How to become more confident in 3 minutes a day.A list of 25 things you can be proud ofwhat

Вт, 26 июн 2018 Автор: психолог Настасья

Do you suffer from self-doubt? Consider yourself
worse than others? Doubt your thoughts and beliefs and not
Can you imagine your strengths and weaknesses?
Uncertainty makes you timid, forcing you to constantly defend yourself or
try to please other people.

Some exude confidence without actually having it, but
high self-esteem is reflected not only in our actions. it
positive attitude towards yourself, high appreciation of your ideas and awareness
self-worth. Confidence allows us to take care of
yourself, consider yourself equal to other people, proud of yourself and your
by life.

About 50% of self-confidence is inherent in us genetically. TO
Fortunately, we can affect the remaining 50%!

A simple exercise that you can do yourself,
It takes very little time and increase self-esteem.


The exercise is called the Daily Success Review.

It resembles the famous “Three Blessings” technique when you
at the end of each day, remember the three nice things that
happened to you today. And now spend three minutes and make
a list of three successful things you can boast

“Success” does not necessarily imply any
significant achievements, although if you have them
remember them and bask in the glory. But do not lose sight
and daily “small victories”. Focusing on small
success, you start to think and act constructively, and grows
вероятность того, what в последующие дни число ваших «маленьких
victories “multiplied.

TOое-кто воскликнет: «Успехи?! I have no success! All
my life is a mess. ” What can be considered victories?

A list of 25 things you can be proud of
what, вдохновит вас:

1. You made the right decision.

2. You have found time for sports.

3. You showed empathy for yourself when you failed,
вместо того, whatбы ругать и наказывать себя.

4. You have responded better than usual.

5. You allowed yourself to rest and take a break when
выбились из сил, вместо того, whatбы подгонять себя.

6. You managed not to spoil everything worse.

7. You helped another person.

8. Вы нашли в себе силы сказать «нет», потому what у вас были
their important affairs.

9. You completed the project at work.

10. Вы решили, what проект безнадежен и прекратили заниматься

11. You worked hard and brought the case to the end, despite
all the difficulties.

12. Вы медитировали, whatбы вернуть душевное

13. You were able to find the right words, consoling a friend.

14. You were wrong, but made the right conclusions.

15. You made a mistake, but you didn’t let her spoil your

16. You organized a meeting of friends.

17. You refused unreasonable requirements and installed
boundaries in a relationship.

18. Вы извинились за то, what поступили неправильно. Or
forced yourself not to apologize if you did not do anything

19. You acted in accordance with your values ​​and
beliefs, although it was not easy.

20. You set yourself a goal and followed it a whole

21. You have an idea how to improve your life.

22. You have a brilliant thought about what you do.

23. Вы заранее подготовились к важному событию, так what
now you do not need to hurry.

24. Вы приняли то, what нельзя изменить, и сэкономили

25. You paused before acting, not
reacted impulsively as they used to.

Do a “Daily Success Review” for a few weeks.
Your goal is to develop positive thinking. Find
positive points in all actions. Celebrate courage
which you show when you learn from your mistakes.

By doing this exercise regularly, you will begin to notice any
success immediately as soon as it appears. Noting even a small
victory, give yourself a compliment: “Ege, yes, I coped well with
this! “,” Good decision! “,” Well done! You held on beautifully! ”

Given the tendency of our thinking to negative, we are accustomed
too concentrate on failures. TOонечно, полезно учиться на
their slips. If you find the courage to do this, praise yourself.
It’s not so easy to honestly look at your failure and find it.
the reason. But if today one failure followed another, simply
forgive yourself and move on.

�“Daily review of success” – an excellent way to self-knowledge

By doing this exercise, you will soon begin to notice
patterns and identify patterns of behavior that lead to
to success. Вы заметите, what у вас есть сильные стороны в одной области
and disadvantages in the other. Вы поймете, what вас влечет и what вы цените в
of life. You will be easier to understand others. You will understand what
people and events improve your mood, and which situations are better
to avoid.

Reflections on their successes and values ​​have a positive
influence our behavior, thinking and even academic
academic performance Исследования установили, what признание успехов
increases our IQ level is 10 points!

The opportunity to enjoy success makes life enjoyable and
meaningful. Since pleasure and meaningfulness are the two most important
components of happiness, you will definitely feel

Yes, daily gains may seem too small and
insignificant, but small victories are often the sweetest!

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