How to cook beef in a slow cooker -dietary! How to cook beef in a slow cooker: stewedbaked, fried

Ср, 27 июл 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Beef is a dietary meat that is recommended to be included in
children’s diet, and also to use at medical nutrition.

This meat is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid, which is beneficial
affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, the iron content in beef is three times higher than in
chicken meat.


How to cook beef in a slow cooker – the basic principles

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to cook beef,
to make the meat really tender, and at the same time keep
maximum benefit. Previously, when cooked in Russian stoves, it is not
It was a problem, because in it you can cook meat in the slow mode
languor. With the advent of the multicooker, this became possible and

The best way to cook beef in a slow cooker is to bake it.
or put out. A piece of beef tenderloin washed and cut all
too much. Then the piece is wiped with napkins and cut across the fibers.
Pieces of meat can be slightly repelled to make it soft.

To make the meat aromatic, it is pre-marinated. Marinade
can be prepared on the basis of fruit vinegar, pomegranate juice,
Kiwi, lemon juice or pineapple.

For roasting beef use marinades based
vegetable oil, in which add fragrant herbs or

Recipe 1. How to cook beef in a slow cooker. Soup


  • beef pulp – 600 g;

  • kitchen salt;

  • two bulbs;

  • ground black pepper;

  • potatoes – six tubers;

  • greenery;

  • tomatoes – 3 pcs .;

  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;

  • green beans – 200 g;

  • broth – half a liter.

Способ preparations

1. Boil the broth in advance of the scraps of meat and beef
bones, adding to it the roots and whole peeled vegetables. Cool and
strain the broth.

2. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Turn on the program
�”Bakery products”. Pour in the oil and heat it well. Lay out
chopped onion and fry, stirring with a wooden spatula,
about seven minutes.

3. Wash the beef, dip it in napkins and cut into cubes.
Add the meat to the onions and continue to fry until the meat is
reddened. Season with spices and salt.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Stringed
cut the beans into three pieces. Scald tomatoes with boiling water and remove
thin skin. Pulp finely chopped.

five. Put the prepared vegetables in a container of meat and pour all
broth. Turn on the program «Тушение» на полтора hours Serve
soup with fresh herbs.

Recipe 2. Beef stew in a slow cooker with Provencal


  • a kilo of beef tenderloin;

  • 5 g Provence herbs;

  • six red tomatoes;

  • black pepper;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • salt;

  • two onions.

Способ preparations

1. Clean the onions from the husk and shred it as small as possible. Beef
wash under tap, dry with napkins and cut into small ones

2. Rinse the tomatoes and finely cut. Garlic cloves clean and
small crumble.

3. Meat together with vegetables is transferred to the multicooker container.
Приправляем прованскими herbs и spices. Salt and thoroughly
mix it up.

4. Activate the mode “Quenching” for two hours. Beef stew
Served with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Recipe 3. How to cook beef in a slow cooker. Cutlets on
a couple


  • beef pulp – half a kilo;

  • поваренная salt;

  • onions – two heads;

  • black pepper;

  • two eggs;

  • breadcrumbs;

  • dry white bread – half a loaf.

Способ preparations

1. Wash the beef and dry it. Bread is soaked in
milk Peel the onion and cut into four parts. Scroll twice
beef with onions and white bread through a meat grinder.

2. In the minced meat we drive in eggs, add pepper and salt and
knock out the stuffing, with effort throwing it in a bowl. Should get
plastic, uniform stuffing.

3. Form round patties from mince and roll them in breadcrumbs.
breading. We spread in the container-double boiler. In the bowl multicooker
pour in a glass of drinking water. Set the container on top and
close the lid. ATключаем режим «ATарка на a couple» на полhours Serve
with any side dish and fresh vegetables.

Recipe 4. Stewed beef with mushrooms and potatoes in


  • 750 g beef pulp;

  • 350 g of champignons;

  • 500 g potatoes;

  • spices for meat;

  • carrot;

  • salt;

  • half celery stalk;

  • parsley – bunch;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • bulb;

  • 150 ml of red wine;

  • half a liter of purified water.

Способ preparations

1. Мякоть говядины помойте и нарежьте slices.

2. Pour oil into the saucepan of the multicooker. Activate mode
�”Frying”. Lay out кусочки говядины и обжарьте на протяжении семи

3. Dilute wine with water, mix and pour meat with this mixture.
so that the liquid completely covers the meat. Turn on mode
«Тушение» и готовьте 20 minutes

4. Peel the carrots and crumble into thin straws. Purified
onion chop half rings. Celery Stalk and Potatoes Cut
medium cubes.

five. Parsley and chives finely chopped.

6. Add herbs and vegetables to the meat. Keep cooking the same
mode is another quarter of an hour.

7. At the end of the regime, salt and add spices. Stir.
Turn on the program «ATарка» и готовьте еще минут десять.

8. Clean the champignons and cut into thin slices. Add a
mushrooms to vegetables with meat. Stir. Activate mode «Тушение» на
десять minutes Serve с овощным салатом.

Рецепт five. Как приготовить говядину в multicooker. Casserole of
ground beef


  • ground beef – half a kilo;

  • поваренная salt;

  • long grain rice – four multi-cups;

  • freshly ground pepper;

  • onions – two heads;

  • greenery;

  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;

  • sour cream – a glass;

  • butter – a piece;

  • three eggs.

Способ preparations

1. Wash rice to clear water, boil and cool.

2. Peel and chop onions into cubes. Turn on the program “Baking”
or “Fry” and heat the oil. Spread chopped onion and
fry it until transparent.

3. Add minced meat to onions and continue to fry, constantly
stirring practically until readiness. Spread roasted mince
on a plate.

4. Rice combine with eggs and sour cream, pepper and salt.
Stir. Half of the rice mass lay in a container
multicookers, lay the stuffing over the rice, level, sprinkle
finely chopped greens and cover with the remaining rice.

five. Сверху раскладываем кусочки масла сливочного, закрываем
крышку и включаем программу «ATыпечка» на сорок minutes Slightly
Cool the casserole without removing it from the bowl. Then we shift the finished
casserole on a flat dish and sprinkle with herbs.

Рецепт 6. Как приготовить говядину в multicooker. Boiled pork


  • beef neck – kilogram;

  • salt – at the rate of 50 g per liter of water;

  • garlic – five cloves;

  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;

  • mustard seeds, ground turmeric, ground paprika and black ground
    pepper – two pinches;

  • hot red pepper – pinch.

Способ preparations

1. Take the required amount of boiled water and dissolve in
her salt. A piece of my beef neck and wipe with a napkin. Put the meat
in a deep bowl and pour the resulting brine so that it
completely covered beef. Leave the meat in the fridge for two

2. Then take the beef out of the pickle and dry it. AT
vegetable oil add spices and crushed garlic.
Well fray. The resulting mixture rub a piece of beef with
all sides. Put the meat in a plastic bag and send it to
five hours in the fridge.

3. ATыкладываем мясо в емкость мультиварки, смазав ее маслом,
close the lid and turn on the “Quenching” program by one and a half

4. ATынимаем говядину, заворачиваем в несколько слоев фольги,
cool and put in the fridge. Ready boiled pork slice thin
slices and serve as a snack.

Рецепт 7. Говядина в multicooker в вине


  • beef tenderloin – kilogram;

  • поваренная salt;

  • bacon – 200 g;

  • spice;

  • dry red wine – 300 ml;

  • small onions – 12 heads;

  • vegetable oil – 75 ml;

  • Bay leaf;

  • flour – 50 g;

  • garlic – two cloves;

  • large onion.

Способ preparations

1. Cut bacon into thin slices. ATключить мультиварку в режим
«ATыпечка» и обжарить бекон, пока не вытопится жирок.

2. Clean garlic cloves and large onions. Crumble like
can be smaller. Add onions, garlic to bacon and fry, constantly
stirring until golden hue. ATсыпать муку и интенсивно
Stir to avoid lumps.

3. A thin stream of wine pour in, while constantly stirring to
It turned out a homogeneous mixture.

4. Beef нарезать slices. Fry meat on hot dry
сковороде до румяности со all sides.

five. Переложить говядину в чашу мультиварки, добавить очищенные
small onions whole. Put the bay leaf and season
spices. Salt and close the lid. ATключить программу «Тушение»
for eight hours. Serve with potato or rice garnish.

Как приготовить говядину в multicooker — советы и хитрости

  • To make the beef soft, rub the meat with dry mustard and
    оставьте на три hours

  • ATместе с говядиной, в multicooker можно приготовить на гарнир
    тушеные овощи на a couple.

  • Before roasting beef, be sure to dry it

  • AT качестве гарнира к говядине можно подать тушеную капусту,
    cereals, pasta or mashed potatoes.

To make the beef softer, slightly beat off the meat

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