How many calories in orange

An orange is that “sunny” fruit whose appearance known to anyone. This fruit can rightfully be considered the most famous and popular representative of the vast family citrus fruit In the recent past, an orange was considered a delicacy, worthy of kings. Today it is exported (mainly from Spain, Morocco and South Africa) to all corners of the world. Millions of people consider this fruit your favorite fruit. It’s time to figure out how many calories in an orange and what useful properties it has.


How much does an orange weigh?

Quick answer: average 150-200 grams

сколько калорий в апельсине

Orange calorie 1 pc without peel – 65 kcal


Orange calories per 100 grams

Orange, like other citrus fruits, is consumed not only fresh. Fruit is made into candied fruits, jams, fresh juice, and from peel extract essential oil used for making carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is clear to judge calorie orange can not. We invite you to learn about energy value of popular products.

• Without a peel • With a peel • Dried • Orange juice • Orange oil • Jam

Without peel

The energy value of citrus is low. And the orange is not is an exception. Energy value of fruit pulp is 43 kilocalories per 100 g. The content of the same calories in 1 pc determined by the weight of the fetus. Considering that the mass of an average fruit without peel is 150 grams (and diameter – 8 centimeters), you can do The conclusion is that:

• Calorie content of 1 orange without peel – 65 kcal.


The peel has a relatively low calorie content of 16 kilocalories per 100 g. In the skin of an orange there is a base which used for making essential oil. It contains sodium, fat, ascorbic acid, beneficial to the circulatory system potassium and other substances. Orange zest is used to eliminate edema, it normalizes the body’s water-salt balance. Tincture peel is useful for women, as it facilitates the flow menstruation, reducing pain. It is in orange peel there are substances that effectively fight cholesterol. therefore do not throw it away. Like and eat unlimited quantities: in this case, the appearance of allergic reactions.

• Energy value of orange with peel – 57 kcal per 100 gram.

In dried (candied fruit)

Orange candied fruit peel, boiled in concentrated sugar syrup, and then dried in candied form. This is a fragrant tasty and healthy delicacy. Candied foods are consumed directly, added to all kinds of desserts and pastries. In addition, they are often used. for decorating ready meals.

Candied orange candies have the greatest benefits. personally. Let’s tell how to do it. Take the peel orange with pulp, soak in water for 3-4 days until bitterness is removed. The fluid must be changed several times, preventing it. souring. Then soaked peel 3-5 times boiled in concentrated sugar syrup. After each cooking product must brew. At the end of the candied fruit must be well dried.

• Caloric content of 100 g of dried product – 301 kilocalories.

In orange juice

Using a juicer or even manually, squeezing a few fruit, you can get natural orange juice. Thanks low-calorie freshly squeezed fresh may include in your the daily diet of people leading the fight with overweight.

At the same time, it is useful. In natural orange juice contains a large amount of vitamin C: 300 milliliters of drink will satisfy the daily need for it. It is used when flu, cold and sore throat as a febrifuge and anti-inflammatory drugs. Eat an orange should and people suffering from hypertension, diseases of the joints, skin and respiratory organs. Thanks высокому содержанию полезных веществ natural orange juice effectively fights against avitaminosis, and also anemia and other circulatory diseases.

• Energy value of orange juice – 36 kilocalories per 100 milliliters.

In orange oil

Essential oil extracted from orange peel is beneficial acts on many organs and body systems. It quickly improves mood, eliminates depression, anxiety, restores energy resources after serious diseases, promotes accelerated skin regeneration. Oil returns sharpness sight, relieves inflammation of the gums and protects them from bleeding. Therapeutic essential oil is also an easy choleretic agent, cleansing the body of toxins.

Orange strengthens the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to viral infections. Women are aware of its widespread use in cosmetology. Orange oil gives the hair a gorgeous shine and pleasant aroma, makes the scalp softer and strengthens the roots curls. A mask using this product rejuvenates the skin Face, increase skin elasticity, moisturize it and smooth wrinkles. Considering that orange oil is nobody consumes pure (a few drops are added to the water), it can be concluded that fear of a high amount of calories is not worth it.

• Energy value of orange oil – 888 kcal per 100 ml.

Orange jam and jam

Fragrant orange jam is a favorite treat for children and adults. It is important that it not only tastes good, but also beneficial features. In the process of heat treatment the fruit is not lose their qualities, so in the winter orange jam is an excellent tool to strengthen the immune system. But if you trying to lose weight, do not lean on the product too hard.

• Калорийность варенья  – 268 килокалорий (высока за счёт sugar content).

Composition and nutritional value of fruit < / h2>

The advantage of this citrus fruit is the high capacity of vitamin C with ascorbic acid. 1 small orange (weighing 150 grams) contains more than 80 milligrams. And this is the daily human need for vitamin C! The structure of an orange includes vitamins of group B, A, PP and an impressive amount of trace elements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and sodium). Fruits contain organic acids that break down fats, valuable dietary fibers, improve digestion processes and remove toxins from the body.

Orange is more than 80% water. The ratio of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) is typical of citrus fruits: the capacity of one component is high. In 100 grams of fruit, the minimum fat content (0.2% of the total mass) and proteins (0.9%). Carbohydrates in orange more: 8.1%. They contain most of the calories. Carbohydrates in orange are mono- and disaccharides (primarily fructose and glucose). They are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, releasing energy reserves. For this reason, the orange has an invigorating and refreshing effect.

Daily Rate < / h2>

How many oranges can you eat per day? 1 fruit will satisfy your body’s daily need for ascorbic acid. If you do not show signs of allergy to citrus fruits, you can eat even one kilogram of oranges per day. But nutritionists believe that the recommended amount is 2 large or 3 small fruits per day. It is useful for children to consume 1 large or 2 small oranges per day. Суточная норма сока – 300-400 ml.


How is an orange useful for the body < / h2>

Vitamins, macro-and micronutrients contained in orange have a beneficial effect on the body. Regular consumption will improve your well-being and protect you from many diseases. We list the benefits of oranges:

  • The fetus helps the body fight viruses, strengthens the immune system. Accelerates the cure for colds and flu. < / Li>
  • Orange has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the work of the stomach, stimulates the secretion of bile, better appetite. < / li>
  • Tones, refreshes, restores strength and reduces fatigue. < / li>
  • Accelerates metabolism by stimulating accelerated fat burning. < / li>
  • Oranges are recommended to be taken for avitaminosis, and even for its prevention. < / li>
  • Fruit juice is useful for chronic liver, bronchus and lung diseases. < / li>
  • Orange cleans the blood, reduces the concentration of cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, capillaries, reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease. Fruits due to the content of potassium and iron are useful for anemia and hypertension. < / Li>
  • Folic acid contained in orange is effective for infertility. It ensures the normal development of the child in the womb and maintains the beauty and health of the skin even during diets. < / Li>
  • Ascorbic acid is useful in atherosclerosis, obesity. < / li>
  • Antioxidants slow down the process of cellular aging. < / li>
  • Orange juice is useful to consume in the morning on an empty stomach with chronic constipation. < / li>
  • Orange essential oil eliminates inflammation and kills bacteria in the oral cavity, promotes rapid healing of wounds and ulcers. < / li>
  • In cosmetology, orange masks are used to moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins. < / li> < / ul>

    The benefits of orange is confirmed by nutritionists. This fruit is a real find for people who want to be slim and fit. The low calorie content of the fetus (37 kcal per 100 grams), along with a rich content of vitamins and other nutrients, helps maintain the body during the stressful period associated with losing weight. There are even orange diets, the effectiveness of which thousands of women have tested on themselves.


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