How to determine the sex of the guinea pig? Definitionsex guinea pig in several ways: how to understand the pig”boy” or “girl”

Пн, 1five янв 2018 Автор: Елена Дёмина

Choosing a pet for himself, his gender
is usually the deciding factor. Because for many breeders
it is fundamentally important what sex their pet will be. Usually
this happens if the buyer is engaged or only
plans the breeding of one or another species of animals.

If the owner plans to take only one animal, then his sex is not
matter. in the case of guinea pigs living alone,
their behavior differs little from each other. It is worth noting
that males are usually a little more active than females; this is probably the only thing
the difference between them.

But, if there are several animals, it is worth remembering the following:

1. For breeding offspring need male and female.

2. If offspring is not planned, it is recommended to choose marine
gilts of the same sex.

So, if the owner is still necessary to choose
an animal of a certain sex, it is worth turning to practical
tips that are described in the article.


Definition пола морской свинки в маленьком возрасте

Definition пола морской свинки иногда бывает крайне сложным
occupation, especially if the animal is too small. The problem is,
that at this age, the animals are poorly expressed external sex
the signs.

Inspect the guinea pigs younger than 3 weeks categorically
is prohibited. The smell of human hands remains on the fur of the animal. By
Therefore, the mother may refuse to feed the cubs.

If for some reason an inspection is necessary, do so.
you need gloves and very fast because little guinea pigs
have very bad thermoregulation, and therefore they quickly freeze.
In view of this, an animal with a weak immunity can seriously
get sick; often it is fatal.

Inspect an animal at any age is worth a big
careful not to harm him.

Note: guinea pigs do not like to be in the air.
Byднимая животное, хозяин может заметить, что через некоторое время
the animal begins to spin and kick (unless, of course, he is too
for this small). Byэтому специалисты советуют брать животное на руки
near the floor or table so that he can see
surface and realized that “from the ground” it is not far.

So, the floor of the guinea pig is determined in several ways.

Method 1

This method sometimes misleads the new owners,
but in most cases it helps to determine the gender correctly.

It is necessary to inspect the newborn animal. Guinea pig
you need to put your palm belly up and estimate the distance between
anus and urethra. In males, it is
much more than females.

Method 2

This method usually gives correct results, unlike
of the above.

The animal must also be put on the palm up belly and
gently push on the lower abdomen, closer to the genitals. In that
In the case of males, a small external sexual organ can be noticed,
similar to the letter “i”; in females not far from the anus
there is a weakly noticeable slot in the shape of the letter “y”. You can also
read visual photo:

In addition, males in the genital area have several skin
folds that are absent in females.

Method 3

The method is considered the simplest of all.

The animal is taken into the hands, put the belly up. To consider
you need an area around the anus, called the anal
bag. In the female, he is completely atrophied and does not stand out. Have
the males are big, so they are clearly visible.

Method 4

The sex of the mumps is also determined by its mark. For this animal
need to be placed where no one else goes to the toilet
(single cell, for example).

Having examined the litter of the animal, its sex is determined; feces in shape
resemble small ovals. Have свинок мужского пола такие овалы
slightly bent around the edges; in females they are straight. Acquainted with
A photo showing this method can be found here:

The way

In case the guinea pig needs to take a certain gender, and
inspection results do not give an unambiguous result, you can
consult a veterinarian or consultant in a store where
animals are sold.

Definition пола морской свинки по косвенным признакам

To determine the sex of indirect signs of guinea pig
need to follow for some time. Here is what you can see.
during the observation:

– Females are friendly and calm.

– Males exhibit dominant behavior, purr.

– Sometimes males jump on other guinea pigs. Such
happens once or twice a few weeks when the period starts
conducting sexual hunting.

Definition пола морской свинки в старшем возрасте

In adulthood, choose an animal, focusing on the floor
animal, easier. Have самцов мошонка становится явно выраженной, как и
external genitals. Have самок при надавливании на животик
the genital slit is visible. It is worth noting that the genitals
males much more than that female.

The weight of the animal also plays a big role. Females do not usually weigh
больше 1,2 кг, а вот самцы очень часто имеют вес около 1,five кг.
Именно поэтому мужские особи гораздо крупнее female.

Have свинок обоего пола можно обнаружить сосочки. But in adults
females they are more pronounced and have a brighter color.

Note: when viewed from a guinea pig at any age you need
pay attention to the reaction of the animal. If guinea pig
shows anxiety and irritability, perhaps she is sick.
By этой причине советуют несколько раз в год показывать животное
the vet as a routine checkup. Often it is
Vigilance of the hosts can prevent or start in time
treatment of a pet.

I would like to say that a guinea pig of any sex is capable of
bring joy to your masters. Byэтому, если принципиальной
There is no difference in the choice of the animal, you should not torment it with constant
inspections, especially at an early age.

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