How to care for a little puppy livingin the apartment. Puppy in the apartment, as will provide him a fullcare

ATс, 01 апр 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

The appearance in the apartment of a small pet is undoubtedly joyful
event. It is only necessary to take care that the puppy will be comfortable
and comfortable to live, provide him walks in the fresh air.


AT чем различие careа за щенков в квартире или частном доме

If a small puppy is brought into the apartment, you need to be small
age to accustom him to additional rules:

1. It is not allowed to dog barking around the clock and respond to
all indiscriminately noises. This is a very painful problem, especially if
In the neighborhood, people live, to put it mildly, “not fans” of animals. AT
frequent house on such little things do not even pay attention.

2. You can not walk a pet without a muzzle, this is especially
It concerns big and fighting dogs. It is necessary since childhood
to accustom the child to the muzzle so that in the future he did not deliver
the discomfort.

It is never impossible to fully understand what a dog has in mind. And if
in childhood a puppy was raised incorrectly, traumatized the psyche, then in
in adulthood you can expect anything.

It is necessary to train a dog from an early age teams, if
it will even be necessary with the help of a specialist so that the dog is not socially

3. It is strictly forbidden to walk puppies in parks of culture
or at playgrounds. For walking there are special
allotted places. As a rule, areas for walking are equipped
trainers for dogs, ladders for training.

In addition, the baby will learn to be friends with others from an early age.
to him like animals, and not to rush on the street splashing
saliva on the neighbor’s little dog.

Living area

From the very first days of living a puppy in an apartment he needs
provide a comfortable bed and a place to play. If the dog
small breed can define a small angle in the room. More
Large dogs are usually lodged in the corridor.

The place should not be too big or too small.
It is necessary that the pet as an adult could sleep,
stretching the legs. The sleeping corner should be permanent, therefore
caring owners, wanting the best for their little dog, allow themselves
choose a suitable place. They let the puppy go for free
and where he goes to bed and will be his “bed”.

Puppy’s bedroom should not be located directly under the entrance door. There
very restless and shining through. It is also undesirable to settle a pet.
under the battery. A place to sleep should choose a well-lit.

It will be comfortable for the owner and his dog if the puppy’s place is
near the sofa or bed owner. Human contact with a dog
will become closer, you can always pet the puppy and caress
him. The dog will feel protected.

If you show weakness and put a puppy on the bed, there is
very high probability that there he will live. Even,
if falling asleep, the owner will order the pet to sleep in his place,
at night the dog will surely climb on the bed.

The litter is chosen soft and warm. Some shorthair
Dog breeds are too cold. Others have blisters on
paw bends lying on hard surfaces.

It is necessary to come up with a cover on the animal’s mat, so that often
change and clean. Even if the puppy has very little hair, skin
epithelium and small pieces of garbage will still crumble on

Place to walk in the apartment

You can not force the dog all the time to lie in its place. She is
badly needs to communicate, especially small pets. Therefore, in
правила careа за щенков в квартире входит регулярное время
carrying with the baby.

If the puppy runs on his heels, do not need to prevent him. But all
it is equally necessary to teach the little one to a certain place for games. Not
always the owner of the dog will be at home and pay attention to the puppy. therefore
The apartment must have a special dog playpen. You can just
fence off any corner in the room and teach the little ones to spend time
in him.

Zoopsychologists do not recommend closing dogs in a room, especially in
early age, when the psyche is not yet formed. Dogs
panic fear of enclosed spaces. They are lost, nervous, in
hope to somehow get out the dog will scratch the door, bark, howl
and gnaw everything. Leaving it is necessary to leave the door to the room open,
but give the command “place”.

It is extremely undesirable to leave a small puppy for a long time alone.
He will lose faith in his master, there will be no close contact and trust.
Such dogs are difficult to train, sometimes even impossible.

Feeding area

The kitchen is another important area that must necessarily
присутствовать in the apartment. Not нужно позволять щенку тащить кусок
meat to his mat and eat it there. The baby needs to understand
that they eat and sleep in different spaces.

The most convenient way to feed the dog in the kitchen. Notобходимо под стенкой,
To not in the middle of the room, put two bowls. One is intended
for food, the second for drinking water.

Feeding plates better to buy metal or
ceramic. You can lay them under the oilcloth to the floor not
smeared during feeding. Every time after eating a plate
clean and wash. Dishes with water left. Once a day, a plate
wash and pour fresh drink.

Если собака большая, во время приема пищи ей notльзя низко
tilt your head. therefore тарелки должны находиться в приподнятом
condition on a special shelf.

ATремя для прогулок

Ухаживая за щенком в квартире notвозможно полноценно
satisfy the need of the baby in games. It means walking
notобходимо уделять достаточное количество времени.

Full-fledged walking will be only when the animal is running,
напрыгается, пообщается с сородичами, выплесnotт всю скопившуюся

Стоит знать, что щенку notдостаточно одного опорожnotния мочевого
the bubble. He should go to the toilet 2-3 times. Therefore, inыгуливать их
need three times a day and is in the fresh air one by one
one o’clock

Be sure to let the pet off the leash so that it is free.
ran around. This contributes to the proper development of the skeleton, musculature and

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