How to achieve sexual compatibility

Tue, Feb 25, 2014

Sexual compatibility between a man and a woman is determined
in the early stages of their intimate relationships.

It is believed that couples do not have problems in
sexual life. Why is it more often possible to hear about sexual
incompatibility as the main reason for the separation of partners?

According to psychologists, the term “sexual incompatibility” is not
exists. This concept often covers unwillingness (inability)
partners “find a common language” in the intimate sphere. Many couples, so
justify their sexual problems. Partners do not want
delve into the causes of sexual dissatisfaction and psychological
aspects of collaborative relationships. It’s easier to say “We have a sexy
incompatibility “, rather than to understand the essence of the problems.

The diagnosis of sexual incompatibility often affects people with
low level of trust towards each other, selfishness of one of
partners and, as a result, ignoring the feelings and desires of a loved one

Sexologists identify several parameters by which you can
establish sexual incompatibility.

  • Психологические факторы: разность сексуального опыта
    partners, the discrepancy between their sexual desires and fantasies.
  • Физиологические признаки: большая разница в возрасте,
    physiological features of a man or woman who may not
    like a partner.
  • Психофизические причины: разные темпераменты и биоритмы.
    A man every day may want love joys, and a woman like that
    frequency of sex can strain. A man may want more intimate
    proximity in the morning hours, while a woman may experience
    discomfort from morning caresses.
  • Моральные устои. Often one partner cannot afford
    allow sex experiments on moral and ethical
    to the principles.
  • Медицинский фактор: наличие сексуальных дисфункций,
    who do not allow one of the partners to fully enjoy

Is it possible to achieve sexual compatibility?

Sexual incompatibility is not a disease. To achieve harmony
in the intimate sphere, you need to understand the reasons that underlie
sexual dissatisfaction.

The best solution is to talk problems and worries with
partner. Undue – the main enemy of sexual relations.
Men and women need to learn to understand each other, to find
psychological or sexual compromises.

Love without compromise is not possible. The same applies to intimate

To overcome the sexual incompatibility of both partners
it is necessary:

  • want to return harmony to intimate life,
  • confide in each other, talk about your feelings and
  • understand the needs and desires of a loved one

If it is difficult to achieve sexual harmony on your own, you can
seek help from professional psychologists and

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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