and lack of strong odors. Smear hickey
means you need twice a day. The bruise will disappear very quickly.

2. Lioton gel significantly speeds up the resorption process
hematomas. The drug is applied to the damaged skin from one
up to three times a day. The manufacturer warns of a possible
allergic reaction to the remedy.

3. Gel or cream “Troxevasin” for a rather short period
времени избавит вас от hickey. Use the drug twice a day,
inflicting on the bruise with light massaging movements.

4. Gel “bruise-off” with tinting effect will accelerate healing
bruises on various parts of the body. Means normalizes lymph flow
and microcirculation. The tinting gel layer allows
mask the hickey.

5. Heparin ointment stimulates metabolic processes in the damaged
zone. She showed high efficiency in the speedy healing

6. Manufacturer of balsam Zhivokost, which has a warming
action, knows how to get rid of hickeys. Tool will remove
redness and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

7. Gel “Dolobene” – a drug that has a decongestant,
anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Means applied
a thin layer on the bruise with rubbing movements up to 4 times a day.

8. An excellent remedy for any bruises and bruises.
is badyaga. Powder dissolve in a little water or
mix with any neutral cream. Apply the mixture to
засос и оставьте действовать на 20 minutes Wash off with warm water. This
herbal medicine has a regenerating effect,
absorbing and anti-inflammatory effect. On delicate skin
badyuga chest better not to use.

Before using a medicine, you need to
be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications indicated
manufacturer in the instructions. Some products cannot be used.
during pregnancy and lactation.

How to get rid of hickey: быстрые masking methods

While the bruise from a passionate kiss has not disappeared completely, it is useful
will be his “hide” from prying eyes.

1. If a hickey is put on your neck, then a turtleneck with
long neck or high collar clothing.

2. Cover up the traces of passionate adventures will help stylishly tied
scarf. AT теплую погоду можно воспользоваться легким платком.

3. На место hickey можно приклеить пластырь телесного цвета.

4. Female bruise masking gender can take advantage
corrector and light tone cream. These funds are not worth
use after applying the folk methods so as not to cause
allergy, pigmentation or inflammation.

Итак, вы теперь знаете, как избавиться от hickey. To quickly
remove embarrassing bruise, it should be treated immediately after the appearance.
ATыбирайте наиболее удобный для себя метод и наслаждайтесь чистой

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