How cats express emotions and which ones

How cats express emotions and which ones

Cats – mysterious and very restrained pets.
Sometimes it’s hard to understand that a four-legged friend has a mind, and sometimes these
Pets clearly demonstrate their intentions. However, no matter how cats
hid their feelings attentive host can read
pet mood. You just need to learn to understand what emotions they
experience and how to express.


What do cats feel?

In addition to basic emotions – joy, playfulness, anger,
irritability, peace, etc. cats like people
experience many other more complex sensations. For example,
pets clearly feel the jokes and taunts sent to them and
show dissatisfaction, because no one is pleased to feel
similar moral discomfort.

How cats express emotions and which ones

A cat with a sharp intellect always understands
when she is praised, scolded, and when she becomes a subject

Just watch your pet carefully – when it comes to it.
comes for him, the cat immediately pricks his ears. She tries not to
give the mind that she is interested, but in fact right away
switches to the conversation, trying to understand, good or bad about her
respond, maybe something will be offered.

How cats express emotions and which ones

Of course, animals do not understand human words, but beautifully
react to intonation, loudness of a voice, familiar sound combinations
(pet’s name, familiar commands, frequently used words for a cat
etc.) and respond quickly to each situation differently.

How cats show emotions

Pets communicate using body language, as well as sounds and smells.
Taking certain poses, reinforcing them with sounds, cats report
interlocutor any information. But there are some subtleties.
Onпример, если кошка виляет хвостом, нельзя
unequivocally say that she is unhappy.

How cats express emotions and which ones

Depending on the amplitude of movements, body position and other
little things, wagging need to be interpreted in different ways:

  • tail lowered or horizontally, gushes on the sides,
    the cat is tense, the ears are pressed or strongly pricked, the lips are compressed,
    может издавать угрожающие звуки – гнев, злость,
  • tail raised, slightly trembling, cat collected, ears directed
    вперед, глаза широко раскрыты – сосредоточенность,
    interest, participation, mostly – positive
  • the tail slightly sways, the movements are smooth, the cat is relaxed,
    глаза прикрыты – любимец отдыхает, но готов переключиться на
    another occupation;
  • the tail is tense, immobile or nervously twitching, strongly
    fluffed up, cat extremely focused, ears pricked or retracted
    назад – испуг, напряжение, ощущение опасности, сильного

Очень важно подмечать положение ушей. If a
�”Locators” are directed forward – the cat is concentrated, something
interested, also a measure of confidence. Ears pressed –
anger, conflict. Ears are laid back, but not pressed – uncertainty,
confusion, some confusion.

Eyes well reflect the status of the four-legged friend. Interest,
fear, irritation, joy – all these emotions can be read in
looking cat, especially if the owner has already managed to study the nature
favorite. If a кошка подмигивает – значит, ей
comfortable, and she morally supports the owner.

How cats express emotions and which ones

Also, emotions can be read by paying attention to the expression
mugs Pets have developed mimic muscles,
who are involved in a show of mood.

You can try an experiment: catch the eye
cats, blink it and turn away a little. Often pets rush
come up after such treatment, because this combination of views and
gestures mean cats have an invitation.

Recognizing sounds is easier. Угрожающее рычание,
завывание и шипение
нельзя спутать с нежным благосклонным
мурчанием или требовательным
мяуканьем. Some breeds of cats (oriental,
Siamese, Tonkin, Balinese, etc.) are especially talkative. They
around the clock can be engaged in chants in a different way,
often interfering with the owner. However, here plays a natural role.
sociability and punishment for pet noisiness is not worth it.

How to understand the behavior of a cat

It happens that the behavior of a pet is difficult to interpret, although
certain situations are common. For example, if
кошка трется мордочкой о предметы,
мебель, это вовсе не значит, что она чешется. On
pet actually leaves tags. At the mouth are glands,
who produce a fragrant secret, but his fragrance is man
can not catch. For cats, these signs carry important information.
If a кошка интенсивно потерлась мордочкой о хозяина, значит его
also marked, as the pet considers his person important for

А вот если кошка «бодается» трется макушкой,
о ноги хозяина – это явный знак внимания, любви и
attachment. So the cat shows its tenderness and
favor, although some tricky people in this way can sometimes
beg for something of interest.

Иногда можно заметить, что кошка шла себе по делам,
suddenly stopped and began to lick and
без видимой на то причины (если исключены
skin problems – itching, irritation, etc.). Such swings
due to the fact that the pet has not yet finally decided where to go
and what to do, or on her way there was a sudden obstacle –
closed door, outside noise, etc. And while she waits, she takes
decision, pondering how to proceed, the pet is wasted no time
loses. That is how sharp cats can start to clean up,
because they are very clean pets. Cats are also important.
maintain a good impression of yourself, so if darling
suddenly hesitated, he often veils it by washing, as if
it should have been.

How cats express emotions and which ones

Often, cats, umostivshis near the owner, turn away from him.
If a любимец повернулся к хозяину спиной – это не
means he is offended. Onоборот, подставляя уязвимое место, кошка
demonstrates trust. It means that she is calm and comfortable
near the person she knows that she is safe and makes it clear
host Аналогичная ситуация, когда кошка ложится на
спину, подставляя животик

Living with a cat in the same house can not stop
be surprised by these beautiful pets. Everyone has their own individual
character, each of the favorites – a bright personality. Need all the time
keep in touch with the four-legged friend, do not stop studying
his, and also help and cat understand owner.

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