How to choose a nickname for a puppy and teach him toher

How to choose a nickname for a puppy and teach him to her

The ancient Romans believed that the nickname was partly
determines the fate of the dog and its relationship with the owner. And partly
they were right. The quality of the name’s name influences education
pet, bad name – could endanger him. In a word
finding the best and surest “word” for the animal; and
naming – all of these are serious tasks for
whose decisions will not be superfluous some knowledge and


General recommendations

Getting started with the fact that most dogs are extremely hard
perceive the change of nicknames (the chances of success of the event increase,
if the host also changes at the same time).

Plus, puppies are easier to learn the names than animals
older than 6-8 months.

Breeding dogs nicknames are chosen according to a number of rules.
For example, in one litter all puppies get the names of one letter, in
according to what kind of birth it is with their mother.

Further, the name is complicated by the prefix – the name of the nursery (for
registration in dog organizations). There are other subtleties
but they are only important when applying for a veterinary passport, writing
dogs on the show … The same home name can be like
�“Official” or completely different – this is a matter of taste
the host.

And it is important to listen to the recommendations of experienced dog breeders, about how
что хорошая кличка:

  • consists of one to three syllables;
  • starts with a vowel;
  • ideally contains the letter “P”;
  • equally clear and expressive sounds even in a whisper

To avoid confusion, the nickname should not be consonant with
words of everyday speech.

Summarizing, we can say that the nickname should be
a clear signal that draws all the animal’s attention to
the owner and the will expressed by him.

Top dog names

Sometimes the dog’s name is chosen just for the beauty of the sound,
but more often the owners base their choice on something. And theoretically,
from the variety available to mankind dog names, you can
highlight the following most popular categories.

For example, depending on:

  1. Окраса — Дарк, Найт, Сильвер, Ночка, Блю, Ежевика,
    Coconut, Amber, Ruby, Brownie, Zorro, Domino, Blondie, Coffee, Amethyst,
    Frost, Merigold, Toffee, Umka.
  2. Характера и поведения — Юла, Верный, Гром,

There are even special interpretations of dog names, according to
которым, кличка в дальherшем может повлиять на жизнь животного. AND
Here are examples of this:

  • Барон — гордое, свободолюбивое животное.
    A puppy born in winter is also difficult to train.
    Health is strong, but there is a risk of vitamin deficiency. Does not like heat, but
    tolerates frosty winter. So you can call the Rottweiler,
    french bulldog
  • Гастон — отличается прекрасным нюхом,
    distrustful of strangers. He likes to be the owner of the company, not
    distracting. A puppy may be disturbed by curiosity and
    stubbornness. The nickname is suitable shepherd, collie.
  • Альбина — очень спокойна и уравновешена.
    Born in the summer puppy is picky in food. Equally adored
    all family members. The nickname fits the Giant Schnauzer, the pug.

There are also categories from which nicknames are most often chosen for
охотничьих пород — Тайга, Стрела, Кедр, Вьюга, Цезарь,
Vityaz, Viking, Attila, Cyrus, Ramses, Gloria.

Funny and exquisitely beautiful (aristocratic) nicknames usually
подходят  декоративным породам собак, питомцам небольших
sizes (for example – falen, Yorkshire terrier, poodle, dachshund) –
Bumblebee, Bun, Fifi, Candy, Chizhik, Pearl, Marquis, Barbie,
Belle, Eclair, Lyra, Pistachio, Kiwi, Peppy, Misty, Gem.

A wide selection can be found in the names of heroes of legends and myths,
литературы — Персей, Локи, Бонд, Ассоль, Офелия, Багира,
Balto, Gerd, Selena, Cleo, Ares.

AND здесь необходимо подчеркнуть, что собакам бойцовых, сторожевых
and hunting breeds are unacceptable to give nicknames, emphasizing
attention to their “predatory” qualities, or reminiscent of their unkind
legendary glory (strictly speaking, in most cases not having
no reason). For example, do not call the staff, kurtshaar
или добермана — Киллер, Лютый, Лектор (как
character book). First, it’s just unethical. Secondly,
rightly can cause a negative reaction from others, with
with which the dog willingly or unwittingly has to contact.

There are other directions undesirable nicknames. For example, not
стоит давать питомцу уничижительных кличек — Балбес,
Козявка, Лысый
(даже если это китайская хохлатая).

AND просто дурным тоном считается выбирать собаке что-то
of the names common to people in their place of residence
the host.

After all, if the dog’s name is Alesha, with a friend Alexey (who came to
guests who met on the street)

Although the latter rule is often violated by dog ​​owners and
in principle, in society, more or less used to it. But usually
still choose among the names of countries that are not a place

How to teach a puppy to nickname

It is worth doing this from the first day of the pet in the new master
house. В среднем на привыкание к имени уходит от двух дher до пары
weeks. AND сразу It should be noted – that in this case is required
show no less patience and courtesy, accuracy and tenderness,
than at the very beginning of pet training.

In the first week, all family members are supposed to apply.
to a puppy solely by name, without replacing and mixing it with
diminutive words (baby, baby, oh you cutie and
the like).

Of course, the pet will soon learn to distinguish its nickname in
the flow of other words, but the first time is really not worth it

And at first, everything rests on encouragement. Several times in
day puppy should be called to him, offering to treat himself

Then he will come when he is called, only for
caress for the invitation to the game. Certainly also need
use the nickname when the hour of feeding comes.

Somewhere in a week the nickname can be combined with the basic commands.
the initial course of training “lie down”, “sit”, “to me”.

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