How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

It’s no secret that women are much
more sensitive, more sensitive and sensitive than men. They are much sharper
perceive everything that happens to them and literally miss everything
through itself. For this reason, women are much harder to experience
breaks, conflicts with relatives and loved ones, family dramas,
betrayals, etc. Many women
extraordinarily vindictive and vindictive. If some of them are capable
understand and forgive the offender, others are ready to announce to him
large-scale war.

So, which representatives of the zodiac signs are not worth
bring to a nervous breakdown or emotional



How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Милые Aries обладают достаточно мягким характером и весьма
patient, able to stand in the place of another person and see
on the situation on his part. They are friendly, gentle and generous.
If someone close, loved or loved ones makes Aries sick,
betray his trust and hopes, he will not take revenge on him.

A woman – Aries is likely to lock up in his room,
will give free rein to emotions, cry and, having calmed down, will continue

She is ready to give the offender one more chance, to find an excuse for him.
act and forget about the word “revenge.”


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Taurus, по сравнению с Овнами, обладают более взрывоопасным,
heavy character and iron will. In addition, they have an early
childhood a very developed sense of justice. Therefore, if
Taurus woman faced injustice towards herself
she will not be silent, but will act.

Taurus is of the opinion that the answer should be
the same was hello.

This means that if a Taurus, for example, is confronted with a male
treason, then she will take revenge in an appropriate way – she will find herself
stunning lover, and with peace of mind will


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Twins – крайне ранимые и обидчивые создания. Relationship they
given their whole being, so any insult caused
a loved one, can lead to a collapse, the collapse of the relationship.

Twins – женщины обиду не простят, к себе больше не

They will try to touch the quick, find the most vulnerable places.
offender and unexpectedly deal a decisive blow. They know how to think
their revenge to the smallest detail, do not calm down until they realize that their
The plan was successfully implemented.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

No one should offend Cancer, because Cancer will remind the offense, after
even a few decades. Woman – Cancer Will Not Hire
killer to get even with the abuser. But she definitely spoil
his life, turn it into hell, will try to deprive the offender peace and

Cancer does not disappear from the life of the abuser immediately after
striking them.

Cancer for some time will pretend that everything is in order and
quietly prepare the “pit” for the traitor.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

One of the most dangerous and not knowing the limits of cruel avengers
are proud, narcissistic lionesses.

These women will stop at nothing to
destroy the offender, turn him into ashes, bring to hysteria,
take away from him the most valuable and expensive.

Lionesses are cold-blooded avengers. They will not act
behind the offender, and destroy his life in his own eyes
and do it with a smile. If someone dared, for example,
to substitute a female lion at work, then she will do everything to
offender lost his job and at the same time will try to make it happen
with shame and public humiliation.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Virgin, по утверждениям астрологов, мстить не умеют. They too
good-natured, trusting, to respond with evil to evil.

Virgin свято верят в то, что судьба сама рано или поздно
avenge them, that the boomerang law will put everything in its

All that a maid can do is to say in the face of the abuser everything
what she thinks of him and experiences and then disappear from his life
forever and ever.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Women – scales belong to those people whom revenge brings
only good. This means that they will not cause evil, pain
to the offender, to destroy his life, but it can make him unhappy for himself
a lot of useful.

Revenge is the inspiration for Libra.

For example, if any fearless lady dared to turn
the attention of the one who the scales want to see next to him,
soon they will find themselves a suitor even better, prettier, richer than
former object of love. The best revenge is the envy of the offender.

Libra сделают все, чтобы обидчик им завидовал и чувствовал себя
defective loser.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Женщины – Scorpions – самые стервозные существа. Offend them or
hitting is not easy. But, if it did happen, then
mercy does not have to wait.

Scorpio will be hard to bite, poison poison and bring to

It is important to strike the enemy with a maximum of painful blows to the psyche.
The mind and the immoral state of the offender are the main targets.

A scorpion woman wants to see how the enemy suffers and suffers.
Only then will she be at peace.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Sagittarius – дамы не озабочены местью, но, если уж мстить, то, по
their allegations, it is necessary to do it spectacularly and beautifully so that the public
exulted, applauded and admired the character of the archers, their
the ability to stand up for himself, and the offender was humiliated and insulted.

Sagittarius весьма злопамятны.

They can not be limited to one revenge, but bring again and again
the enemy, do him dirty tricks, even after many years.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

The most thoughtful, ingenious and malicious can be called revenge
women – ibex. They can plan everything for months, given
the smallest details, thinking through the consequences.

From the woman – Capricorn we can expect a massive blow in
back, loud bang into the most important responsible

They will follow the life of the abuser, diligently write
your observations in a notebook and prepare a list of atrocities. therefore
Capricorn angry and offend astrologers do not advise anyone.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Aquarius – вовсе не мстительные существа. They are not capable of
insidious, cunning plans for revenge. Bring Women – Aquarius to
the appearance of their desire for revenge is extremely difficult.

Aquarius, as a rule, revenge itself not

The abuser can not remain indifferent to moral stamina
women – Aquarius, her imperturbability, strong spirit. Ведь Aquarius
psychologically very resistant.


How revenge women of different signs of the zodiac

Only the one whom she truly loves can hurt a fish.

На других людей Fish не станут тратить ни времени, ни

Ladies – representatives of this sign – these intrigues.
Gossip, rumors, damage to reputation – their favorite ways of revenge. Fish
are also masters in locating sore spots and
destruction of the enemy through pressure on them. therefore с рыбами
it is not recommended to enmity anyone.

Psychologists agree on the opinion that revenge is
real poison for the human psyche. It, first of all, ruins
and poisons offended. therefore куда проще и лучше будет постараться
let go of insults and live on.

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