How to clean shrimp? Cleaning rulesshrimp tips and tips for shrimp shells

Ср, 31 авг 2016 BUTвтор: Виктория Вельбицкая

Residents of the depths of the sea have always been considered delicacies that
served on the table as a luxury treat for guests.

Seafood products are advised by nutritionists instead of meat for those who
wants to keep his figure.

Shrimp are definitely considered one of the most popular and
consumed mollusks.

There are many varieties on the market, they are usually
differ in size and color. How to clean shrimp? After all
for each dish only cleaned meat is needed. let’s
to understand.


How to clean raw shrimp

Cleaning raw or boiled shrimp involves several
simple steps. Whatever kind of shrimp you bought, deal with them
cleaning will not be difficult.

So let’s start in order:

1. Rinse the shrimp. Place the shrimp in a colander, carefully
wash them with cold water.

2. Inspect the shrimp and discard any that will have
mucus, dullness and those that smell bad.

3. Purification of raw shrimp should be started by tearing off the head (if
it is available). To do this, squeeze the head between the index and large
finger, only where the body is already beginning. Hold tight
body on the other hand. Start turning your head clockwise,
until the head comes off.

4. Then remove the shell, starting from the wide end and moving along
towards the tail. The legs will come off with a shell. Tip of tail
can be left for a more presentable look. But if all the same
you need to remove the tail, just push it and squeeze it out

5. After the shrimp need to cut and remove the intestinal tract.
(dark vein along the body). Using a sharp knife or scissors
make a cut in the center of the outer bend, about a third with
torso. This is how you can remove the intestinal tract of shrimp. Most
easy way to do this is a toothpick. Cutting gives more
attractive appearance, as they are slightly curled when cooking and
come off.

Because of this, the shrimp dish should not be bitter. Further
Rinse the shrimp in cold water and dry on paper.
towel. Shrimp ready for cooking.

How to clean shrimp frozen

How to clean the shrimp, we disassembled. Thats just
Some may wonder if there are particular cleansing features.
frozen shrimp. let’s разбираться, ведь некоторые
features still exist.

Before you start cleaning frozen shrimp, first
In fact, they should be thoroughly rinsed under cool water. After on
a napkin or towel dry a little. Interfere with dried but
still frozen shrimp in a deep bowl and fall asleep large
with salt. We are waiting for a couple of minutes and proceed. Since in most cases,
frozen shrimp are already sold without a head, we have this stage

Cleaning rules замороженных креветок:

1. Wash the product under cold water until they are
do not completely melt.

2. Carefully, so as not to tear off the meat, we begin to shoot
shell For this shell need to notch and remove the plate. If a
shrimp large, do it carefully and slowly, because a large
probability of tearing the meat.

3. Remove the intestine in a way we already know, but do it.
It needs to be slow (in thawed shrimps, the intestinal tract can easily

After all procedures, shrimp is washed again under running
water and towel dry. To crush them when drying is not necessary, just
blot gently with a dry towel or napkin.

Important tips on shrimp selection

How to clean shrimp? This question worries everyone who
first encountered a similar product. Here we figured it out. BUT
Here’s how to choose the right shrimp – this is a lot of important question. After all
the taste and aroma of the cooked will depend on the quality
the dishes.

Of course, it’s best to buy them alive from a special aquarium, but
it is not always and everywhere possible. The second option is
frozen shrimp. When purchasing them, it is important to carefully consider
the appearance of each separately. Properly processed shrimp
should not be stuck together. Legs and tails pressed to
body, and the head should be green or brown. Ice on
each carcass should be minimal, to make it seem as if
shrimp enclosed in the thinnest cover. The presence of snow and
pieces of ice in the package as a whole is unacceptable.

How to use shrimp remote shells

And finally, another tip. After cleaning raw shrimp, do not
hurry to throw away the shells. From them you can cook
wonderful soup or exotic sauce. Put them in the pan.
Pour water so that it only covers the shells, bring to
boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. After need
remove the pan from the heat, strain the contents and proceed to
cooking soup broth from the shells of shrimp.

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