How much to feed a cat per day: routineproper feeding. How much feed does a cat need per day forhealthy development

Ср, 07 мар 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Virtually every cat owner thinks
how many times a day you need to feed the animal. How much food
necessary for the full development of a small kitten and an adult
the cat. Properly balanced diet is the basis of health.


Какой корм необходим кошке для healthy development

In the preparation of a nutritional diet, veterinarians allocate three
The most common types of feeding:

1.•Покупные сухие корма или консервы — это
specially designed products containing the whole
necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. But, acquiring them is necessary
consider for what age they are intended. Also very
important physiological features of the pet, for example, animals after
castration make adjustments to the diet.

Feline canned foods are divided into several

• Super premium food – they only contain
natural ingredients, the whole complex of minerals, vitamins and fatty

• Premium feed – added to natural ingredients
offal. Animal protein is replaced by vegetable. Vitamins and
minerals are contained in small quantities. Therefore, this food
can not be used as a primary.

• Economy option – low-calorie and non-vitaminized feed.
In their composition there is nothing natural, but only meat waste, soy,
colors and flavors.

2.•Еда со стола — чаще всего именно такими
Inexperienced cat owners feed their pets with food. This food
valid, but many components need to be excluded. The specialists
warn, if you give the cat everything he asks for his health
great danger. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract will suffer, the liver
and kidneys.

It is strictly forbidden to give the cat sweet, baked, fried
and salty. Food with spices and pickled products.

3.•Натуральный корм — как считают многие
Veterinarians that is the best option nutrition. Important
The peculiarity of such a diet is its diversity. Meat cat can
only diet, no pork. Do not give meat products
raw. It is necessary to conduct heat treatment. The same goes for fish,
milk and eggs.

How many times a day to feed the kittens

Needs a little kitty, an adult cat and enough
A mature cat is very different. Therefore, the diet is compiled
based on them.

Fluffy age from birth to six months eat
more often. But this does not mean that you need to feed them around the clock, here
must adhere to strict regime.

From the first days of life, babies need frequent feeding. therefore
if for some reason they were left without a mother, the first three days
they need food every two hours around the clock.

Further, until the fulfillment of one month, the “babies” are fed day and night,
observing the interval between feedings 4 hours.

In the period from 1 to 2 months kittens are slowly weaned from milk and
introduce lures. The frequency of feeding is also reduced. First they
give food every 6 hours, then transfer to three times
food (in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening). To prevent fasting or
overeating, baby regularly weighed on the scales.

It happens that the kitten can not get enough. In that
If it is better to check for worms, it is often
parasites cause uncontrollable appetite. Sometimes
persistent hunger causes a disease like
hyperthyroidism. therefore кота следует отнести на обследование в
veterinary clinic.

After the sixth month and up to a year, veterinarians recommend feeding
young cat twice a day. Animal, not accustomed to the regime
питания, может просить еду more often. Cannot be supplemented otherwise
There is a high probability of obesity in a cat. Especially if she
too lazy and leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Breeders cat insist that as soon as possible
to teach a kitten to eat strictly at a certain time and exclusively
with your individual dish. Then, already in adulthood
Fluffy never fit on the table, and will not beg for food.

How many times a day to feed an adult cat

The cat’s physiological and mental health is directly dependent on
graphics and quality of food. Proper adult feeding time
animal – morning and evening hours.

It is very important that the food is cleaned after feeding. First
queue this will prevent possible poisoning, since food can
spoil during the day. Secondly, the uneaten food
indicates that the pet is full. therefore пищу
dispose of and thoroughly wash the bowl.

Drinking water must be constantly, you only need
periodically change it so that it is fresh and clean all the time.
Perfect filtered or boiled water. Bowl with
water should be placed near the food, but the cat should be
comfortable eating and drinking.

Есть один способ, как определить правильный вес pet For
it is necessary on both sides to clasp its ribs. If they
practically not detectable, it means cat overeats and he
obesity. Conversely, when the rib plates are too bulging,
the animal is starving.

How much feed does a pregnant cat need per day

There is a misconception that a pregnant and nursing cat should
кушать как можно more often. This is not true. She needs a certain diet,
appointed by the veterinarian. We can not allow it
grown fat, then the cat will be difficult to give birth.

A nursing mother should be fed more often and in slightly larger portions. But
nutrition must be fortified, not high-calorie.

How and how many times feed mature cats

Cats that have reached the age of seven, fed only one
once a day. Often by this time they already have problems with
teeth and gums, so it’s better if the food is fine, soft and

In old age, cats can pick and choose
a meal. Butвые продукты стоит вводить осторожно и маленькими порциями,
not to bring the body of an elderly animal to inflammation
gastrointestinal tract.

How much to feed a cat a day, how much feed
need to

The amount of feed depends on age, breed and physiological
особенностей pet Adult healthy cat for one feeding
should eat no more than 200 grams. food. This rate includes 150 grams.
protein food and 50-70 gr. carbohydrates. While cats
British and Scottish breeds need more

Castrated and sterilized animals are more lazy, therefore
their portion is reduced.

Loving owners time a long separation compensate the cat with something
yummy. According to zoopsychologists, pets need and more important
care and attention than a piece of sausage.

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