How can you feed small puppies, can theyraw meat. Feeding puppies for up to a year: can they be given milk,vegetables and cheese

Ср, 25 апр 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

The key to healthy puppy development is proper nutrition and
physical training. External data, the health of internal organs,
correct development of the skeleton and shiny wool – it all depends on
feed quality.


How to feed small puppies

With the introduction of a tiny quad in the house, every owner
must know how to feed a pet. This is the frequency of meals, and
what can eat baby at a certain age of life. How should
eat a puppy during illness or after vaccinations.

From the first days of life, babies should eat very often. First
three days old, they are fed every three hours around the clock. The older
baby becomes, the frequency of meals is reduced. And by one year
A young dog should eat at least 2 times a day.

It is necessary to teach dogs to eat from early age
a certain time of walks and games. It will not only bring up
dog, but also contribute to a healthy physical and mental

Food needs to be rationed, because overeating is also harmful for
gastrointestinal tract, as well as malnutrition. If the ventricle is
constantly full, chances of diarrhea, gastritis,
pancreatitis and obesity.

Vitamins and Minerals

As soon as the dog begins to feed on lures, it’s time to start
give vitamins and trace elements. From the first day after weaning
breast milk is added to the food fish oil. First приемы должны
start with three drops, gradually add a dose to one
year the dog consumed 2 tablespoons of the drug.

If for some reason the puppy has diarrhea, you need
stop taking fat until normal stool, then again

When a dog eats purchased, high-quality feed, in their
The composition has all the necessary nutrients. And if I’m going to pet
you have to cook, then they add a little bit of it. Also added to food
bone meal.

Every puppy needs a complex of minerals that need
constantly use:

1. Calcium gluconate – you need to start taking from 3 tablets to
10 (the rate can not be exceeded).

2. To improve the gastrointestinal tract to give pets activated
coal, if black – 10 tablets in one step. Generally laid
count the number of pills depending on body weight
an animal. On 10 kg of weight according to the instructions there is 1 tablet. Have white
Coal is a bit different dosage.

3. Brewer’s yeast – they can be purchased at any medical or
veterinary pharmacy. The norms of taking pills are indicated on the package and
принимают их тоже в зависимости от веса an animal.

4. Bone meal – it needs to be added to food of a growing body

5. Phytin or kaltsov magnesium salt phytic acid. He is given
so that the animal has a strong nervous system,
and there was no depletion of the body.

6. Calcium glycerophosphate – to take for the prevention of rickets and
general strengthening of the growing body.

7. Regular school chalk for drawing (not dyed) – vets
It is recommended to give for strengthening bones and teeth.

Is it possible to give a puppy cheese

Cottage cheese is a very useful and necessary product for puppies. Special
dog body needs it during the change of teeth, as he
rich in calcium. In older adults, cottage cheese will support
в норме опорно-двигательный аппарат an animal.

Cottage cheese helps to normalize the work of the digestive tract,
prevents the development of constipation.

So that the puppy does not have diarrhea, the curd product should be
low-fat varieties. It can fully replace one meal.

Cheese is a very useful product, it contains vitamins PP,
A, B and C, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper. No cheese
lactose is the component that is not digested over the years
организмом взрослой dogs.

Veterinarians disagree on whether to give cheese to a dog.
Some allow its use in very small doses, as

Dog handlers during the training of puppies, give small pieces
cheese as a reward for good behavior and correctness
command execution.

The use of this product, even in small quantities – 100
gr. a day, bad will not work the pancreas and liver
young organisms puppies.

There are three types of cheeses (Dutch, Adyghe and Tilsit)
which can be given during training. Before the walk is
take a few small pieces. It should be given only with

The following cheeses are prohibited for dogs:

– fused – its consistency is such that the ventricle will be hard
digest. It will stick to the walls of the stomach and intestines, moreover, in
It is composed of many spices.

– Pickled or white cheese – it contains too much
amount of salt.

– Delicious – this is a fat variety of cheese. He is besides diarrhea and
stomach upset does not give the dog anything.

– Smoked – all smoked products are forbidden to animals, those
more than that he smoked not with smoke, but with chemical concentrate (liquid

– Cheese with mold – contains toxins harmful to the gastrointestinal tract as
little puppies and adults to individuals.

Is it possible to milk puppies

This product is certainly necessary and useful, but if it
give, then in small quantities. The main valuable element of milk
– Calcium, it is present in other, more beneficial to the body.
doggies products.

Male dogs are given milk before the end of the period of changing teeth, then
replace it with another meal. Female milk needs
give constantly, especially to those dogs that are kept for
breeding offspring.

Milk does not carry any danger to the life of the pet.
if the animal is not allergic. Milk in large
it can cause diarrhea, diarrhea and vomiting.

The safest milk is goat. In its composition the smallest
the amount of lactose. Low fat bovine but lactose content
it is enhanced.

Can puppies raw meat

Еще один спорный вопрос, можно ли щенкам давать raw meat. AT
raw meat may be the larvae of worms. Some breeders
they recommend boiling water over meat to kill them. But this is not an option.
out of position. Larva burrowing deep in the fibers of the meat
will feel the stream of water.

An effective way to kill the parasites is to freeze the meat
product in the freezer and hold at low temperature
3-4 days. Worm egg larvae consist almost of fluid and,
having frozen all the layers of the product will surely break it.

Do not eat raw meat some artificially derived
decorative breeds of dogs. Also, do not recommend puppies with
stomach disease (gastritis and ulcers).

You can give animals boiled meat, but when heat treated in it
A large amount of beneficial nutrients is lost. Therefore, in
addition to a boiled piece of meat, a puppy will be required

Fried and smoked meat is strictly contraindicated for puppies. AT
a more adult can be allowed to give a young dog a piece
Baked as a treat, but not as a main course.

Can I give puppies vegetables

Vegetables and fruits, very useful and necessary in the diet doggie
products. Carrots and tomatoes contribute to the beautiful color

Starting from two months of age you can offer a puppy in
as a complementary grated raw carrot. But to make it better
digested, it adds lean sour cream or a teaspoon
vegetable oil.

To improve digestion, prevent the formation of dental
stone and remove plaque kids give finely chopped tomatoes.

Antiparasitic natural remedy (anthelmintic) is garlic and
pumpkin seeds. Chop one small clove of garlic and
add to doggie porridge. AT зимний период времени он послужит
excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Sunflower seeds as well
crushed and added to food. They clean the walls like a brush
intestines from worms and their larvae.

Give the puppies and raw potatoes, grated, she
normalizes the microflora of the stomach. Boiled pumpkin and zucchini, cabbage
turnips and rutabaga will be a good addition to the meat dinner.

AT весеннее время, для профилактики авитаминоза малышам добавляют
in food the crushed greens of a nettle and dandelions.

It is contraindicated to give citrus fruits to dogs of any age.
(oranges and tangerines), they can cause an allergic reaction,
которая в некоторых случаях приводит даже к гибели an animal. So
grapes are forbidden, it often causes bloating and diarrhea.

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