How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope withstresses

How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Every person in life periodically faces
stresses, различными негативными факторами и ситуациями, которые
leave their mark on it. At such moments, human
the psyche and the body work together as a whole, with the goal
struggle with their unpleasant consequences.

But if for one reason or another the body is
неспособным к активной борьбе со stresses, депрессией и пр, то
a person receives serious damage. Fortunately, the stars endow
representatives of different signs of the zodiac potential to combat
negative impact and help them withstand stress,
other poorly potent but depressing factors. As different signs
зодиака справляются со stresses?



How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Representatives of this sign is vital, first
turn, free up all the negative energy that
accumulated in them due to stress. For this they can become
the instigators of a major scandal, kill all the dishes in the house, arrange
chaos and bring close to the extreme boiling point. Only after that
they will calm down and continue to move forward with a free soul.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Ladies – calves are not as aggressive as rams, and the method of their struggle
with stress is much calmer and more peaceful. The main thing – in moments
stress leave a female calf alone. Should not offer her
divide her grief or try to distract her. Let the lady – Taurus
will be alone, analyze the situation. After
frank conversation with yourself and calm your nerves in
alone lady – Taurus soon return to normal. the main thing
– give her time and opportunity to be alone.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Gemini, on the contrary, needs maximum attention, sympathy, and
support to be inspired to fight stress. Important to give them
speak out and silently listen to everything they say. Also
valuable at the time of stress for the lady – twin body contact.
It should embrace her more often, hug her, touch her
hands, stroking the head and lull, like a little girl. Such
behavior will help her feel protected and faster
calm down. No less useful will be the tender words. After all, in
stressful situations, twin women often become alike
on children.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Cancer needs to give free rein to emotions. But she won’t release
negative energy as women – rams do. She doesn’t
will strike the dishes, look for conflicts. It is enough for her to do
creativity, sports – in short, to allow to put all the negative in
favourite hobby. It is in stressful situations that raki are women.
especially productive and energetic. They can create
breathtaking things, create masterpieces and admire
surrounding Therefore, for representatives of this sign, stress even
useful if it is, of course, in reasonable quantities.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Lionesses, despite all their external strength and power, can not cope
со stresses в одиночку. They need the help of a qualified
specialist, therefore, it is advisable to send lionesses in times of stress
to psychologists. They are in a very colorful form and with a huge
pleasure to tell him about all their misadventures and
misfortunes and will soon return to its former state. After all, the most valuable
– These are ears that really know how to listen and hear.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Virgin обладают устойчивой нервной системой, но, тем не менее, и
they sometimes become victims of stress. The best way to deal with
stresses для представительниц этого знака – вкусная, вредная пища,
which they so passionately love. The maiden will go to a favorite store,
will buy her adored food and, returning home, will absorb it under
good music Do not mind the virgin to drink and a glass of wine to fight
со stresses было интереснее и веселее.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Libra должны спокойно сесть, взять листок бумаги, ручку и
make a detailed plan for getting out of a difficult situation in which they
turned out to be. Only careful logical analysis, weighing all
unpleasant consequences and theoretically possible benefits will help
weights do not fall into despondency in moments of stress. As soon as they make sure
is that everything is actually not as scary as stress seemed
become for them an empty word.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Scorpio at the time of stress is better not to touch, help him
better not to offer. After all, the lady – a scorpion should remain in full
alone and cry out your grief. Tears will absorb the whole
negativity caused by stress, and the lady – a scorpion can
to upgrade. Scorpio, despite its “noisy” character, and
suffers and comes out of difficult situations calmly and calmly for


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Sagittarius in times of stress communication is vital. But this
not communicating with people. At such times, they are in dire need of close
contact with animals: for example, with cats, horses, dogs,
birds. Stress disappears when a female archer touches
to a warm, smooth fur, looking into loyal dog eyes or
riding a horse on horseback. Animals charge positive archer
energy and take the whole negative which suppresses it


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Capricorns в моменты стресса мечтают оказаться в густом,
impassable forest or in an endless field to shout in full
vote. After all, for them, shouting it out is the best way to fight.
with negative factors. But in the conditions of modern urban life
Little Capricorn manages to do this, so this kind of
getting rid of stress can be replaced by more balanced ones
but no less interesting ways, such as: shooting lessons, occupation
extreme sports or some kind of combat
by art.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Aquarius тесно связаны с природой и ее целебными силами, поэтому
со stresses они борются, прибегая к ее помощи. Dame – Aquarius
free up bad energy and gain strength for the upcoming fight
со stresses, оставаясь наедине с природой, дыша свежим воздухом,
putting your thoughts and feelings in order somewhere by the sea
or in the mountains.


How do women of different signs of the zodiac cope with stresses

Fish не очень успешно борются со stresses, но есть способ,
which ideally suits them is water and everything connected with it.
Swimming is a great opportunity to become mentally easier, to gain
weightlessness and leave all the bad in the water. They can also
advise to visit the lake, the sea more often, listen to the sound of rain, drink
more fluid. After all, inода – их главный источник вдохновения и

Со stresses можно и нужно бороться. But periodically
to deal with them is a familiar and even useful thing. After all, stress
keep the body in good shape, help it to improve. the main thing
– do not allow them to master themselves.

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