How many calories in vodka?

Vodka is a popular strong alcoholic drink in the countries. former CIS. People love her so much that in the minds of foreigners the association was even entrenched: “Russia is snow, bears, balalaika and vodka. ” From a chemical point of view, this drink is ethyl alcohol, diluted with distilled water. His fortress is 40 degrees. Let’s find out how many calories are in vodka, what are its useful and harmful properties, read the rules of its reception.

How many calories in vodka?


Chemical composition and nutritional value

There are no vitamins in vodka. The exception is thiamine. (vitamin B1), whose content in 100 grams of the drink is estimated at a meager 0.005 mg, riboflavin (B2) – 0.007 mg. From minerals in vodka most sodium (up to 10 milligrams), followed by potassium and calcium (1 mg each). The list is completed with iron and copper (0.01 mg each).

If we consider the ratio of the mass of ingredients, 100 grams vodka includes 66.2 grams of purified water and 33.4 grams of ethyl alcohol. Now a few words about BZHU. In vodka there is no protein and fat, and carbohydrate content is estimated at 0.4 grams per 100 milliliters product.


Caloric content of vodka per 100 grams

The energy value of vodka, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 220 to 235 kcal. The average is considered an indicator at 229 kcal. �”Where in the vodka calories, if there are no carbohydrates, proteins and fat? ”- you ask. Они берутся из этилового alcohol. One gram This substance has an energy value of 7 kcal.

Knowing that in 100 grams of the product 33 grams of alcohol (not to be confused with fortress, which is 40%), we can calculate that the caloric content of this amount of drink should be 231 kilocalories. That’s right, the calculated result coincides with the real one. The number of calories in vodka is 0.5 – 1150 kcal, and in a liter of drink – 2300 kcal.

Rules for taking vodka < / h2>

  1. Choose a quality product. < / strong> Do not try to save on vodka. Cheap products substandard. �”Palenka” can lead to a quick hangover and severe food poisoning. At the same time, a high-quality alcohol product (“Premium” category) is drunk easily and does not affect the well-being the next day. < / Li>
  2. Prepare the body for consumption of alcohol. < / strong> If you plan to consume large amounts of alcohol, think about it in advance. The body must be properly prepared for vodka. 1-2 hours before the start of the feast, drink 50 grams. Then the body will begin to produce substances to block the negative effects of alcohol. In common people, this method is called more simply: “start the liver.” < / Li>
  3. Take care of alcohol absorption. < / strong> Eat some fatty foods at least 40-50 minutes before the start of the feast. Even a sandwich will do. Fatty food “shifts” the onset of exposure to alcohol, allowing you to no longer get drunk. And in order to absorb alcohol, you can use activated charcoal. 7-8 tablets, taken half an hour before the feast, will help you not to “disconnect” at the table. < / Li>
  4. Cool the vodka properly before drinking. < / strong> The drink should be steaming, but not warm. 2-3 hours before consumption, the bottle should be placed in a refrigerated (not freezing) chamber. If the vodka is “frozen” with ice, you will get drunk many times faster. Frozen water crystallizes near the walls or bottom of the tank, and you have to drink pure ethyl alcohol from the glass, the freezing point of which is lower. < / Li>
  5. If you drink it down, then juice or compote. < / strong> Vodka is contraindicated to drink carbonated beverages – mineral water or soda. Bubbles irritate the stomach walls, so you get drunk faster. If you really want to drink a glass, use for this natural juice, fruit juice or fruit juice. < / Li>
  6. Between the first and second. < / strong> Experts advise to maintain at least a 5-minute interval between 1 and 2 glasses. After the third pile, it is advisable to take a short walk from the table. < / Li>
  7. Eat right. < / strong> Snacks should not be too fat and have a high calorie content. It should contain dietary fiber, pectin. Good options are vegetables, fruits (ideally apples), sauerkraut, honey, lemon. < / Li>
  8. Do not mix with other alcoholic beverages. < / strong> You cannot lower the degree, otherwise you will not feel very good the next morning. It is undesirable to mix vodka with beer and a sparkling vein containing carbon dioxide. About its influence on the process of intoxication is written above. < / Li> < / ol>

    Table calorie alcohol per 100 grams < / h2>

    The higher the alcohol content in an alcoholic beverage, the higher its caloric content. This is a general rule. But you see, I would like to get more accurate information about the calorie content in popular types of alcohol. The following table will help you with this:

    < / tr> < / thead>

    Name of the alcoholic beverage < / th>

    Alcohol content,% < / th>

    100 ml calories kcal < / th> < / tr>

    Non-alcoholic beer < / td>

    0.5 < / td>

    26 < / td> < / tr>

    Light beer < / td>

    4.2 < / td>

    42 < / td> < / tr>

    White dry wine < / td>

    12 < / td>

    66 < / td> < / tr>

    Dry red wine < / td>

    12 < / td>

    75 < / td> < / tr>

    Champagne < / td>

    12 < / td>

    85 < / td> < / tr>

    Baileys Liquor < / td>

    17 < / td>

    320 < / td> < / tr>

    Port < / td>


    160 < / tr>

    Sambuca < / td>

    40 < / td>

    240 < / td> < / tr>

    Cognac < / td>

    40 < / td>

    242 < / td> < / tr>

    Tequila < / td>

    40 < / td>

    232 < / td> < / tr>

    Vodka < / td>

    40 < / td>

    229 < / td> < / tr>

    Whiskey < / td>

    40 < / td>

    220 < / tr>

    Absinthe < / td>

    60 < / td>

    170 < / td> < / tr> < / tbody> < / table>

    Use and harm of vodka < / h2>

    Vodka is difficult to categorize unequivocally as harmful or useful products. It all depends on how much you consume it. Let’s consider the harmful and beneficial properties of this drink. Let’s start with the positive moments:

    • Consuming no more than 30 ml of drink per day reduces the risk of developing coronary disease. < / li>
    • Vodka prevents the development of gallstone disease. < / li>
    • Small doses protect against diabetes. < / li>
    • Ethyl alcohol dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow. 30 grams of drink for this purpose is more than enough. < / Li>
    • Infrequent use of vodka – prevention of cold, stenocardia, arthritis and oncological diseases. < / li>
    • Vodka relieves cough during bronchitis or tracheitis. < / li>
    • When applied externally, diluted alcohol has antipyretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Drink can handle fresh wounds, disinfecting them. < / Li> < / ul>

      Now let’s talk about the dangers of vodka for the body. It manifests itself most significantly if a person exceeds the daily dose of the drink in 25-35 ml:

      • Frequent consumption forms intractable drug addiction to alcohol. < / li>
      • Vodka greatly damages the liver, at times increasing the load on this organ and, over time, leading to the development of cirrhosis. This alcoholic drink is also harmful to the kidneys. < / Li>
      • The heart of a drinker is reduced more often than usual, while oxygen in the blood is not enough. In the long run, this is fraught with arrhythmia, hypertension, dystrophy of the heart muscle. < / Li>
      • Blood transports toxins contained in alcohol to all tissues of the body. Accumulating in them, these substances gradually destroy them. Health and quality of life deteriorates many times. < / Li>
      • It has a toxic effect on brain cells, leading to the death of neurons. < / li>
      • Vodka has a negative effect on the nervous system of the body. With excessive consumption of the drink, memory and intelligence are impaired, the reaction to external stimuli weakens. Undergoes changes and human behavior. < / Li>
      • The drink has a high calorie content. With a lack of physical activity, calories lead to weight gain. < / Li> < / ul>

        The norm of drinking vodka during a feast is an individual concept. Someone and one bottle seem a little, and someone already after 100 grams can fall asleep in the Russian. The main rule – stop drinking when the drink stops “crawling.” This is a sure sign, the appearance of which should immediately stop. Control alcohol consumption and in no case do not drink too much! Remember that 1 liter of vodka, drunk in 1-1.5 hours, is considered a lethal dose. Half a liter can cause a stroke. The daily consumption rate of the drink – 30 grams.


        Vodka and Diet < / h2>

        The problem of obesity today is relevant. The presence of excess weight accelerates the development of all kinds of diseases: diabetes, diseases of the circulatory system. Therefore, it is desirable to get rid of body fat as quickly as possible. True ways to lose weight – high physical activity, contributing to increased energy expenditure, and the right diet (diet). But is it possible to use vodka if you are on a diet? It is highly undesirable to do this for the following reasons:

        1. Vodka calorie in itself. The bottle contains up to 1200 kcal! < / Li>
        2. Consuming alcohol increases appetite. Do not break the diet you will be difficult. < / Li>
        3. Drink richly bites high-calorie foods. As a result, in just one meal you can consume a lot more daily calories. < / Li>
        4. In the state of intoxication, consciousness and mind become clouded, it will be difficult for you to control food intake. < / li>
        5. Ethyl alcohol adversely affects the tissues and internal organs of the body, making it difficult for them to function normally. < / li> < / ol>

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